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Everything posted by brian.rettie@googlemail.com

  1. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    The topic title does not say the full version number, smartass.
  2. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Can someone tell me what the version is for this new patch please
  3. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    You're only a moderator so why should we believe you?
  4. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Still not working :S. I've got the latest beta patch and the launch parameter. Fallujah appears in the expansions. @DayZ appears also though.
  5. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    It is.....
  6. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    How do you install? I've extracted it so I've got a @DayZFallujah folder in my arma 2 oa folder and I've edited my launch parameters so I have -mod=@DayZFallujah but I get this error http://i.imgur.com/5P5OQ.png
  7. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Dont play DAY Z today! Massive CD stealing while IN GAME

    EDIT: Double post, my mistake.
  8. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Dont play DAY Z today! Massive CD stealing while IN GAME

    Just quite a lot more thousand to go and we'll finally be able to play dayz without being scripted on. Until they buy a new Operation Arrowhead key. Then the whole process starts over again.
  9. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    How do you decide to kill somone?

    If they have a gun I kill them unless of course it's a friend. That might be the douche way to play the game but it's about survival and you won't survive long if you ignore threats.
  10. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Dem Graphical glitches..... http://i.imgur.com/Ilsvf.jpg (That's in Alpha is to add things, BETA is to fix things. DayZ is in ALPHA.
  11. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    use dayzcommander
  12. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Where is the tent saving glitch fix?!
  13. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Hopefully this time you do fix the graphic bugs. Rocket could you look into fixing the backpack when your skin changes glitch? It's seriously annoying to lose a backpack full of good loot just because your skin changed
  14. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Is the mod dead?

    We don't xD
  15. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Explain this rocket?

  16. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I can confirm the Graphical issues also. Seem to be much worst than How the fuck did you mange that rocket?
  17. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I don't think you understand what alpha means, douchebag.
  18. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Me, jackass.
  19. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Another graphical artifacts with report: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/y00m0/1725_nailed_it/
  20. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Patch 95660 stability issues.

    I've not had any problems with 95660. Odd. Anyway I think you can just install 95417 over 95660
  21. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Server owners...Update your servers.

    How about you use a better launcher (Like DayZCommander) and filter so it doesn't show wrong arma 2/dayz versions?
  22. Guess what. Posting a useless thread on here about it won't fix it. It's all up to Battleye to fix the problem and they are slow as shit about fixing it.
  23. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    [Guide] How to set up your graphics properly

    You need to change this. For people with more than 512MB vram they are better off setting this to default. Default uses all of the vram, very high only uses 512MB.
  24. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    You are unbeliveable. I think you should go look up what Alpha means. Here I'll help you.