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Everything posted by schrapple

  1. Lets face facts, this game has some serious problems (not that this is a complaint thread). There are some simple solutions but they aren't very pretty and come with their own drawbacks, but they are (IMO) the lesser of the two evils. I'll list the ideas below, if you are a hack or exploiter don't bother posting a teary sook, no one cares that you will be back on a level playing field. Unlootable bodies - I know this idea will never be popular but it will help reduce the massive problem of needless player killings without affecting the game to much. It will also help reduce people teaming up to cause havoc, if they can't get their buddy to bring them their gear and have to start again from scratch they will be less likely to risk their lives. Vehicle resets - Every vehicle will reset after an hour of no being used, simple enough? No more hoarding by clans, no more finding a vehicle then hiding it for a week so it can't be used. If a vehicle sits unused for more than an hour then it resets and goes back to a spawn point. This will free up the vehicles for the general population to use instead of the elite few who have them now, the end result will be that vehicle will be a lot more easy come easy go. Tents die when you die - Tents can still be used but when you die so does your tent and everything in it. Will stop people being killed and running straight back and gearing up, it will also act as a punishment for death and make people more cautious with their lives. As I said they are not perfect solutions, each one has it's own drawbacks and will still have loopholes that can be exploited but the total net effect will be positive, I think the game would be a lot better off if we introduced these sorts of fixes then worked from there to try and improve them. What do you all think?
  2. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    How do people get the idea in their heads that having a punishment for death is anti PvP? There must be 10,000 first person shooter games out there that have no punishment for death, where you spawn with everything you need and the only point to the game is to kill opposing players, why do some many people want day-z to mimic this same boring old CoD/BF PvP recipe? I love that day-z has attempted to break the mold, I don't get why everyone is rushing to push it back into that mold? The day that another player kills me because I have something that they need urgently to survive will be the greatest day of my life, but I'm still waiting.
  3. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Firstly if you read the thread you will see it mentioned several times that the amount of work needed to get a vehicle going would have to be reduced. Secondly I don't understand why you are so attached to the current system for vehicles, it is busted as all fuck and simply doesn't work. I would understand people getting upset if there was a working system that my recommendation would interrupt but there isn't, I can bet my left one that rocket never intended for vehicles to reach a point in this game where they may as well not even exist for all the part they play.
  4. schrapple


    You have either the driest sense of humor know to man or are the simplest individual to walk this good earth.
  5. schrapple


    I am also unsure, Is this actually an attempt to communicate with English speakers? I can recognize some words but the context is all over the shop.
  6. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Oh god how much longer will this go on? Oh well here goes. I cut and pasted your questions so they wouldn't get lost in a quote of your entire post, you should read all posts made they may relate to what is being discussed by you. That's subjective, what my suggestions do that isn't subjective is address what are widely acknowledged flaws with the game. Yes things will be lost but others will be gained, these are not silver bullet suggestions they are just less crap then the problems they will solve. There is little that is hard about moving across country without upsetting any zombies, it's not an achievement that should be rewarded with everything you need to survive. It's not your body it's just a body that your "new" character happens to know the exact location of, anyway that's not the main point of unlootable bodies. The point is to give life value by punishing death. When you get two bandits working together while you are killing one his mate kills you, which is fair enough, what isn't fair is that the bandits mate can then either guard the body and wait for his mate to come back or can pick up his mates gear. Hey presto invincible bandits. The main point is to punish death, to make life worth something. In a survival sim losing your life must be of consequence, to have it any other way makes no sense. Thanks god.
  7. schrapple


    Thanks you're to kind.
  8. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Unlike internet arguments my time in not infinite, if you have a burning question or point you want addressed, Please post it as q brief question and I'll do what I can.
  9. schrapple


