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About battlepanda50

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. battlepanda50

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Are any of these going to be legit deaths? 100% bugs and hackers so far.
  2. battlepanda50

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Was crushed between my tent and a tree, hit for 7k damage, broken leg, bleeding and knocked out. almost survived, then it happen again "OH C'MON" was so pissed
  3. battlepanda50

    can you stash items?

    Not quite, You set up a tent on the server of your choice, it's a pita to move once you have it full of stuff so find a good server. You put your stuff in the tent (they can carry a limited amount of items) 5 backpacks (may or may not save items inside, think they are lost on server restart) 10 weapons/tools (map, compass etc) 50 normal items (food, ammo etc) you save the tent (they are buggy, save them more than once to be sure) You leave the tent where it is and log off, when you log back in IF nobody had found your tent and IF the server pixies have not eaten it you items will(should) be inside. DO NOT PUT IMPORTANT STUFF IN YOUR TENT, really dem pixies be hungry yo.
  4. battlepanda50

    I Will Tell You Fellow Bandits, A Bandits Dream Moment.

    satchell charges? are these even in dayz? without being hacked oc.
  5. battlepanda50

    So I just bought my third copy of OA

    08 myself, been training thermo dynamics lvl5 while I whore the hell out of dayz.
  6. battlepanda50

    So I just bought my third copy of OA

    Eve player by chance? Not hatin but really what's the point? I get the idea of a storage mule and all tbh I would be tempted to do that myself but trying to play two guys at once in a fps, seems more hassle than it's worth. imo anyway. edit> haha someone else spotted the eve-ness while I was typing.
  7. battlepanda50

    Admin abuse on US 750 - video evidence.

    Racism is a banable offence, think you can get him perma banned for this if you really want to. Why the hell not, the guys kinda a douche. Correct me if I misheard though. P.s watched some of your other vids and the base you built on your private server was pretty cool can only hope that's possible in the full game in the future.
  8. battlepanda50

    You want a currency system?

    Bottlecaps? Cmon, I'm the first?
  9. battlepanda50

    Red Chain and dysyncing

    What if anything do you guys do about this, a 10sec desync of the whole server every few mins seems a bit much. It's enough time to die about 20 times before you even know what's going on. Sure it's going to happen from time to time even on the best servers but what do you guys deem acceptable as I might be being too picky in my search for a server that keeps a connection (most of the time), every 10mins/15mins? I'd be happy with once an hour.
  10. battlepanda50

    Are the server owners cheating us?

    Yeah its very odd, last night I shot two guys off a motorbike (turn your dam lights off ffs) and made off with my haul, 2 mins later the server shut down, very odd indeed. I lost the bike in some woods anyway but that's not the point.
  11. battlepanda50

    Who doesn't kill non-lethal survivors?

    lol, well someone should call you a douche bag, should not abuse other peoples trust/kindness, but its not going to be me. carry on.
  12. battlepanda50

    to all cheaters/hackers/lamers

    Suppose they have nothing better to do and nobody is stopping them. If battleye worked and every time someone used a hack BAM!! perma banned buy a new cd to try again, Until then all you can do is shrug and carry on. If it makes you feel any better ask yourself this question Has someone who has to cheat in an online game to feel validated ever seen a naked girl? got a decent job? have anything better to do? probably not, no matter how many times they "lol nuked the server" and hacked in a Apache they still lose in the end.
  13. battlepanda50

    Dog tags on survivors?

    I Like, you have my beans sir!
  14. battlepanda50

    Taking the game too seriously

    Eh? Dayz isn't real? you mean I haven't been surviving on Chernarus for the last 3 weeks? God Dammit, I thought my time had finally came.
  15. battlepanda50

    Overhaul of the needs of players

    I agree on the starving to death in an hour on a game that has a real 24 hour day, it makes no sense. make food rarer and needed less often. Alright ideas apart from the staying on the server while asleep, death to a server killing hack while not even logged in, No thanks.