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Cocoa Pebbles

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About Cocoa Pebbles

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Cocoa Pebbles

    wasteland 3 vs 1

    Sure you know how to read?
  2. http://i.imgur.com/FeOhq.png proof
  3. It's not one hacker... Someone more than likely released the script and everyone just runs the script and kills people.
  4. Cocoa Pebbles

    1 Tent, 2 Tents...wth?

    If you have a map, you could try finding a server that shows your location, save the coords in a notepad or memorize them, and then place a tent and run back.
  5. Cocoa Pebbles

    What gear do you rock?

    Just looted some stuff off of a guy. Hand: Night-Vision Goggles Rangefinders FN Fal M1911 Bag: AS50 M4 CCO SD
  6. It's a hacked weapon. I'd probably drop both of them somewhere,
  7. Cocoa Pebbles

    Release it already. Worry about the graphical glitch over any additions to the game. Could've fixed the graphical glitch a week ago.
  8. Cocoa Pebbles

    M107 worth a M4A3 CCO SD?

    Do you have anything else like an AS50 or a DMR that you can use? M107 is pretty loud so I would probably trade mine for a CCO SD.
  9. There was 3 guys my 2 friends got into a firefight with. One of them was named Ander and another one Alt F4'd. The server was US1313 or US 1313 but still might be a coincidence that their names were similar just without the s.
  10. Cocoa Pebbles

    US 651 - Hacking/Cheating of some kind

    Well T3CHZ left "Bear Grylls" as his name in his post. There has been a Bear Grylls on two of the servers I've played on that got hacked. (In one we got teleported somewhere, in another he started fucking with my group when we in in Zeleno market by spawning helis and cars inside the market and crashing helis in there) Coincidence? I think not.
  11. Easy way to dupe. Log in, put stuff in a tent, log out, spawn with your stuff. Also there would be problems with people that have a bad internet connection.
  12. Cocoa Pebbles

    Get rid of respawn button EVEN IN RECRUIT

    They removed this in the last patch... Which was released a week ago...
  13. Cocoa Pebbles

    New character per server.

    My idea was to have every server have their own character. It would help a lot. It would help with people server hopping to get behind someone, loot places, etc... People can't just raid a camp in one server and go to their home server and transfer stuff. It would be really nice. I'm just unsure of if this would be doable or if it would just be too much of a hassle to do it.
  14. Cocoa Pebbles

    The rarest item in the game!

    I found 2 of those in 2 consecutive deaths =p Same server. But that still has like a 0.28% chance which is the same as ghillie suits.