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About brian.rettie@googlemail.com

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  1. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    The topic title does not say the full version number, smartass.
  2. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Can someone tell me what the version is for this new patch please
  3. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    You're only a moderator so why should we believe you?
  4. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Still not working :S. I've got the latest beta patch and the launch parameter. Fallujah appears in the expansions. @DayZ appears also though.
  5. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    It is.....
  6. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    How do you install? I've extracted it so I've got a @DayZFallujah folder in my arma 2 oa folder and I've edited my launch parameters so I have -mod=@DayZFallujah but I get this error http://i.imgur.com/5P5OQ.png
  7. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Dont play DAY Z today! Massive CD stealing while IN GAME

    EDIT: Double post, my mistake.
  8. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Dont play DAY Z today! Massive CD stealing while IN GAME

    Just quite a lot more thousand to go and we'll finally be able to play dayz without being scripted on. Until they buy a new Operation Arrowhead key. Then the whole process starts over again.
  9. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    How do you decide to kill somone?

    If they have a gun I kill them unless of course it's a friend. That might be the douche way to play the game but it's about survival and you won't survive long if you ignore threats.
  10. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Dem Graphical glitches..... http://i.imgur.com/Ilsvf.jpg (That's in Alpha is to add things, BETA is to fix things. DayZ is in ALPHA.
  11. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    use dayzcommander
  12. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Where is the tent saving glitch fix?!
  13. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Hopefully this time you do fix the graphic bugs. Rocket could you look into fixing the backpack when your skin changes glitch? It's seriously annoying to lose a backpack full of good loot just because your skin changed
  14. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Is the mod dead?

    We don't xD
  15. brian.rettie@googlemail.com

    Explain this rocket?
