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About armotekma

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Like the smell of Gunpowder, Hoppes #9, WD-40, Burning Tires, Oil, and the taste of Anti-Freeze.
  1. No. There should always be a sense of "can I trust them or not?" in the game, not a magical giveaway.
  2. Third Person should be removed, it has no place where there are PVP elements. It allows you to look over and around objects, such as laying down on a building of which nobody can see you from below, however; with third person, you can see them from above. Same with corners, this is what lean is for. It gives too much of an advantage to stay in the game, for example: The other night, I was in the glass bubble area of the control tower after my friends and I had come under fire, they both died and I was laying down just enough so the person couldn't see or shoot me. Now, with third person, I could have enabled it to scan the area, find them, then quickly stand up and shoot them. Does that sound fair to you? It doesn't to me.