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Everything posted by hazzathealmighty

  1. hazzathealmighty

    Hold up, foot chase, and shoot out!

    Pretty good watch, surprised the kid didn't just start shooting you when you first appeared.
  2. hazzathealmighty

    Robin-andres shop

    What region and server. Tell me, tell me now! I can probably get you some round for an AS50 or Coyote backpack or something.
  3. hazzathealmighty

    Need blood? come look!

    I would, but you live in Sweden, on the other side of the world from me. 500 + ping here i come! But you'll get there some day, what's your humanity at right now?
  4. hazzathealmighty

    GamesTM Magazine - Nov 2012 - Article

    Nice one, thanks mate. FOR TIMMY
  5. hazzathealmighty

    Third person and first person - you decide

    I just prefer 3rd person most of the time,due to my Fps going down in first person, but I use first person in combat with other players, or walkers.
  6. So is it a private hive? If it is the Admin probably got mad at something and banned you, or you one shoot him (head shot muthafu**a) and he mistook that as hacking, just try contact him if you can, i dunno.
  7. hazzathealmighty

    Challenge: Go to the top of Sniper Hill...

    Tried killing 5 snipers on sniper hill with my hatchet while i put on a redneck accent, but then they all started to shoot each other, which was hilarious!
  8. hazzathealmighty

    How old is your char now?

    Highest is a 21 day character. But I died when I decided to play with a friend who attracted a few to many walkers. Last one was a 11 day character, but I was about to chick a grenade and I passed out (low on blood) and I killed me and my friend xD. Ah well I good laugh about it.
  9. hazzathealmighty

    What kind of player are you?

    I'm just some guy that is just trying to survive. I'll help you if need be so, or blow your brains across the wall too if your not very nice to me or my friends. I may have a Hero skin, but I'll still kill you if you pose a threat to me. That's just the way I roll.
  10. hazzathealmighty

    3096 NiTro

    Hmm makes you wonder how he knows.
  11. hazzathealmighty

    Friendlies at NWAF? It was always going to end in tears.

    All the video i kept looking at your water symbol just waiting for you to say ''Oh i need to drink'' I expected you to die from thirst at the end.
  12. hazzathealmighty

    3096 NiTro

    If he had satchel charges you should have blown all the tents up, after taking some of the gear for yourself of course :)
  13. hazzathealmighty

    Need some tips.

    The graphics cards isn't too good, like mine (Geoforce GT 520), but if you have a decent CPU and RAM you should be able to get over 20 FPS with medium-low settings. But try get more internet download, that's hardly enough. But if you can't you'll just have to live with it. But yeah, i would buy it from EB games. And use Day z commander to install the mod. Hope this helps a bit.
  14. hazzathealmighty


    Can someone come kill me, i went unconcious in a wall, woke up, can't move or shoot, only access menu and inventory. Im in Solnichniy, in a 3 story industiral building north in the factory area, im on NZ 01, Only my legs can be seen, help me!
  15. hazzathealmighty


    Hahahaha unicorns.... Don't worry it fixed itself and I'm fine now.
  16. hazzathealmighty

    How do you check your humanity?

    Press Esc key, go to game options, and down the bottom change the Day Z UI from Default to Debug, but changing it will bug your other symbol things (food and water things lol i don't know what they are called)
  17. hazzathealmighty

    DayZ, 34 Players from 1.3 Million

    Imagine if they got the profits from all ARMA 2 combined operation packs sold just for this amazing mod... They would be Millionaires. Great job Rocket, and his team. What a success.
  18. hazzathealmighty

    Your First Murder

    I would do an Imterview but not if your out of the Australia/NZ region. I'll contact you later -Harrison
  19. hazzathealmighty

    In Dayz friendlies do exist

    Well I'm always friendly.. So if you play on NZ or Aussie servers the names Harrison and I won't kill ya.
  20. hazzathealmighty

    Server I play on is askign for verson 1.1

    Just play on a different server, i really don't know the problem here. Sorry.
  21. Wait why do you have two channels Zscope? Or is it one of your mates channel?
  22. hazzathealmighty

    I attacked some bush wookies and survived!

    Well i don't really die as often now, but trust me, there are still people who kill EVERYONE. But I'm just lucky enough to miss them :) But there are strangely more that are friendly..
  23. hazzathealmighty

    I attacked some bush wookies and survived!

    Nice one, but you should have gone after the other guy, because he could of came back while you were looting his mates corpse and shot you. But well done for getting them! I don't really she bush wookies on the Aussie servers I play on, which is weird.
  24. hazzathealmighty

    My best friend is a hacker, what should I do?

    Why don't you just ell him to stop? He's your best friend, he will listen to you, but he may not stop.