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Michail Gorbatsjov

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Everything posted by Michail Gorbatsjov

  1. I can't seem to find character settings in six updater...which tab is it under?
  2. Still having the same issue, I can't play because when I relog I lose everything in my inventory. Everything is reset to basic item (1 bandage, 1 painkiller, patrol backpack, flashlight.) that's it. I would love some advice. (re-install did not help)
  3. I also have the same issue, I can't enjoy the game as I died and now have nothing. Its hard to progress when all of my items reset to basic spawn items after relog. Current installed is: Servers: US100 New Jersey, North Carolina 1-23, multiple other servers. Please help, I can't even play the game, I've tried re-installing to no avail. :(
  4. Honestly, I'm not too happy with the new patch. The only issue I really have is the fact that a lot of servers aren't spawning items as they should...I'm not sure if this is an issue with the patch or not though.