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Everything posted by Littlepeter

  1. Bagelmunching admin detected.
  2. Littlepeter

    ARMA 2 Needs to Quit Updating X(

    Listen here, man of ebonic ascendance, its a step by step modification of arma2, and alike "Other Game Companies" there are people that test the patches as they are put together, right now the "game" has only those people: testers.
  3. Littlepeter

    US 927 admin abuse Ban.

    In short, taking revenge upon other players by means not available to everyone for butthurt caused by the current condition of the game is, in my opinion, not a reason to kick/ban. Lastly, I am not aware of any current arrangements or method with which to notify the server admins of combat logging, and were there to be any, I am confident of their inefficacy.
  4. Littlepeter

    US 927 admin abuse Ban.

    This is a pack of lies. He/They/US927Admin kicked me and and 2 friends of mine, we never returned to the server, and didn't bother posting since we had no proof, but since a post has been made regarding this, the least I can do is support the thread creator by giving him my beans, since, once again, we have no proof. And if you must know, pretty much the same happened to us, except we sniped a busdriver and a passenger, the vehicle itself suffered no apparent damage, but we were booted not long after the deed. Additionally, taking in account that the above stated really are of no consequence given the circumstances, I will add that having the ability to ban/kick and using it to 'avenge' combat logging is not only pointless but abusive, all of the players of DayZ have logged into the sights of many players, and died.The opposite has also happened. Whilst ideally this is definately not a feature, it is, for now, a 'bad' part of the game, which I don't particularly mind because all of us are subject to the same flaws/bugs of the game at this point. In short, taking revenge upon other players by means not available to everyone for butthurt caused by the current condition of the game is, in my opinion, not a reason to kick/ban. Lastly, I am not aware of any current arrangements or method with which to notify the server admins of combat logging, assuming it happens to players operating under equality of circumstances (ie, non-admins vs non-admins) in order to deliver 'justice' by using admin commands, and were there to be any I am confident of their inefficacy.
  5. Littlepeter

    Global Banned

    i recently found a vehicle. with it i got to witness, whiel driving in the forest, a caravan of 2 motorcycles and a truck inbetween. that made up for the whole 4 hours i had been running around in the forest. i mustve been with this same character around 20 hours alive, most of which are running in teh forests going from place to place. ive yet had the pleasure of seeing a player while doing so, anywhere that wasnt near the coast. that's the story of my life. 4 murders and counting : D
  6. Littlepeter

    Zombies and guns

    Completely disregarding any limitations i could imagine for arma 2, and taking into consideration that i have no knowledge of them, i think that: When a weapon is shot, the listening radius should be massive. But, the zombies should shamble/walk to the location, while still running at the player as they currently do if they are near enough. For instance shooting outside the outskirts of a city and then walking towards it would most surely result in a great concentration of zombies in your path.
  7. Littlepeter

    Looking for serious group

    so you're kind of a big deal i take it.
  8. Littlepeter

    Just disable respawn and be done with it

    your desire to evade these relentless 'rule enforcers' sickens and disgusts me, pulling and twisting minutes away from the clock as they prune every single thread, perspirating as they hold back the desire to lock/ban/kick, looking for the singlest of excuses in order to feed their deviated sense of enjoyment. oh the admin condition, such a terrible rot for the soul, i feel nauseated; since i'm leaving this awful place, the honor code demands i hand in my defeat: DISABLE RESPAWNS/WHAT THIS GUY SAID(And in all honesty, i've suggested this before, either let people choose where to spawn, or somehow stop the respawnwhoring, in any case its getting rid of filthy corpses that can do no good to server stability, or something like this).
  9. Littlepeter

    "you were kicked off the game"

    inb4 battle eye
  10. Littlepeter

    Just disable respawn and be done with it

    whilst i agree with the proposition suggested upon this here post, i am most utterly offended by your unfounded accusations, regarding YOUR source of origin, i un-particularly ask: where do these people crawl out from?
  11. Littlepeter

    Just disable respawn and be done with it

    listen here, african american, i will reply to the most whimsical of your posts for all of eternity. for now. sometimes. just stop it.
  12. Littlepeter

