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About HollowDizzi

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  1. HollowDizzi

    Game freezing every 10 seconds or so...

    if you use sixlauncher, might be the problem. I had this, memory leak. Use day z commander or shut six launcher. Maybe not.
  2. This will turn into a game where they super-charge zombies since everyone think they are too easy, then it'll ruin it due to the difficulty caused by Zombies and then everyone will cry again.
  3. HollowDizzi

    Zombies way too hard now

    You have a point. It can get kinda hard, especially starting off, and with limited weapons and ammo, then yeah.. But the Zombies are "Infected" like on 28 days later, so it seems natural for them to act like this. Just try possibly using houses more and don't get caught in sticky situations. Once you get up and running with good supplies, it shouldn't get as hard. Esepcially if you don't mess around doing pointless shit. :)
  4. Thats good to know, actually. But for the aspect of a gamer trying to Enjoy a game, possibly more Deathly traits should be associated with the "Infected"
  5. I do know whats good for me. However, when you're stuck in a building with 20 Zombies blocking the way out, Running around in a forest and not shooting them, doesn't really work.
  6. It'd be really cool if when you shot, instead of them Coming right on you, they came to the area around you. This would be cool as it doesn't mean the player is attacked and it means they will have to play cautious and move. Which helps with sniper problems.
  7. HollowDizzi

    I'm getting pissed...

    Bro it's in Alpha stages. Your fault for buying the Arma games and getting a mod in Alpha. Whichmay I add, is fucking cool and free. They're trying to fix the issues, so just wait.
  8. Secutor, bet your ammo supplies dropped like a bitch eh? Already annoying enough to get ammo for rare guns, then you just have to waste it on Zeds . To Rhumar: Yeah, it's hard to counter. You can get silenced Guns, but I've came across 1 ever. And then whose to say the ammo for that is anywhere around? Melee weapons would help a great deal, if it wasn't so damn risky to kill Zeds with them. Going toe to toe with a laggy spastic zed is frustrating as.
  9. I was crawling along, and my legs broke for no reason, and then I fell unconscious and a zombie killed me. I didn't know wether to laugh or quit.
  10. Personally, I find no problem with these, it makes the game more interesting definatley. However, for when you start out and have nothing, it can be quite difficult to stop Zeds, especially if you shoot 1 and then you get the whole army of them. But I guess you just gotta play different. My main issue is that Zeds are random. Sometimes you can run past and they don't care, or sometimes they'll just stop aggro, then sometimes they'll spot you from ages away and will never stop the aggro. I'd be nice if this wasn't so random.
  11. I know. But shoulda seen the distance I had on the fellow. It just seems really ... random, as to when they agro? Yeah fair enough, I think they're alright too. It does make it ahrder of people who complain it's too hard.
  12. Hey there. I just wanted to hear about the opinions you people have on 2 things in the new update of 1. Is it just me or do zombies seem to have a bigger aggro area? I've noticed I'm attracting a shitload more of the guys than usual and for a lot longer away too. Even sometimes when I'm crouched and stationary they get all frisky. How about you? 2. Your opinion on Zombies hearing noise? I ran into the damn church today with like 10 Zeds, shot them and ended up shooting around 40. Was in Elektro. It does makes it way harder and adds a big amount of realism which isn't a bad thing, but fuck me sideways, you attract a lot of Zeds. Not too sure if I'm keen on it or not, but it's alright. How about you guys? Thats if if you can even play on without all the bullshit that goes on.
  13. HollowDizzi


    I understand your point, however I have travelled a long way without any animals and died in that time. I guess thats the luck of the game. However, an increase of blood, say to even 14000, would be an added boost, especially for new players who don't need to feel so careful and cautious just to get a hatchet. It also wouldn't give advantages to longer time player.
  14. HollowDizzi


    Well yeah, I can get a shitload of them, I just can't do anything with them. :L
  15. HollowDizzi


    Hello. I'll get to my point. So basically, I always play alone, none of my friends have the game, and no biggie. For me trying to get blood back takes a long time. With zombies being so glitchy and what not, usually I loose a bit of blood at the start and trying to get it back can be real time consuming and tough. Tinned food only give 200, so thats a lot of fucking tinned food. Steaks gives 800, but animals are really scarce, well for me anyway, and if you don't have a hunting knife and/or something to cook it on, then no bueno. Blood packs. Yeah I know, they're good. But for people who play alone, blood can be harder to get back. It'd be nice if A) We had more blood or B) There was an easier way to get some of it back. Sorry I don't have any REAL suggestion to help with. :\ Idunno, maybe im just shit.