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Everything posted by schrapple

  1. schrapple

    Q&A: Ask an Ex Infanteer about tactics and help

    "95 out of 100 people you argue with on the forums and internet in general, are retards and self proclaimed experts about pretty much any topic they come across. So yeah again, not much to say here." I hope the irony of you making a statement like this and then defending the OP isn't lost on you.
  2. schrapple

    Really, whats the harm in a no PVP server?

    What you must understand is that there are a lot of exploiters and hackers who's only joy from this game is having an unfair advantage and ruining the game for legit players. The idea that there would be a place where legit players can enjoy this game without these people is the greatest threat to their fun, which comes at your expense so of course they will make every attempt to destroy your idea.
  3. schrapple

    Q&A: Ask an Ex Infanteer about tactics and help

    Wow, an internet an hero. What a rare thing on a forum.
  4. I don't hate CoD, I just hate the people who seem intent on turning day-z into CoD.
  5. I have had an issue with direct chat where others can see what I type but I can't see anything typed by them, this problem is only in direct chat as vehicle chat channel works fine. I am not the only one having this issue. I have been thinking about it and I was wondering have we somehow muted our direct chat channel? It would explain why others can hear us but we can't hear others, if we have how do we unmute it?
  6. schrapple

    Have I muted direct chat?

    Why didn't I think of that.
  7. schrapple

    Bottled Water?

    I think not being able to drink from a water source without a bottle has to do with the limitations of the AMRA engine, the easiest solution would be for everyone to start with an empty canteen.
  8. schrapple

    Have I muted direct chat?

    There are a heap of us that are effected by it but I don't know how to get something done about it? I've tried bug reports but hear nothing back, it really does make the game near impossible to play.
  9. schrapple

    Bottled Water?

    I agree. If this game was ultra real the survivor would be a 300 pound I.T. worker with bad skin and no survival skills at all who only survived the apocalypse because he was in his mothers basement and didn't realize it was happening. Why aren't people complaining that the survivor isn't massively overweight and out of shape? It's a game, insane detail doesn't work.
  10. I can't wait for the next CoD to come alone and wash all this crap away.
  11. schrapple

    Bottled Water?

    How on earth did this one go one for 3 goddamn pages?
  12. schrapple

    Suppressors and clips

    Not 100% true, you can use suppressors for full power rifle rounds. They do reduce the noise but the main point is to try prevent people from pin pointing the firers position because the sound from the charge is direction but the sound from the sonic boom radiates making a direction harder to determine an exact location.
  13. schrapple

    Give Me a Reason To Kill Zeds

    Love the idea of extremely rare zombie kill only items, is there any chance that anyone who could actually make something like this happen is reading this thread?
  14. schrapple

    Give Me a Reason To Kill Zeds

    In the survival stages of the game it wouldn't really be realistic to go "hunting" Zeds because you are more interested in staying alive then of free the earth of the undead. A later stage of the game (probably something for the standalone) where you have a "mission" of some kind to eradicate Zeds could work well though but it should be kept at arms length from the survival concept of the game. Also from what I understand there are heaps of really good zombie related games out (sorry I can't be specific but they never really did it for me) that you might want to look at.
  15. schrapple

    Suppressors and clips

    Some rifles do have silenced ammo which is a lot lower in power to keep the bullet sub sonic, along with this is a big reduction in hitting power and range. Guns like a silenced M4 would still make a lot of noise when fired (a silencer can only silence the bang of the charge not the loud crack the bullet makes when breaking the speed of sound) unless they used sub sonic ammo. Basically I agree with you and would also like to see silenced rifles made more true to life in regards to noise too.
  16. schrapple

    Please fix the Hatchet range

    It is annoying, there is nothing worse then shooting through a zombie that is munching on you. But from what I understand ARMA 2 has no provision for a melee attack so the hatchet is a ranged weapon with 10000 ammo, a really short range and makes almost no sound. I don't think these problems can be fixed due to the limitations of ARMA 2.
  17. schrapple

    Combine magazines

    ^ My suggestion along these lines. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/73561-make-magazines-rare-make-ammo-more-common/#entry699228
  18. Hi guys, since they wiped global chat I can't seem to talk to anyone on direct chat either. Is it just that the others i've tried to talk to weren't on the channel or just not responding, or is it disabled??? Thanks.
  19. schrapple

    Does direct chat still work?

    Have you even read any of the posts in this thread? because it seems you have just gone off on some insane tangent no reason in particular.
  20. schrapple

    Does direct chat still work?

    I have tested it, they can see what I type in direct but I can't see what they type. But in vehicle channel it works fine, two way coms. Wondering if anyone has any ideas, there are several threads so I'm not the only one with this problem..
  21. schrapple

    Does direct chat still work?

    I do get the little mike symbol coming up ( I don't use a mic though) and others can read what I have typed but I can't see what they type, although chat works fine both ways in vehicle channel.
  22. schrapple


    A landmine and an IED can sometimes be similar but aren't the same thing and are not often used for the same purpose, my man.
  23. schrapple

    Does direct chat still work?

    You misunderstood, my direct chat channel doesn't work, even when I'm in range i can type and others can see it but I can't see what they have written back (vehicle channel works fine). Any help would be great, thanks.
  24. schrapple

    Just some weapon ideas

    ARMA 2 released, no one cares. Day-z mod released, everyone goes crazy with suggestions to turn day-z in AMRA 2? got me buggered?
  25. schrapple

    Test patches before implementing them

    How dare they release a patch for a free mod still in alpha that isn't perfect, you should demand your money back.