    Just disable respawn and be done with it

    although i must say this thread you linked is most amusing and shall provide ample entertainment. godspeed.
  13. Littlepeter

    Just disable respawn and be done with it

    do not plead ignorance, your stench is the unequivocal mark of your sickening condition.
  14. Littlepeter

    Just disable respawn and be done with it

    im afraid not, sir. although your very supposition leads me to believe you, too, might be infected. not the spazzy kind, either.
  15. Littlepeter

    Just disable respawn and be done with it

    there's a worrying ammount of furfaggotry in this oh sacred realm that is DayZ
  16. Littlepeter

    Realistic? Remove the ability to respawn.

    definately remove respawn on demand. perhaps even limit how many times you can respawn in an hour, so people wont run into zombies to get closer to wherever they want to be
  17. due to a recent post, i thought the following: there should be a timer, activated by proximity to other players, that also increases when shot or perhaps when aimed at (castray?). if during the time this timer is active the player disconnects, he gets killed. now obviously, if any crash or other disconnection issue were to occur, this would suck, so i think there could be a number of warnings/chances/count before the kill is enforced. for the sake of example, lets say 3. these 'charges' could be reattained overtime. this measure could of course be avoided by simply keeping in mind the number of charges left, so people could always hold them dear and get out of hot situations on demand as some do now. perhaps the time it takes to regenerate them could increase more and more every time one is regenerated, this timer could also be reset at some point in time. perhaps the player that put the timer on the other individual could be made aware of the alt-f4ing player's location, were he to reconnect within an also set timeframe. although frankly, as if it wasn't immersion-shattering enough to have a survivor disappear on you, having then to deal with a HUD icon would suck. additionally, if the total number of charges used by the player were to be recorded, in the long run there would be people with a suspicious amount of them. now, its just a random idea, and probably resource-consuming the way it is suggested, but perhaps the developers like it and decide to approach it on a different angle. or perhaps it is outright silly.
  18. sounds like bs. in all likelyhood it was not an admin, and if he was, he probably wanted to know if you killed him in the debug forest. its not like you weren't going to be shot the second the other player saw you, and after all, it is an alpha, i really find it hard to believe you would be banned for that. this reminded me of a possible feature for avoiding this particular situation, perhaps the spawnee should be moved away from any nearby players on spawn, although this would put the spawner on an advantage, and until they solve alt-f4'ing, it is definately out of the question.
  19. Littlepeter

    Bandit punishment / Survivor rewards

    i think the way to spice things up would be making ammunition more scarce. perhaps even food and water, lately i just blast into cherno or elektro or any other place with several nearby lootspots and am ready to blast some things. which is lovely, the point being it doesnt take much time to be dangerous and stocked on them beans. on a sidenote, i'd kill 300 freshly respawned just to get the gear issues and supersensitive zombies fixed. tomorrow ill look into reverting to
  20. Littlepeter

    Experimental test patch

    Anyway, i noticed something i think is related to the stress that is being tested, i went into places with loot and there weren't even tin cans, things appeared before my eyes if i waited shortly enough, there seemed to be a heavy delay in item spawning. i guess it's no surprise. There's also the random warps, which im sure a lot of people is aware of. Also a massive delay in consumables being used. oddly enough, the sound of them (say, a delicious cola can) is delayed even more. Gutting animals also seems delayed, although i think this was and is normal, im talking about 40+ seconds. and this one was completely random, a bonfire/fireplace would turn off seconds after being lit, although if you were quick enough to select "cook food" it would get cooked no problem. the late part being obviously minor, but the fire turning off is puzzling. fps were monstrous near cherno or elektro, despite a reasonable lack of zombies. lag also was increased, no big surprise there either. it foiled the awesomest antiplayer plan i have devised thus far, there is some making up to do on my part. (The player seemed to just warp by) sometimes zombies blink in and out suddenly, as if spawned and quickly despawned. lastly, barbed wire fences should be removable, just a short opinion, with a toolbox perhaps.
  21. Littlepeter

    Bandit punishment / Survivor rewards

    you're an awful, awful creature.