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About Faerd77

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    On the Coast
  1. Apparently if you head south-east and run for about 10 minutes (debug forest) or 2 hours (debug plains), you hit the map.
  2. Yeah. I'm using a GPS I found in the deer-stand, and south-east is 135 degrees on a compass (which the gps has built in) so I figure I maybe can make it before I die of hunger/thirst? Dunno. I think I might wait to see if they fix this or I get an admin to teleport, but if that doesn't happen in a few days I guess I'll just leg it and see if I live. It's a damn shame to get so far only to die due to a bug, but hey, I guess that's what alpha's for, right?
  3. Logged out in a deer stand by the Old Fields, log back in and I'm in the Debug Plains. Been running southeast for a long, long while now, but I've got some darn good gear and I'd prefer not to lose it due to a glitch... I understand if y'all are busy and whatnot, but some assistance would be lovely - I don't mind where I get dropped off as long as it's inside the actual map! Player Name: Harry UserID: 30864390