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About nightthriver@gmail.com

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  1. nightthriver@gmail.com

    Looking for 1 or 2 people to survive with.

    Still looking for more people guys! Thanks
  2. nightthriver@gmail.com

    Looking for 1 or 2 people to survive with.

    Oh ok then lol
  3. nightthriver@gmail.com

    Looking for 1 or 2 people to survive with.

    Applejaxc im not sure I understand your post?
  4. nightthriver@gmail.com

    Looking for 1 or 2 people to survive with.

    What kind of clan is it exactly?
  5. I have been a dayZ player for a little over a year now so im well experienced in the game. Im looking for players who are older than 17 to group up with every now and then to play some Dayz or wasteland or whatever. I like teamwork. Very important to me. Im 18 just graduated high school and I want mature players to play with. Dont care if you are from the US or the UK just want someone to survive with. Put your age and experience in a message or a reply and if you are good ill add you on my skype. So if you are tired of surviving alone then we can team up. This post is always valid for I am always looking for new people to survive with.
  6. nightthriver@gmail.com

    Looking for some mature team players to play with .

    Hey man, looking for the same thing you are. Someone who is actually interested in helping the team rather than just themselves. So give me a add if you ever wanna play. Creative_Destruction17
  7. nightthriver@gmail.com


    How long you have been playing DayZ: Almost a year What you like to play as: Depends on the situation Skype name: Creative_Destruction17 Do you own Teamspeak 3: No
  8. nightthriver@gmail.com

    Recruiting group

    Sup, from the US, played for a few months but have been taking a break. Still remember how to play so lets do this! Creative_Destruction17
  9. nightthriver@gmail.com

    Looking for a someone to survive with

    Im still in need of a good survivor to team with. So cmon guys, theres got to be someone who is tired of playing alone.
  10. nightthriver@gmail.com

    Looking for a someone to survive with

    sorry dude, i got a clan already. I just want someone who is online more often than they are
  11. nightthriver@gmail.com

    Looking for a someone to survive with

    I dont have a usual server lol. I play on any server that I can basically.
  12. nightthriver@gmail.com

    Looking for another survivor to team with

    Hey im Cyber, I have been playing for a while and would love to join you on your DayZ adventure! :D
  13. Hey guys, i'm Cyber. Im just looking for a new guy to join me in dayz. I have been playing a few months and im pretty good. I dont care if you are a noob, I just want someone who is actually online every day. At least have a weeks worth of experience. You gotta have skype also. Just add me if you are interested in teaming up. No kids though, I am sick and tired of little kids whining about the smallest shit and making big deals outta nothing. Creative_Destruction17 is my skype. Hope to hear from you guys soon!
  14. nightthriver@gmail.com

    =WKS= Clan *RECRUITING* Mature ONLY

    Yeah it was fun. We all had a great time!
  15. nightthriver@gmail.com

    =WKS= Clan *RECRUITING* Mature ONLY

    Hey, I'm Cyber, leader of the clan =WKS= or "We Kill Survivors". We are currently short on mature, "reliable" members, as in someone old enough to understand the game and not some kid who freaks out over the smallest things. Me and the more mature members of the clan are tired of little kids who lie, cry, whine, and b*tch about what is and isn't fair. We are looking for mature members age 17-? who are mature and have been playing for a little while (about 2-3 months) who are looking to join our clan and help us kill many survivors. We have our own server and are currently getting ready for public release. We are looking for people in the US only so we can all connect in the evenings and all be on at the same time so we can work together. We are looking for 5-8 more member who meet the descriptions above, although all players have a chance to get added. Hope to hear from many amazing players soon. Add me on skype if you are interested in joining us. "Creative_Destruction17" ~CyberTech, Leader EDIT: The server is now open to the public. US 3099