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About iR0bertson

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. iR0bertson

    Why am i lagging in Dayz?

    yeah i tried a few, i'm going to try some others tomorrow though. Really fed up with this atm as i don't see how my computer couldn't handle this
  2. iR0bertson

    Why am i lagging in Dayz?

    Computer specs: i7 4790 CPU @ 3.60ghz 16gbs of Ram NVIDIA Geforce 770 Graphics card H97-D3H Motherboard 128GB SSD Windows 7 Home Premium All of my drivers are updated. Why am i lagging in dayz still? I was sure i'd be able to run the game smooth on at least normal settings, but i still get lag on low settings. All of my settings are set to low, i have good internet (good enough to stream from twitch) i don't understand why i'm still lagging. I've seen people with worse computer specs and able to run the game smoothly on normal/low settings. Would it help if i posted pictures of what my in-game resolution settings are?
  3. iR0bertson

    Weird Low Resolution Bug With Config File

    Just bought the game and as soon as i started the game i had the really shit resolution just like yours i fixed it by going to my interface resolution and setting it to 1920x1080 (or whatever you want) but if i set the game to default and i get the shitty resolution settings back. Also the game runs extremely laggy when i put all my graphics on high and i recently just built a computer that can EASILY handle this game on high graphic settings... i don't know whats wrong my computer specs: gtx 770 i7 4790 cpu 16gbs of ram H97 D3H mobo AND and 128gb ssd
  4. iR0bertson

    I cant update Dayz to 1.7.2!!!!!!

    FIXED! if anybody else has this problem comment and ill help!
  5. I try to update dayz to version 1.7.2 (my current version is im pretty sure) by using Six launcher. Evertime i open six launcher it says "fetching servers" were the servers would normally appear and then all of a sudden six launcher stops fetching servers and this thing pops up (see attachment) When this thing pops up it lags my whole computer and it takes about 10 minutes for me to be able to close six launcher, my computer can handle dayz, i am able to play on some servers but i want to play on 1.7.2 servers because those are the servers my friends play on PLEASE HELP.