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Everything posted by dofazi

  1. dofazi

    suggestions for clothes

    I'd like to see a shemag, at least 2 variants - olive green and khaki/coyote brown just for dem bandits :)
  2. dofazi

    Is it possible to paint M4?

    On a stable build you can only paint MP(magpul) parts and only CMAG magazines of M4, you can paint mosin too, however painting mosin will cause bugs, as stated above. In new patch(which is in experimental now) you can also paint the body of M4. Painting mosin no longer causes any glitches.
  3. dofazi

    shotguns are incredible....

    Your post should be the new description of shotgun in the game :D it's utterly broken right now.
  4. loot has stopped spawning in the tents at balota&NWAF checked it multiple times, also my team confirmed it, so the tents are now pretty much pointless
  5. dofazi

    invisible objects blocking bullets

    Happens all the time to me, died countless times already because of this bug, so you better dont go prone before engaging someone, because it seems like the prone animation triggers it
  6. dofazi

    Everybody poops.

    My god i almost choked to death xD you sir won this thread
  7. i knew im not the only one
  8. So basically im getting this very strange bug on scope reticles of any sniper available in DayZ, and i don't know what is it caused by, even reinstalling the game did not help it's how it look in-game: Hope somebody can help me, becouse it's pretty annoying...
  9. dofazi

    Gun wont fire

    switch between pistol and main gun, sometimes happens to me aswell, it should solve the problem
  10. dofazi

    Dayz Patch 1.7.3?

    i don't understand what your problem is, personally i don't care about number( or 1.7.3) it's good if it works and repairs what it has to
  11. dofazi

    Did I kill an admin/hacker?

    It's not a hack or anything guys, things you are talking about are just some ALT-F4'ers, its like with item duplication, if you die and disconnect immidiately your death does not save in the hive and the guy you thought you killed is coming back in the same place his dead body is.
  12. dofazi

    Weapons in Backpack disappear

    After you pick up anything from the ground make sure you don't logout right away, becouse weapons may not save in your inventory due to Hive desynch, which can take some time, so basically after picking up stuff, run around for few secounds(10 - 20) and you should be fine
  13. dofazi

    Day Z Videos

    [/url[/media :D
  14. dofazi

    Your scariest DayZ expierience

    well, first thing - music(drops) = heart attack, feels like someone spotted you or somebody chasing you second thing - running with a squad in open field, hearing a gunshot - everybody sudden parkinson's desease, possible heart attack
  15. dofazi

    Are Ghillies/Camo Working?

    Everything work, just found camo and ghillie clothing like now, logged off with ghillie on and its allright when logging back in