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About Trips28

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  1. Trips28

    Lee-Enfield Weapon Guide

    cool vid, but where is the part when 30+ zeds attack from all over cause of the enfield shots?
  2. Trips28

    US 1226...Hackers.

    US1225 just got bombed as well... Dude spawned on the back of my ATV, and when i drove to my friends he F4'd. came back we shot him in the head & F4 again. All of a sudden a chopper spawned next to us. Funny part is that is spawned under power lines, so we shot him a bunch and again F4. Next thing the entire server teleported and died. Hacker doesnt get way, hacker kills server.
  3. Trips28

    Dayz shuts down while looting.

    Just this one guy. The reason i kinda think its some sort of hack is he was next to a crashed chopper (im asuming flown by the dead dude). It was just on the one corpse on the one server.
  4. I found a corpse in the field northwest of cherno, and when i click on his body the game completely crashes. I tried this a couple times and each time same result Is this some sort of hack or is my game starting to go nuts?
  5. Trips28


    how bout Twinkies? they supposedly last forever... then you could also use the epi-pen for diabetes.
  6. Trips28

    Sixth Sense

    how bout just some sort of notice if only a bandit is looking at you... and the more they kill the bigger the notice.
  7. Just dont shoot an Enfield... shooting it west of Polana seems to agro the entire friggin town
  8. Trips28

    Show vehicle slots like 10/100 etc

    And at least drop the item instead of just magically deleting if the storage is full. (i know its alpha bug, but i forget sometimes)
  9. Confession. I Dick Cheney'd my friend. While fighting a rather large group of zombies he happened to get in the way of my double barrel 12 guage (aka i was shooting wildly) and i shot him in the back of the head. He totally ran into my 360 degree line of fire. Turned out the joke was on me. I had to wait 30 minutes for him to walk back.
  10. Trips28

    Your stupidest death

    I fell a whopp'n 10" from the side of the first step on some stairs and broke my leg. I suggest they add Milk (from cows) for my brittle bones.
  11. Trips28

    Best places to find tents?

    Are tents still a touchy subject (i.e. lets play russian roulette with my junk) in this latest patch?
  12. On my first encounters with another player he started screaming friendly and 2 seconds later unloaded a whole clip into me. This game rocks.
  13. Trips28

    How fun is this game solo?

    When playing solo i tend to go all rambo (1st blood)... sticking to & living off the wilderness. In my personal experience it's a lot less stressful but make sure you bring a map/compass or you can get really lost for hours/days.
  14. Being an involuntary pacifist when starting out, I could really go for a "hands-up" aka please don't shoot me type of emote/animation. This would most likely involve some scripting/coding, but some sort of clearly defined friendly/not-shooting couldn't hurt. This could also be beneficial in trading/interacting with others – as each participant wouldn’t be pointing a gun directly in the other’s face.
  15. Great idea. I think the knife should also be equipable like the hatchet.