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About skunktail

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. skunktail

    DayZ Stories

    today my third day in day z, i was in the army medic camp thing, deer stands and tents, barbed wire fencing, on the beach, perfect setting for a first date really. there i was up in the deer stand, looking for food, singing to myself [queen], thats where she sneaks up on me, hearing my lovely voice i suppose, she doesn't attack, i see a zombie and shoot it, look downwards see another zombie scrambling up the stairs, and before i could reload i was hit, bleeding, i shot and killed the beast, thats when she said hello [in such a manly voice too] told her i wasn't going to shoot, no point, i was dying anyway, she sadly said she had no bandages, she goes about looting the corpses of my fallen foe, i cared little all i wanted was a bandage. when she said with a start "i found one" and in the comfy shade of the deer stand she services me [bandages my wound with her only bandage].... and thats when tradgedy struck, one last zombie, clambers up the stairs and smacks her in the face, bleeding, unconcious she had used her last bandage on me.... seattle 91, stranger who's name i did not get, i thank you