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Everything posted by Campizie

  1. Campizie


    I'm looking for an M4A1 CCO SD with at least 2 mags I can give you 1 M14 AIM 2 mags 1 Coyote backpack or 1 AS50 2 nato mags 1 Coyote backpack I have a few other things I could throw in Thanks in advance
  2. Campizie

    Dayz Standalone: Such as Sleeping bags!

    Sleeping bags +1
  3. I was on the top of one of the big building, went to get my binoculars out and pressed V instead and fell off the building. Lost 1 as50, 1 m4a1 cco sd, Ghillie suit, NVG's and lots more. Then I lost the server name. Felt like an idiot! :(
  4. Campizie

    DayZ Stories

    Me and my friend James were running up to Stary Sobor in a low pop server with only 1 other person in it. When we arrived to Stary i see zombies that have spawned in the city off another person.Initially my friend didn't believe me. As we got closer again we found two crashed helos, as we wenn to loot the first one i see a black dot moving about 600 meters away at the other crash site. I get james to watch it as i go over there and have a look. I lose the guy as i get closer and then out of no where i see a guy with a m107 on his back and just as i saw him he stopped with his pistol down and i freaked out and put 5 m14 bullets into his chest. As we went up to him he had a as50 with 5 bullets and an m107 with none