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About r.barnes123@yahoo.com

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  1. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    PvP Will always be in this game. Deal with it.

    I just hate the shoot first Mentality. I mean If I pose no threat At All. I mean At all, I'll still get shot.One Time I walked out of a church right into a dude with a Axe, I had one too so I said friendly, I turned around and he had a friend with a gun. I just said "I'll be on my way then" I walked down the street but before I could duck behind a building, his friend put two into my brain pan. What was the point of that, my back was to them( well not reeally I was looking back.) and I had a melee weapon. I just wish there was some kind of morality system, so that people first reactions wasn't "look a person, shoot him" For once I'd like to meet a random player, ask him where he's heading figure out its near where I'm going and team up for a short time.
  2. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    Suggestion: Quick Pickup/Equip & UI Overhaul.

    The UI does need a overhall, but it won't get one becasue of the fact that Its Hard coded into the game and he would have to write farrrrr too much code to fix it.now if he ports the mod to Arma 3, they are supposed to be improving the inventory in that game.
  3. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    Zombies moving too fast?

    Don't Buy Arma just for Dayz. The main game is great too.
  4. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    Arma2 CO Buy? Here? Safe?

    yes Come To the Dark side of Steam. For Cereal, Steam is great 100% safe and user friendly.
  5. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    Confirmation on Respawn Button

    It would have to be Hard coded since the menu is the Actual Arma menu.
  6. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    Poll on Zombies

    I want Max brooks style zombies, slow but if you aggro one he'll moan and alert all the other zombies in an area.
  7. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    First time in Dayz - Day 1, my story.

    Its also a pussy tactic. But no really, My first life was looooonnnnnggggg and boring. I spawned somewhere I now was the cap above electro, i Went north, walked around in th3e woods for hours. found a Castle! circled back without knowing, picking through some small barns along the way, found an Axe! then in a barn around the outskirts of cherno found a crossbow tried to use it on some zombies and failed horribley cause the iron sights work like Ass, then in a scramble to equip my Axe I some how equipped a road flare instead and was mobbed by zombies. Second life I said "screw all that advice that says don't go to cherno or electro as a noob" went there gathered shit load of loot. I would of survived too if I hadn't shot a goat outside of town with the "dinner Bell" well you live die and you learn.
  8. r.barnes123@yahoo.com


    I'm also in high school, budget kid. Working odd jobs and Not having to spend money on a girlfriend helps.
  9. r.barnes123@yahoo.com


    No, Operation Arrow head is required.
  10. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    No gun for new players

    My tactic is to go right for the big stuff.Since I just spawned I find it to be low risk High reward.Since my favorite Series ever is metal Gear solid, sneaking into one of the big cities is easy enough. Then i just hit up the churches and pubs til I find what I'm looking for then sneak out. I try to be nice to any person I see and cause no problems, if anyone else is looting a spot or comes to loot a spot i'll just say friendly and leave usually telling them"I'll be on my way, I left some for you" or "You can have the rest" this only didn't work one time when some jack ass decided to shoot me in the back ,even after i expressed I was friendly and started to walk away. Hope he Really enjoyed his soda the ass.
  11. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    Basic Day Z Controls

    play Arma first for a bit, Its hard enough to play Day Z when you know what you're doing, getting used to the clunky controls is a huge disadvantage. Who Knew the actual game is kinda cool too, not just the mod that is in alpha. :P
  12. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    Is killing other players really that fun?

    Just got out of a game, just started off in cherno, I looted the church and all I had on me was a can of beans a soda and a axe, I walk out of the church and I see another survivor, looks like he just started off too with only a axe I imediatley say friendly. I was about to start talking to him when i turned around and saw he was not alone, the other guy had a markavo, So I said I'll be on my way, and started to walk away. i got a block before the guy shot me with my back turned. God thats cut throat.
  13. r.barnes123@yahoo.com


    Random small quest, kinda like the Helicopter crashes.
  14. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    My first murder and now I feel guilty

    This was just today, and i've only had the game for two days, yesterday I spent 4 hours walking up the coast and scavenging the area north of electro, then I died to zombies.When I respawned in Cherno today I said Screw it, I'm going into town.So with all my Metal gear solid skills I snuck into town. While raiding the super market I peaked out and sawn another survivor with a markaov entering, he hadn't seen me, so I yelled friendly and aimed at his head ( I wanted to show force, I had the upper hand and by mercy I was letting him go) I left him to loot the rest(I had gotten all I needed in alice pack) but before I left I heard Gunfire and him yelling who is shooting me. I just left him and Ran like hell using his death as a distraction so I could get out of range(not before taking a bullet to the thigh mind you) Do I feel bad...kinda.... but that guy was oblivious. he wasn't gonna survive long anyway.
  15. r.barnes123@yahoo.com

    Safe zone/town in DayZ

    It could be NPC enforced kinda like the system EVE uses. For those that don't know about Eve, in "Protected Space" If you do aggressive movement against other players you still can but NPC turrets and other "space police" will hunt you down and kill you. And yes people do sit out side the trade routes and try to kill out going players. its something you have to design around. I think Dayz Could get alot from using features present in EVE becasue even though they are wildly different the core gameplay trys to focus on interactions between players in a laissez-faire fashion.