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About brit~xr

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  1. server instance Id is the 4 digit number on the mission.pbo? Mine starts with 47** We just rolled back to and now everything saves fine again
  2. Battleye isn't really the problem when it comes to cheat scripts. Things like punkbuster would be even more fail when it comes to that. Im guessing since there be no need to have client editor and mod support in dayz standalone that maybe client scripting would be disabled so dayz would be like most other games that don't support scripting and then would only have to worry about memory hacks. Atleast thats what i hope then id gladly pay up to £40
  3. brit~xr

    "MrEpicGoat" hack on SE #500

    MrEpicGoat is a known hacker from APB Reloaded game aswell. Been banned a good 10 times on it and still hacks due to it being free to play
  4. brit~xr

    Vilayer get your crap together

    You have no idear. Take 1 rack and run 6 arma servers on it and you think the margins wont be good? To me running 6 arma servers on 1 rack and charging by the slot is fail when it doesnt matter if you run 20 slots or 50 slots on arma. Server will use the same cpu power. ^^
  5. brit~xr

    Are these cheat scripts.

    Well if that was true then other players on server that got teliported by hackers would show on list. These guys should up at our camp when vehicles was getting teliported etc.Was 10 players on server at the time and they showed up on logs a number of times. Just came across this aswell which proves that cheat now 03.08.2012 19:49:41: ZacTheMidget (*****:2304) 4fcd842c5770f9391b41f7d5dbae5c3b - #1 player addWeapon 'Itemtoolbox'; player addBackpack 'DZ_Backpack_EP1'; (Unitbackpack player) a 03.08.2012 19:49:46: DarkFocus (*****:63730) dd98404dcc2a2c8522a4948d041f9aa4 - #1 player addWeapon 'Itemtoolbox'; player addBackpack 'DZ_Backpack_EP1'; (Unitbackpack player) a
  6. brit~xr

    Are these cheat scripts.

    Ok thanks figured the above was with stuff being spawned, But is this a teleport for sure? #35 player setVariable['lastPos',0]; player setposatl [569.906,15336.4,0.00128174]) As its the only thing i have on ZacTheMidget and darkforus. These the guys im mainly hoping to ban for cheating. The others are just an bonus :)
  7. Just wondering are these 100% teleport scripts as these guys regularly play on our server and ts and thought they mite be up to no good so did some checking. ZacTheMidget (**********:2304) 4fcd842c5770f9391b41f7d5dbae5c3b - #35 player setVariable['lastPos',0]; player setposatl [570.24,15335.7,0.00170898]; DarkFocus (**********:62485) dd98404dcc2a2c8522a4948d041f9aa4 - #35 player setVariable['lastPos',0]; player setposatl [569.906,15336.4,0.00128174]; Webster (**********:2902) 388b3239bbc106934fc46b65a964c2cf - #1 player addWeapon 'Itemtoolbox'; player addBackpack 'DZ_Backpack_EP1'; (Unitbackpack player) a 03.08.2012 20:31:13: Webster (**********:2902) 388b3239bbc106934fc46b65a964c2cf - #35 player setVariable['lastPos',0]; player setposatl [322.399,3415.92,0.00163269]; And this which i wasn't sure about 07.08.2012 17:57:38: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #36 ep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player;", format['setVehicleInit "%1"', format[_svr, "Ikarus"]]]]], "1", "1 07.08.2012 17:57:38: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #43 leep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player;", format['setVehicleInit "%1"', f 07.08.2012 17:57:38: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #55 ormat["sleep 0.1; player %1; sleep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player;", f 07.08.2012 17:57:39: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #36 sleep 0.1; player setVehicleInit " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['M1030', [5735.26, 07.08.2012 17:57:39: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #43 leep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player; 07.08.2012 17:57:39: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #55 le ['OwnerID', 0, true]; }"; sleep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player; 07.08.2012 17:58:15: Legendary (**********:2304) 227407125cb54ae5611b30fc6d5c47dc - #54 openDSInterface; 07.08.2012 17:59:06: Marv (**********:2304) 927d3629027826bb8e25beb468d8b934 - #36 ep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player;", format['setVehicleInit "%1"', format[_svr, "Ikarus"]]]]], "1", "1 07.08.2012 17:59:06: Marv (**********:2304) 927d3629027826bb8e25beb468d8b934 - #43 leep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player;", format['setVehicleInit "%1"', f 07.08.2012 17:59:06: Marv (**********:2304) 927d3629027826bb8e25beb468d8b934 - #55 ormat["sleep 0.1; player %1; sleep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player;", f 07.08.2012 17:59:12: Marv (**********:2304) 927d3629027826bb8e25beb468d8b934 - #36 sleep 0.1; player setVehicleInit " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [2165.17 07.08.2012 17:59:12: Marv (**********:2304) 927d3629027826bb8e25beb468d8b934 - #43 leep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player; 07.08.2012 17:59:12: Marv (**********:2304) 927d3629027826bb8e25beb468d8b934 - #55 le ['OwnerID', 0, true]; }"; sleep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player; 07.08.2012 18:02:21: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #36 ep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player;", format['setVehicleInit "%1"', format[_svr, "Ikarus"]]]]], "1", "1 07.08.2012 18:02:21: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #43 leep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player;", format['setVehicleInit "%1"', f 07.08.2012 18:02:21: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #55 ormat["sleep 0.1; player %1; sleep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player;", f 07.08.2012 18:02:24: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #36 sleep 0.1; player setVehicleInit " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['M1030', [4664.02, 07.08.2012 18:02:24: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #43 leep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player; 07.08.2012 18:02:24: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #55 le ['OwnerID', 0, true]; }"; sleep 0.1; processInitCommands; sleep 0.1; clearVehicleInit player; 07.08.2012 18:04:37: zomg (**********:2921) 54078eab51430a17ecb53f96cc55e4c7 - #27
  8. brit~xr

    Is this a normal script?

    Ok, Thanks for the reply
  9. brit~xr

    Is this a normal script?

    Sorry to hijack the thread but was gonna make a thread when i came across some scripts with the same questions. Could someone tell me if this is a normal script. Saw the word tank listed on it so figured was cheat but wanna make sure _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; 03.08.2012 22:42:51: ZacTheMidget (2.222.***.209:2304) 4fcd842c5770f9391b41f7d5dbae5c3b - #55 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; processInitCommands; }; if (_v iskindof "tank") then { _int And this if (_ent isKindOf "Animal") then { _ent setDamage 1; } else { _ent setHit ["legs",1]; _ent setV 03.08.2012 22:26:54: the_MIGHTY_boar (46.**.21.193:2304) eeff551e59fd84ab5a67a47e33473b6c - #32 nimal") then { _ent setDamage 1; } else { _ent setHit ["legs",1]; _ent setVariable ["hit_legs",2,tru 03.08.2012 22:27:46: the_MIGHTY_boar (46.**.21.193:2304) eeff551e59fd84ab5a67a47e33473b6c - #27 1];
  10. Hello, Any idear why six launcher /updater isn't detecting my Server? Was reported to me thats its been like it for days which has caused a drop in players. Server shows up fine on gamespy and DayZ commander. Server: DE320 IP