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CombatWombat (DayZ)

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Everything posted by CombatWombat (DayZ)

  1. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    The Day Before the Standalone

    Take some mountain dew to Green Mountain, that's what I'm going to do! Then I might become a lee enfield bandit in Cherno, screaming "ANY FRIENDLIES IN CHERNO? *snort*"
  2. CombatWombat (DayZ)


    M107 for L85?
  3. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    Aftermath:AS50 rounds vs Chopper

    Novice! You need HE rounds to destroy a chopper!
  4. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    AKM vs AK 74 Kobra

    Kobra all the way, AKM is like a dinnerbell in Cherno, pulls zombies from the other side of town. However, it's more versatile and if it was a little more sneaky I'd be using it when I leave the coast every time.
  5. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    Noice! Guess everyone can stop QQ'ing about .50 BMG's and L85's, 0.01 and 0.02 spawn rates? Those things are going to be hard to find.
  6. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    noob surfing on namalsk

    No, I'm pretty sure that the character death after combat log system was never implemented in the last update, it's being fixed this update.
  7. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone

    No problem, glad to help you out :D
  8. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    What's the point in being good?

    DayZRP has a strict no KoS rule, check it out at http://www.dayzrp.com/
  9. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    Temporary Electricity

    Or, because it's a game, we could just make it so that the generators run of fuel instead? There's a gas station not too far from Elektro :D
  10. What he said! If you really worry that badly, use autotune or something.
  11. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone

    Standalone will be a separate game to Arma 2, pricing from around $10-20 at most. Don't bother buying another copy at this point unless you really want to play, Rocket promised it for the end of the year and that's only 5 or 6 weeks away.
  12. Australia! Fark mate, our beaches are quality spawn locations!
  13. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    Axe/Hatchet the best weapon ever?

    Aye, your wrong there, you only have but a wee 10000 hacks! UberH4x0rr!
  14. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    Drop Backpack ->"Save Backpack" Stash Idea

    So Czech Vest Pouches finally have a use? Stash an M9 SD and GPS+NVG's in it somewhere near the coast, so if you die you have a backup plan. I like it.
  15. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    Axe/Hatchet the best weapon ever?

    Melee slots would be good, but I wouldn't be happy using a lumbering hatchet to take our zombies closer to me, maybe something like a pocket or hunting knife could be equipped (Hey, maybe the hunting knife doesn't need to go in your toolbelt, similar to the hatchet now?) Just for a little more maneuverability in buildings and so on. As for animations, I was thinking maybe something like BF3? Come up behind a zombie and silently slit its throat or something? And when you aren't behind it, just take a swipe or a swing with the hatchet/knife.
  16. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    M4A3 CCO vs M4A1 HOLO

    What about M4A1 CCO SD vs. M4A3 CCO? I've got both atm and not sure what to pick...
  17. Aye, 'tis a good server, I've been playing on it for a good 3 weeks now and have had heaps of fun. It's also good to get away from that L85, cursed thing ruins the point of my ghillie. Overall great server, apart from when it got DDoS'd by some angry German kid. If you're thinking about joining then don't hesitate, you won't regret it.
  18. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    Please post a Haiku about a DayZ experience.

    ghargabh ahbad adgjahsuibahna bransnjsadgaghaj!
  19. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    Global admin ban #594a90 WTF??? help plz

    Inb4 mods! I'll refer you to my good sir over here! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/106673-so-youve-been-global-banned-an-informercial/
  20. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    So you've been Global Banned: An Informercial.

    BattlEye Support is going to hate you for this.
  21. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    This will be Dayz of the future if Rocket listens to the loonies :p

    Action bars?! ACTION BARS?! I DIDN'T ASK FOR NO ACTION BARS! I wanted dogs, and chinooks, and Jets, and AS50 TWS', and a fix to hackers not some shitty action bars!
  22. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    More Realism(Stamina, Breath)

    Don't want some huge UI such as that of WoW's taking up the border of your screen. Bars IMO aren't going to add to any realism, and really just annoy people. It's already bad enough sprinting for 8km's with unlimited stamina, god, if there was stamina this would be even more like a hiking simulator.
  23. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    7.62 Rounds, 1 Shot Kill Under?....

    I wish some more guns could be a 1 hit knock out, so much more useful if you want to keep a guy down without killing him. As for the topic of removing guns, the L85 is the only gun I don't like, as it ruins the sneaky sneak aspect of my ghillie and SVD. Thankfully it will be removed in the coming update, which I cannot wait for.
  24. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    Endgame content in Standalone

    Don't expect tooooo much in the standalone at the beginning, I'd be happy with a map and texture revamp to begin with to be honest. Maybe a few new loot spawns here and there, with a couple new weapons thrown into the mix. I fully expect the final product to be filled with new content, and I personally cannot wait.
  25. CombatWombat (DayZ)

    Ghillie Suits and Hunter Shacks

    Hunter shacks would be good, especially if a few more civilian grade weapons were released, things such as the enfield or CZ550 would be ideal for those places. Maybe similar loot to deerstands but just more loot spawns and less frequent?