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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. If you kill bambi's then yes, if not, then no. You are forgetting something important called time which is a personal thing to everyone as we all use it individually. "WAITER!!! 1 order of the mental health check plox, seems like someone didnt evolve from researching the "secret society" uuuuuuh" If you cant handle the weird part of youtube, dont be there. -.-
  2. im sitting with a link right now that proves you wrong and @the moderator, they also talk about hash algorithm. (it is said that in cod4 it is possible, then what in arma?). Remember, cd-key&guid=not so far away from eachother. It takes time but it is possible. I think its time to stop denying it because it sure feels like some money stunt saying "we know our game isnt secure but its your own fault if you get banned no matter what" this lazy way might work in the world we live in today but ask yourself if its fair and right to say that, what if it was you? ps. I can PM the link but im not gonna post it here because it could give some people good ideas and id probably get warned(even though it isnt "possible") brgrds
  3. Yes, and all they need is the GUID, there are ways of using that GUID that is why you usually hide it when you register on fx BF2 clan competition sites, you dont share guid's for a reason and if they can do such things in the battlefield series then what? come on now.
  4. Not true at all, 2 of my friends from my clan had their cd key stolen from being on public servers, there must be something dodgy going on with some servers, we all know how "open" the game is and we all know that the hackers can take control of the client, if they can do that they can easily snatch something from the client that relates to your cd-key, you cannot deny this. These guys also dont hack or use any hacks, unfortunately they are one of the not so good guys on our server and i played with them regulary, even i am scared of having this happening to me but so far its all clear.
  5. Hello, our server currently show this in our logs and we have no idea what it means, ive contacted battleye but also thought of coming here to see if anyone knows what this means? we have 3-4 other guys doing this, some have got it over 20 times in a row, ive only got this once and it was when i first joined the server which is a private hive. 17.10.2012 06:14:07: *** ***** - Value Restriction #12 "remExFP" = [,,"per","execVM","ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf"] 17.10.2012 06:14:07: *** ***** - Value Restriction #25 "remExFP" = [,,"per","execVM","ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf"] Some get banned for this code ive heard and from what i personally know it aint related to any cheat engine as i dont run any, i do run TS overlay but we have crossed that out so far.
  6. i got my answer from battleye and need no further help :) Thanks anyway :) Apparently this happens due to the addons/missions on the server put on by the server admin, in my case that is, just to explain :)
  7. Rocket please dont go rockstar style, i mean, ive bought their gta IV and their Max Payne and it is impossible for so many people to actually join or find a server, i do know the issue is on rockstars side, i dont have to make my router or anything SO public (i feel like leaving the key in to the door of my house) I wouldnt say gamespy is causing issues with the servers to be honest, ofcourse i dont know how it is on your end but atm it is easy as 1.2.3 to join a server, no kick and no ping issues, using any game that supports this NAT has always given me issues and i remember that one of the apartments i was living in i wasnt able to change this because the damn ISP didnt want to give me the pass and username for my "box" (fiberoptic) Then again this is my opinion and i can only say that i have had so many issues with this NAT that i gave up playing multiplayer in these 2 games or any games from rockstar who is the only ones i know who use this.
  8. Problem is, we tested this aswell, i was on the server and i hit that server control and got kicked and the message was #220 and then another one, but not #12 or #25. It cannot be a hack menu either. this makes my brain ache, punkbuster had atleast a decent list over the different errors but i guess its hard to have such a list with a game like arma, but still.
  9. to all the people whining about this. "Would you rather have a person log out and log in to get the loot? 1. he can spawn in behind you without having spawned zombies so you dont know he is even there 2. If he does that he is most likely a combat logger/ghoster" Loot cycling has its many risks, you spawn zombies and you are at one place running about and you probably have to kill zombies now and then, when loot cycling you dont really pay that much attention other than finding great loot so the main thought is loot and not enemies so you are an easy kill, you can even end up getting all the great loot after a long time and then get killed but thats the name of the game. Id rather have a person loot cycling than have someone disconnect and reconnnect to get loot. Atleast they arent hacking or directly ruining other peoples day just for kicks, loot cycling only gives that much of an advantage and it aint much so is it even worth discussing? i mean, its not really a huuuuge issue lol.
  10. no.... 12 minutes with this music, its just not worth it, I usually never ever whine about music, but this, is just noice.
  11. that was actually a stupid way to die, zombie running through the floor of the upper floor in the barn, this is probably just due to the arma engine and hopefully wont happen in the standalone.
  12. wow this is awesome, just watching and still watching, your friend was soooo close to dying, bloddy good save, good communication i really enjoy it and it deserves more views :) gonna watch the other episodes
  13. CTH is also looking for players guyyys!!! honestly, this clan is one of the best ive been in, down to earth and a good and decent place to call home, they are what makes me wanna play dayz again after my months long break, come have some fun with us!
  14. ohh i had a previous clan tell me that it was the loudest in the game, i knew it was one of the more quiet ones but no, they were all so right and got all girly about it, i left that clan though but yeah, it is silent and deadly.
  15. i am looking to apply to this, im a decent dayz player and right now im up in the north in a gillie, fully geared with as50(would like a DMR tho) and a silenced m4cco and m9sd + various map coords for gear if that is needed, i havent been to the campsites myself yet but ive fished them up so there is atleast a good chance for finding some one time loot :) i see myself as capable of being in the 2 squads bravo-charlie decent pilot, i usually parked my chopper in the forest when i had it, i was a designated pilot for another team that is rather dead now. :) ATV's are also so funny to drive. i am online almost 24h so im available most times, decent player and i have played ALOT of armed assault and im danish :)
  16. Hello, what i am currently looking for in a group or clan is Veteran server playing, either own the server or play on it with knowledge of how to contact the admin. Teamspeak is used 4 players and up, there is no limit as long as the leader knows how to control his troops That you ofc are based in EU but are english speaking No alt-f4'ers or ghosters or aborters, id like a clean fight and ammo wasted as it should be. That you are organized. Im a teamplayer and i will help my team as good as i can, i know my stuff around DayZ, i know how to pilot a chopper aswell but there will not be much use of that as the fighting is going on on the ground, id like the communication to be fluid and it would be nice to also have some fun beneath being all srs face :) Fair play is induced and having a home server is a must for a group or clan, jumping around on servers makes you vulnerable to scripter death, though it is hard to shield yourself against you are still able to secure yourself atleast a little bit. I myself is Danish and i am online most of the day and night
  17. still looking for a new place :D most recruiting here are american i see :(
  18. What?????? Where did you come from? @OP, american or EU? NVM, private hive no thanks
  19. wait what? srsly? omg
  20. agreed, but TSAsomethingsomething is known for being a dude who takes another dude up his dude so dont worry about him. Though DayZ could be a whole lot better with one simple fix tbh, then all the other stuff could be worked on but meh, airing an opinion in this kind of community is barely possible due to the Alpha spamming which gets old. But hey maybe the standalone will be great, im just not getting it :D anyways, good post. Is Cod really 60$????? if so, then thats just to get money down into their pockets.
  21. id pay when they dont hide behind excuses and man up.