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Everything posted by SurvivorLex

  1. SurvivorLex

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    RMG is definately a legit medic group. They patched me up and went on their way. Its too bad that when i was looking for food in a barn, i was shot in the back. I feel like i wasted their time by dying 15 min later. Damn you bandits.
  2. SurvivorLex

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I have 4000 blood left and fading in and out of conciousness. If anyone can help im on the hill near cherno where the words are covering. The exact location is on the road, back against the truck. I dont have any bloodbags, so if anyone can help, my steam usename is "SoloAce" (Profile picture is the sniper from tf2)