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Everything posted by deathshroud

  1. deathshroud

    Mouse aceleration

    how do you turn this off? when selecting it in options it doesnt disable.
  2. deathshroud

    Mouse aceleration

    is there any way ot do this via config?
  3. deathshroud

    November Round-up

    "your mouth feels dry" i beleive rocket did say he had been influenced by space station 13. This is an obvious nod in ss13 direction along with the restraining of players.. No idea how restraining will work in dayz but in ss13 players remained ingame even when logged out so if you was handcuffed you had to break the cuffs or wait for someone to uncuff you. Not really a good idea having accounts perma logged in in dayz though. ss13 is one of the best games i have played in recent years and im glad rocket gives it recognition. But dayz for sure needs a 20second logout timer or something, so you cant insta log. cant remember if the mod got that feature eventually or not.
  4. deathshroud

    Low humanity --> gun on respawn

    i think doing the following would greatly improve the current bandit situation. 1. Bring back the bandit skin 2. bandits start with no weapon 3. each time you die with negative humanity you gain 500 humantiy back to a total of 2500
  5. deathshroud

    [Suggestion] Sleep

    i think instead all players should be forced to find a safe palce to sleep at roughly 12 midnight and then sleep until 7 am, failure to find somewhere to sleep will cause you to fall asleep through exhaution were you are and then the clock is pseeded up until 7 am. If you didnt find somewhere safe then theres a good chance you will be dead. warning messages appear as midnight aporaches starting with you are getting drowsy and continue in severity until midnight. i think 2-3 hours of night time is fine but the current amount is just to much to make the game fun and its unrealistic to never have to sleep.
  6. deathshroud

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    i think the game would benefit from abit more variety in zombie types and i propose both zombie dogs to flesh out the widlerness or diversify spawns a little and dog "survivors" esentially dog survivors are unaffected dogs that can be appoached out in the widlerness, you can have the dog follow you and be your pet. able to equip a msall backpack to it to hold items and tell it to attack things for you. The dog however also needs to eat either dog food from tins or raw meat cut from animals and drink water from a canteen everyone once in a while. on antoher ntoe theres a wip horse mdo for arma2 that proves the concept of horse riding http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRssGe_WBU0 im sure this could be vastly improved by Rocket if he was to attempt it. Having horses in fields and the widlerness that you can ride provided oyu find a saddle would be awesome
  7. deathshroud

    New Zombies/ Small Bosses?

    would like to see zombie dogs sicne arma2 already ahs dogs in it. also maybe dogs that you can find and use as a pet seeking them on zombies and palcing a small backpack on them to hold shit awesome also theres a wip horse mod for arma2, im sure that rocket could do a much better job and hve horses that can be ridden out in the wilderness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRssGe_WBU0
  8. deathshroud


    also repairable motorbikes would be cool to that run on less ufel than cars.
  9. deathshroud

    Something for the woods

    well there are dogs in the arma2 engine so a natural thing to add would be zombie dog spawns scattered around both the wilderness and cities. I think what the wilderness needs are pickables like herbs to help treat pain and berries/mushrooms to eat so that players can survive in the wilderness if they know what to look for. Should also be poisonous berries mushrooms etc as well.
  10. deathshroud

    Night time

    my suggestion regarding nights is probably going to recieve mixed reactinos but here goes... all players now start with a sleeping bag within their inventory. using the sleeping bag (through a hot key places the bag upon the ground similar to doing anything else in the game such as wire fences etc. The sleeping bag once placed, can be picked back up or you can sleep within it, however the player is unable to sleep in the sleeping bag unless its a specific time of day/night. The player essentially gets the message you are not tired enough to sleep yet. As the day goes on and night begins at roughly midnight the player will then get the message you are getting drowsy, find a place to rest. The palyers on the server must then search out a decent spot to place their sleeping bag ready for midnight. (away from potential zombie spawns etc). The closer it gets to midnight the more messages appear to the players such as you are exhausted and may soon collapse, find a place to rest. ETC Once midnight is reached the players within sleeping bags now sleep, all the players who are not within them collapse to the floor from exhaustion and the timer is rapidly increased whilst all the players sleep until 7.00am. Then the players all rise from their sleep, the zombie spawns have all been refilled and all the players are now hungry and thirsty. those who did not find a safe place to rest may well of been killed by zombies as they lay unconscious from the days activities. What this change does adds a little bit of realism in terms of players now having to rest, but it also cuts down the amount of darkness players have to face to around 3-4hours instead of 8-9. Since in my opinion playing at night looses the novelty after a few hours and is counter porductive to the success of the mod.