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Everything posted by schrapple

  1. schrapple


    I like to consider myself a tolerant man of the world but you Abu have gone to far, I refuse to stand idly by and see ABBA's good name dragged through the mud. Perhaps another crusade is needed to teach you heathen pigs some respect for 70's pop groups.
  2. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    You've used a lot of catch phrases but not much depth in your explanation, care to expand on any of that?
  3. schrapple

    Does Rocket know?

    I am just wondering if Rocket knows what the game play of Day-Z is really like for us common folk or if he lives in a bit of an ivory tower when it comes to his Day-Z experience? Is his perception of what happens in game realistic? The reason I ask is because I have been playing Day-Z for about three months now and have noticed that vehicles are not only impossible to get but are basically unused, it is like they don't really even exist. In three months of play I have only ever seen two other players using a vehicle, one was two guys in a truck helping new players on the coast and the other was an old hatchback that I seen driving near Dolina. Three long months during which time I have interacted with thousands of players but have only ever seen two other players using vehicles. So I guess my suggestions is this, can we have something done about vehicles? because as far as the game play for a common person goes vehicles may as well not even exist (meaning they have almost no effect on game play in the current state of the game), it can't believe that if Rocket knew the extent of the problem he wouldn't do something about it.
  4. schrapple


    Don't feed it, you should all know better than that by now.
  5. schrapple

    New vehicle idea

    If there is one thing this game badly needs it is another vehicle that no one will see because they have all been hoarded away, I bet the 4 people who ever actually get to use one will enjoy it. But seriously how will we know when they have introduced it?
  6. And if you are wondering why just read your first thread.
  7. schrapple

    ATV "Found"

    You should get on it and ride it until you find someone who gives a fuck and then ask them how to get a life.
  8. schrapple

    Silenced wepon sugestion

    Maybe you should read more than just the opening post of the thread before jumping on in, thanks for your contribution but.
  9. schrapple

    Silenced wepon sugestion

    "In real life" there are very few people that can run endlessly carting car tires in their backpack and not get tired, and you can rest assured that those people who can do it aren't playing video games. "In real life" indicates that people want Day-Z to mimic their own world, who on earth wants a 300lbs survivor with bad skin who would rather lay down and get killed by zombies than face the prospect of going for a run.
  10. schrapple

    Best place for tent on the coast

    I don't get why people want to skip the starting out phase of this game, collecting your first bit of gear is the best part of the game.
  11. schrapple

    Stuck at "Loading" (full progress).

    Having a different version than the server can also cause this, you have no problems joining or anything but it will sit at the loading screen. It can also take a long time to load, I've waited ten minutes before.
  12. schrapple

    Does Rocket know?

    How often do you see other players making use of vehicles?
  13. schrapple

    Random broken bones?

    Nope, don't play with the debug menu up anymore.
  14. The biggest problem with the enfield is that it can get you into more trouble than it can get you out of, it is a suicide device if not used correctly.
  15. schrapple

    Does Rocket know?

    That's the thing though, they aren't that rare and I'm not saying there needs to be more. What I'm saying is the few that are there aren't used by players, I can't believe that's what was intended for vehicles in this game.
  16. WHAT???? the Enfield make less noise???
  17. schrapple

    Be wary of helicopter crash sites

    Chewed to death by a pack of zombies, that seems like fair punishment for a man that uses terms like "pimp".
  18. schrapple

    Random broken bones?

    I have broken my leg and started bleeding from crawling down stairs, not sure if it is a bug though. I also recently suffered a zombie bite, I was bleeding (you could see the blood spurting from me and my blood level was dropping) but my blood icon wasn't flashing a cross.
  19. Supporting quotes please intellegent overlord.
  20. Care to elaborate on my extreme stupidity?
  21. Not raging but made three consecutive posts when someone said you were?
  22. WHAT!!! How dare someone else other than your clan have a vehicle on that server, what is the world coming to when a tiny group of players can't safely hoarde most the vehicles on the map, the very though that there is a player out there not wasting his entire life running from one vehicle spawn to another in a hopeless attempt to enjoy this game as it was meant to be played just boils my blood, the admins should ban people like the guy who took 1% of your vehicle hoarde. SHAME!!!
  23. schrapple

    Make Death a Loss, Re: Tents, Inventory

    There is one question that still remains unanswered by the pro persistent players, "what possible place does persistent gear have in a survival sim?" in a survival sim the only thing of value is your life,buy being able to recover gear gives it more worth than your life.
  24. schrapple

    Make Death a Loss, Re: Tents, Inventory

    Get ready OP, an army of exploiters and hacks are about to try and destroy your idea with a never ending series of red herrings and easily solvable problems. Remember they don't want to have a level play ground and will do anything to try and preserve their unfair advantages.
  25. schrapple

    Really, whats the harm in a no PVP server?

    What you have discribed is a good PvP experience and I agree, I've had moments like this and they are fantastic. The problem is in it's current state the game provides 100 terrible PvP experiences for every 1 good experience. Until we get a standalone (or real fixes to the current game), getting rid off those 100 bad experience is worth losing that 1 good experience.