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About mgoolong

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  1. mgoolong

    Non Lethal Taser gun

    tasers exist. i am a survivor with no gun i would use everything i can find this idea is ok, especially the batteries
  2. mgoolong

    Solution to server hoppers/loot farmers

    what is if you log into a high loot area or any area the loot will disappear?
  3. mgoolong

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    they need to spawn even without a backpack
  4. mgoolong

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    The player must be happy with everything he can get. Thats why starting with nothing gives the game more fun in surviving. Of course some new die fast, but playing again makes a game a good game. And if some say "this game is stupid" is this perfect because they are probably not old enough to play the game at all. The only thing I would start with, except with nothing, is maybe a watch. Some can suggest you start with a random item, but starting with nothing gives the game the best "i can survive feeling". But maybe andrew99 is lucky and dayz allows server provider to create the starting items manually.
  5. mgoolong


    batteries are a good idea!! they can spawn. traps, camera, radio, toys (car), flashlight, gps, watch, night vision googles, maybe weapons (tazer) and all this stuff working with a battery
  6. mgoolong

    Pen and paper

    very nice idea to give players the possibility to create content on a very easy way. it would be nice if you can write next to notes like a daybook what can be found with deaths. for bandits it could be a trophey. for survivors a way to leave messages to the world. for example how they could survive. it is also a way to communicate or to create real player quest like "i need beans, please bring to nw airfield at 09:00". nice idea. of course it disappear after stages.
  7. mgoolong

    tracking server hoppers

    you can add no "log out", like in unconscious during shoot outs. if a bullet of another player hits the area arround you get 10 sek. time out logging off
  8. mgoolong

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    learning from death
  9. mgoolong

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    i think it is good idea to start with really nothing if you awake somewhere, especially at a cost, why you should have something?
  10. mgoolong

    New sense: Smell?

    I like the fact that Zombies can smell the flesh they hunting. the player have better eyes, hearing is simular, zombies can smell. effect you have on gameplay: the zeds react if a player is in a distance, they go slowley in the player direction until they can locate him with ears or eyes. than they go crazy. so the player must keep on movin and stay out of sight. it could be just a way to let the zombies moving arround more better.
  11. mgoolong

    Make DayZ harder pls:)

    the zombies should rule the world, not the players
  12. mgoolong

    Slower zombies, increased numbers.....

    agree with the fact that zombies should rule the world more than they do at the moment. you be a guy who try to survive in this world. zombies are stupid, some walk if they see you, some run and some do something bitween, because they are zombies. the zed speeds should be some like in CoD zombie mode maybe. yes increase the number and let them also spawn everywhere, not only in cities. you feel save to often in the game. the zombies should force the players working together, of course there should be space for bandits, but not enought to make the zeds unimportant and creat something like bandits against survivors. if you have a group of survivors they can run easy throught the map without any problems, far to easy. and for them there is to much ammo for the zombies running arround. the zombies should force the players working together!!!
  13. mgoolong

    Getting rid of player kills in the hud.

    Day Z. The only way to find out - is to survive! The only way to find out your lucky numbers is to die.
  14. mgoolong

    NPCs, Quests

    No. But you can add a ingame communication tool for survivors/ bandits, so they can generate there one quests!! NPC's are stupid, only usefull for zombies or animals. You can not shoot them for beans and they feel like some unkillable bug thing with only one possiblity for conversation.
  15. mgoolong

    Getting rid of player kills in the hud.

    A question with this, can you switch of the debug menu with any key at the moment? Of course it is nice to know things, but all the time. Either that it looks really like some benchmark and not like a ingame info screen.