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Sir Mitchel

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About Sir Mitchel

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Sir Mitchel

    Water Bottles, How Many Is Too Many?

    I find that carrying two is good for me.
  2. Keep in mind that it was an Arma 2 patch, not a DayZ patch.
  3. Sir Mitchel

    can't open backpack

  4. Sir Mitchel

    Where is this please

    Not quite true. There are items that spawn in the NWA barracks that don't spawn anywhere else.
  5. Sir Mitchel

    Anyone else having tent issues.

    I'm also having problems with tents. Gear that I put into my tents disappears unfailingly. If anyone has any tips for saving gear more reliably, I would greatly appreciate it.
  6. Sir Mitchel

    How many FPS?

    I get 45-60 in the woods/country. I don't notice a dip of more than a few FPS when I'm in cities, but it seems to be a pretty common issue among other players.
  7. Sir Mitchel

    Tent and Gear Problems

    I hate to bump my own thread, but I really could use some help getting my tents to work. They seem to gobble up my gear without fail, even without a server restart. Here's my tent process: 1. Pitch tent 2. Put in gear 3. Save tent 4. Put in more gear later 5. Save tent 6. Logout Upon logging in and returning to the tent all my gear will be gone. Important note: it isn't due to people looting my tents. I tested them with empty tin cans etc., things I don't really think people would bother stealing...
  8. Sir Mitchel

    Things that annoy you in DayZ?

  9. Sir Mitchel

    Just got killed by a fuckin tree...

    The world is out to kill you. The best way to not get killed in Chernarus is to not play.
  10. Sir Mitchel

    PC help

    Pretty weak specs. Try everything Hetstaine mentioned. I wouldn't overclock the CPU unless you know what you're doing. Being a laptop, overclocking could quickly lead you to overheating issues.
  11. Sir Mitchel

    How to find a good server

    This. Pick a server with a good ping (under 100ms), 40-50 player cap, and that restarts at least once a day. This helps the server be more stable.
  12. Dropped your flashlight, eh? Don't respawn. You're already further along than you started.
  13. Sir Mitchel

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Rabbits lead you to your death. Do not follow them.
  14. Sir Mitchel

    Saving Items In Tents

    For clarification... So you should let the tent sit empty until it has been up through a server restart, then the gear should be (relatively) safe from being disappearing?