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Everything posted by She'llberight

  1. She'llberight

    Incentive not to kill other players, limited loot.

    I just turned in a 5k word essay arguing against that point, video games don't encourage violence, people have been blaming media for their actions for centuries, that's why they banned books in the 1800's.
  2. She'llberight

    Incentive not to kill other players, limited loot.

    Haha, I'm just saying its not gonna be like ZombieLand it's gonna be like 28 days later.
  3. She'llberight

    Incentive not to kill other players, limited loot.

    I'm not attacking you personally but lets face it, 99% of the "gamers" playing this game are not the people who will be survivors in an apocalypse.
  4. She'llberight

    Incentive not to kill other players, limited loot.

    No, you wouldn't. Therefore this game is not realistic, if its unrealistic it needs unrealistic limits.
  5. She'llberight

    Incentive not to kill other players, limited loot.

    That's not the point, the point is. Would you shoot someone in real life? Answer the question.
  6. She'llberight

    Incentive not to kill other players, limited loot.

    So you are saying that if i met you in an apocalypse RL you would shoot me because I have a better gun than you?
  7. She'llberight

    Incentive not to kill other players, limited loot.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, you all go on about it being "realistic" but if you were in a real life zombie apocalypse would you shoot another survivor just for fun? No. As realistic as you want the game to be, people playing a game are not acting realistically so in turn the game needs to limit people.
  8. She'llberight

    This is why I shoot other players.

    I totally agree, actually have stopped playing it for a while atm for these reasons.
  9. She'llberight

    This is why I shoot other players.

    Its not I have a short attention span, I've been playing this game for months, you can only RP for so long with no objectives. Red dead redemption's multi-player lasted longer because it had a basic level system and challenges. Kill 100 zombies, Get 25 head shots, shoot a moving target while standing on one leg and whistling, for example.
  10. How far does this empty space go, is there an end to it?
  11. She'llberight

    How far can you go off the map?

    I jumped into a jet on arma 2 and flew at 1000kms an hr for about ten minutes, there is no end to the wilderness. I'm wondering, can vehicles be saved off map? If so, that should be rectified.
  12. I smashed my car into a tree and it exploded, now im bleeding and knocked out so i logged until my friend can come rescue me. He was going to locate me by finding the wrecked car. How long before the destroyed car will dissapear?
  13. She'llberight

    How long before wrecked cars dissapear?

    Well he died... :P
  14. She'llberight

    Safe zone/town in DayZ

    Im aware this should be in the suggestions forum but I can't post there so I'll post here. I'd like to see a safe town in DayZ where there are no zombies and players can't friendly fire. This would be a good place to meet up with like minded players and/or trade goods. It would still be realistic as it would be like a town that has been reclaimed from the zombies. What do you think of this idea?
  15. She'llberight

    Safe zone/town in DayZ

    Yeah I had thought of that but then I thought, greifers gonna grief.