    If you love kicking jihad arse so much why don't you stop telling the world you watch ponies and go sign up again? :P
  10. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Please see above reply, I can't be held accountable because someone has missed something from a previous reply.
  11. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    I hope you realize I've just had to quote my own post.
  12. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    The original post (and the thread title) states that the options are what I see as the lesser of two evils, they are not great solutions and it is not the direction I wish the standalone to go in, but they are quick easy band-aids that would address some major problems for the time being.
  13. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Realism is not good, simulation is good. Realism would mean that you would have to stare at a blank screen for hours at a time while your survivor slept. You can only create an approximation of what these things would really be like, a game that followed realism strictly would be unplayable. As for your question thing, I answered the questions put forward by you in thst post. If you wanted old questions answered from a previous post you must post more carefully.
  14. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    I hate myself for using the reality card, it is a shit reason to include something in a game. Please read more carefully. No I'm not from the USA, but the right to bear arms isn't for protection from criminals. It is based on the idea that the people have the right to defend themselves from government oppression, it is actually a left over from a rule that allowed states to have militias independent of the federal government were the volunteers owned their weapons (but lets not get into that one). Also you've just contradicted yourself and made my point perfectly "If hackers are killed, they drop stuff. People pick this up, and hackers still have high-end gear, all it means s that high end gear is more popular.", If bodies were unlootable you wouldn't have to worry about that would you? two birds one stone.
  15. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Why should you not be able to keep a vehicle from one day to the next? You should be able to, but unfortunately being able to do that allows people to hoard leaving no vehicle in play which I'm sure isn't an intended feature. Ok, you can keep items when you die, what's the big issue with this? The issue is that death is of no consequence, by creating a penalty people will hopefully only attempt to kill another player if they stand to benefit from it. It will actually give your life a value which is pretty bloody core to a survival sim. As I said from the beginning (but has been largely ignored) these are not good solutions, they are only less shit then the situation we have now. I put them forward because they are easily implemented band-aids that will address some of the games biggest problems.
  16. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    I'm not sure what you think I'm trying to change it to? The people who have survived the longest will still have the best stuff, they will just start from scratch when killed. If they can't take their stuff with them they will be more cautious with their own lives and hopefully only kill others when it will be of some benefit. A survival sim where every member of the human race is trying to eliminate the only other survivors just cause it will be a laugh or they are bored runs counter to reality (yes I know I just used the reality card and don't worry I hate myself for it). Your solution to hacks is to let everyone cheat to level things out?
  17. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Much of what you have mentioned has already been corrected in the replies. To clear a few things up. Unlootable bodies isn't an attempt to stop people killing each other for their stuff, it is an attempt to stop people regaining their gear back which makes no sense. I've already mentioned that vehicles would have to need less repair work when found for this to work well. Also vehicle would become easy come easy go items so it would matter a lot less if you lost your vehicle. And same again for tents, the problem is people can re-gear in minutes. Having no penalty for death ( by being back at the point your where at before death in a few minutes with no work required) is basically equivalent to being invulnerable, what place does invulnerability and perpetual gear have in a survival sim?
  18. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Probably the smartest thing said here for quite some time, game players and current game designers have a bad habit of focus grouping new games into shapeless grey blobs of typicality. I certainly hope the standalone doesn't follow the lines I've suggested, but the current mod is very dysfunctional and needs some issues addressed badly.
  19. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Once again you have used plenty of "awfuls" and "rediculouses" with no substance, All you have contributed is pointless mud flinging. Why is it I am trying to impose my rules and appoint myself a dictator by posing a question but you are not when rebutting it? The simple point is this, everyone will try and tailor game play to what suits them. The problem is that genuine advances are prevented from seeing the light of day by people with a vested interest in seeing things carry on the way they are, why? Because these people enjoy using exploits and back dooring the system to give themselves an advantage, they don't want to see a level playing ground.
  20. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    I agree that being unable to loot your own stuff would be the best option but it isn't possible with the mod. What I'm saying is that unlootable bodies is the better of two bad options.
  21. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    I never claimed that the changes would make it more realistic ( Fact is I hate the term even being used, true realism in a game would be shit), Having your tent disappear is no more unrealistic then a dead man picking up his own stored gear or for that matter stuff slowly vanishing over days. I also posted in a reply that the vehicles would have to need less repair work when first found for it to work well.
  22. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    I have discussed the idea of not being able to loot your own stuff before, but it isn't feasible in the mods current form. It would have to be a standalone thing, I'm try to improve the current mod. You keep talking about realism, but I don't recall anytime throughout history where dead people looted their own stuff, it is a game and which ever of the two choice you make with regards to looting it will be unrealistic. You have quoted rocket as saying the game should be brutal, is having all your gear back 5 minutes after you die without having to do anything brutal? Yes there is a social experiment element to it but literally anything a designer does will control how the game is played, nothing can ever be truly sandbox. And if the social experiment is to let the kids of the internet go wild in a playground with no rules even I could tell you what will happen, and I won't need to design a mod to do it.
  23. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    I agree, vehicles would have to require less repair work when first found for it to work well.
  24. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Unlootable bodies is aimed more at stopping people getting their gear back than at stopping people getting killed for their gear. But your right you will never fully stop pointless killing.
  25. schrapple

    The lesser of two evils.

    Don't hide under rockets skirt, and I fail to see what is "realistic" about dying then going and pick up stuff your last body owned. What I'm aiming to reduce isn't PvP, PvP suggests that there is a contest of some kind.