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Everything posted by louist

  1. louist

    New ballistic parameters in upcoming patch!

  2. Certainly true. Rubber rounds have been lethal, or have left people permanently disabled. But the point of the post I replied to seemed to be that a less damaging, "non-leathal" option should be more common because it is less damaging. That is, that the more damage a round does, the more rare it should be. I merely meant that such an uncommon and specialized ammunition as rubber rounds should also be uncommon in the game, as I don't agree that rare has to mean better.
  3. Make your posts without personal attacks.
  4. Any major game that uses the live time forces your avatar to stay if the you disconnect, or game "crashes." This isn't much of an argument.
  5. Rare does not inherently mean better. That said, why use handcuffs, when you could just shoot someone? They are less common than bullets. They could have some use in game, for when you don't wish to be lethal. Other dayZ mods have made good use of tranquilizer darts, tasers, and such. But for the sake of balance, having them be more common than lethal rounds seems rather arcad-y to me, and I would personally not approve.
  6. Perhaps they are more common there than in North America, but I don't think (and I am no expert) that they are more common than lethal ammunition, anywhere.
  7. louist

    Correcting SA ballistics

    Looks like Rocket and co are incorporating Gew's changes. Well done, sir!
  8. Care to provide empirical evidence? I only ask because people enjoy different things, or similar things for different reasons. Making a generalization, that one group plays within the mindset of the game, while another group doesn't is nothing more than a matter of opinion, and an arbitrary distinction. Ditto the claim that everyone would have exponentially more fun, which, when I get right down to it, I would love to hear how you are able to quantify enjoyment... Sorry to pick on you. From your point of view, what you say may be true. But from that of others, it may not. In my own opinion, KoS players don't detract from my enjoyment at all. They are another challenge I have to overcome, which I am thankful for, as the other challenges of the game are... nearly toothless. I may die more, but those times that I do not, that I manage to take someone out, are quite enjoyable.
  9. louist

    How many of you can read/write russian?

    Not I, but I've become familiar enough with many of the signs to tell at a glance where I am. Not that I really need them. If I know where I started, my sense of direction is good enough in game to get me where I am going.
  10. We are guinea pigs, but ones who are able to speak and provide feedback. If there is something we like (or don't), we should say so.
  11. louist

    Rags can be ruined?

    Or clothing for that matter. A few bullet holes and some blood in my shirt might not be trendy, but I could still wear it. Thank goodness there aren't police in DayZ.
  12. louist

    Zombie Herds?

    I've been playing the Arma 3 Breaking Point mod lately. While they are the Romero styled slow, dumb zombies, they do a good job hording. Every firefight in a town is by necessity quite brief, as more and more zombies start are attracted to the gunfire and start to swarm the combatants. I'm not sure how well it will go in SA when you draw the attention of 50 sprinting zombies.
  13. louist

    SKS discussion / performance / damage

    Zeroing is a convenience, not a necessity. You can't still pull it off with practice.
  14. louist

    SKS discussion / performance / damage

    It cannot use the long-range scope.
  15. louist

    How does SKS compare to the M4/Mosin

    How do you know he was a server hopper? I mean, by your own admission, you logged into the fire station tower, which seems more like server hopping than a guy who fires at you from the jail :p
  16. louist

    So much for a "stable" update

    I think punishing combat loggers is the wrong way to. If much rather remove their ability to be combat loggers. The current system punishes everyone everyone, though primarily combat loggers. Yes, there is a risk to anyone who logs out, and there should be. But that risk should be coupled with the chance to face that risk. As it is, I can't just sit in the tree line above Cherno and wait for someone to run into the trees, find a bush, and log out. I can then, at some leisure, take aim and kill them. And if I miss? Well, I still have plenty of time to fire again. I'd rather that, should I miss the first time, they are forced to respond. Either bolting, or trying to fight back :p
  17. louist

    So much for a "stable" update

    But isn't that exactly the sort of thing we want? For a combat logger to be forced to engage? Having them run and hide, only to realize they aren't safe, and either try to hide again, else bite the bullet and engage us?By this, I mean that I would much rather fight or chase a player than shoot someone who is defenselessly logging out. Sure, I still will, but there is no enjoyment in It for me. No sense of achievement. If you couldn't find them in the thirty seconds he was sitting waiting to log, you wouldn't have found him sitting there for 30 seconds defenseless. The current system isn't better, as it makes everyone defenseless in a rather obtuse way. At any rate, combat logging, in it's worst incarnation, isn't someone logging out when you have them trapped in a building. It's when you catch someone off-guard, and they immediately terminate the game. Either system solves this problem, and a live timer has the benefit of allowing other players some agency.
  18. louist

    So much for a "stable" update

    Not at all true. There are legitimate complaints from non-combat loggers as well. A live timer would be a better option, both to solve combat logging, and to give anyone else logging off a chance of defending themselves.
  19. louist

    Locking sound when trying to open a "locked" Door.

    I see what you are saying, but as it stands, i believethose doors are just textures on the wall. to give them a sound means going through each model and and defining an interactable area over them, or making them objects in their own right. Entirely possible, but tedious, and I think there are better areas to focus on. Also, just looking at those doors shows them to be false doors. They aren't recessed into a door frame. They're two dimensional. Though, this inspires a thought: what about locked doors that need to be bashed open, making noise? Makes looting a little more interesting and dangerous.
  20. I'm glad you know what's best for the game, and how to direct the devs. Rocket can take another vacation. In all seriousness, though, you'd still be a target, this time for every Rocky Balbambi and anyone with an axe. Those flashlights are fantastic for creating beacons that can be seen for kilometers, and really quite horrible for looting.
  21. louist

    Server Population Question

    A greater investment in a specific community and server would certainly help, I think. The server I play most frequently on the mod certainly has a fairly stable group of players and a greater sense of community, and my interactions, there, tend to be fairly balanced in terms of hostile versus peaceful. With a stable community you see more rivalries and alliances pop up between frequent players. There are players I will go out of my way to kill, and others I will go out of my way to help, based mostly on past interactions. Not that there aren't KoS interactions. Just a greater variety overall, in my experience.
  22. My character can eat a kilo of dry rice in one go. I'm not even going to attempt that in reality.
  23. Doh. Clouds. I'd read that but kept forgetting to change them. Perhaps that would help. Even with gamma maxed, I currently see nothing but stars. Thanks for the reminder.
  24. I wish I could play with grey night. I'd take that over my current night so dark I can't tell of I have been running into a fence for the last two minutes or not.