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About jmphee@gmail.com

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  1. Enormous pile of vehicles (3 boats, 3 choppers, 5 or 6 bikes, 3 or 4 ATVs, 3 GAZs of different colors, a UAZ, a Pickup, a Ural, few others) all stuffed full of uber gear (ghille suits, M4A1 silenced, various sniper rifles) all piled up just north of Elektro (within sight of both fire stations). Discovered this as 2 other people ran up and treated it like being totally normal, grabbed a car and went their merry way. Then about an hour later me and my friend driving around were teleported out of our truck across the map--from a road by Zelno into the middle of the forest, sans truck--into a firing squad of silenced weapons. Not too annoyed about dying since the car/gear we had was definitely duped by these guys, but just wanted to post this blatant server of hackers. This definitely wasn't some solo guy just nuking a server; think they specifically teleported us to them because we had taken one of their cars, and there were 3-4 different sounding guns blowing us away after the teleport hack. Sorry I didn't take any screenshots, but I couldn't have made this up until I saw it, lol. Edit: just popped back into the server to see how bad it is still and try to grab a screenshot. Looks like all the colliding vehicles piled up blew themselves up, only thing left intact/not taken was a solitary bus. Still a roving group of about three trolls shooting everyone around there with AKMs and M4A1 silenced, so they clearly knew about this hackspawned area too. No nameplates on the server or I'd offer names.
  2. Oh okay, sorry. I thought by "get no love" you meant "nobody joins our servers," not "we never got approved to play DayZ." That sucks, man.
  3. Put your servers in your signature.
  4. jmphee@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Best post I have seen in a very long time--doing our actual job as testers with feedback that is both positive and critique, and not being a whiny dick like so many people so easily slip into. Nicely done, sir. Also I agree with all these observations. Particularly would like to see Zeds spawn less frequently (and not so ridiculously close to the point that you literally see them appearing in front of you), and the ammo regen glitch get fixed. That alone would jump up difficulty fantastically.
  5. jmphee@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    While I'm sure anyone here would be entirely happy to end any conversations with you, dude, you keep talking. And all you post is the exact same issue, lengthily, every single page. We got it. It's been reported to death. Stop posting or contribute something else, please. Also, if you think I haven't already spent plenty of time playing solo and stealthing through shit on my own, you're either high as a kite or just incredibly dense. Of course I did all that shit on my own, but my RECENT EXPERIENCE has been in a group, so I reported on what that's like.
  6. jmphee@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I have to disagree with the zombie aggro issues in general - we play in a group of 5-7 all moving around together so we pick up swarms of zombies unless we're really, really slow (and we usually aren't; enough guns/meds to go around that we'd rather not spend time being sneaky), and we still pick up quite a few followers any time we go near/through a town. There were one or two servers we joined that had a lot of statue-spawns (zombies and animals that didn't move an inch or respond to gunshots). Spawn distance could be a little larger though; we had several situations where we literally couldn't get 10 seconds of breathing room because we could see zombies spawning within hearing range, and they would continue to aggro and spawn from us killing others. Got frustrating. Seconding the backpack issues, we've had several guns that were just gone upon login. And I don't know if it's an Arma2 feature or DayZ, but I'd recommend stopping the "automatically move all associated ammo when you equip/move the gun" because it ends up vaporizing all ammo that can't fit into the bag. Also maybe it's just our luck but been seeing TERRIBLE desync/server crash issues. Our group found its first heli crash site and the server reset just as we were about to press the pickup button on the L85 AWS we found (thought this had been removed but guess it's back? Sad to see that too btw), and on restart the entire heli crash was gone. Also lost a DMR to another server crash on a different server that wiped our friend's body just a few minutes after he'd died. All in all I think is really awesome with just a few tweaks to continue on with. Great job fixing the big breaks from!!!
  7. jmphee@gmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Uh what? The duping issues certainly are still there, as well as the constant desync... Pretty major ones. Also, isn't there only a server or two running I read through that thread up until today and it seemed like a server load exercise, not a hotfix for anything.
  8. jmphee@gmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Yeah, as much as I agree with the "continue forward" mentality, most of the notes/updates in this patch just didn't happen (no bear traps, still reloading axes, zombies hearing stronger instead of weaker, more instead of less sync issues, etc). Here's hoping the next patch/hotfix is soon and consists mostly of the many necessary/gamebreaking fixes instead of adding flavor content.
  9. jmphee@gmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Actually I was asking about both, but thank you for answering the other half of the question! :D
  10. jmphee@gmail.com

    Safe zone/town in DayZ

    Personally I would love it, but realistically I just see trolls/bandits encircling the town(s) and bombarding it with grenades and chopper strafing runs. :C
  11. jmphee@gmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    NNo, I am in Hawaii, so all my ping is 80-140 (usually the higher end). Desync is just happening a lot more with 1.7.2. Log out and in again, should help (or force you to change servers because you get stuck at Waiing for Character to Create). Also @MissNuts, thanks. Wasn't sure because I read a post about reporting people killing others in debug plains, wherein a mod said if you see "Bob killed by billybob" 3 or 4 times rapidly, you should screenshot and report, but I'd never seen a "killed by" so I was confused.
  12. jmphee@gmail.com

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Haven't had much time to play yet, but noticed desync seems to happen a lot more in 1.7.2. Zombies aggro much easier to sound/visuals, but from less distance due to gunshots. Also having issues with hitbox on guys attacking me (same with a friend) despite the noticeably better FPS, think zombies are being considered inside you and your gun going through them? Had no problem taking down zeds attacking my buddy. Oh, definitely had the same issue with a player's corpse disappearing when he DC'ed-- some guy wordlessly bumrushed into the fire station we were exploring, we blew him away--saw the "_____ was killed"--but his body disappeared within seconds, despite the buzzing flies being audible from then on. Oh that reminds me, is the "study body" supposed to be broken? All it ever shows is "His name was _____ it appears he died from" and then nothing. Same for people being killed by players, it never shows "____ was killed by _____", it just says "_____ was killed" on any server I go to. (Sorry, I'm a relative newb, been playing a week or so and just signed on to forums now to talk about patch gameplay)