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About SaintSn0w

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    Terry Varden

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rockwall TX
  1. id like to join you guys, need some people to play with and a nice group of 4+ sound awsome
  2. yea, im in North america, and im good to play any time, im on now, but i use the Six Launcher to play, so i dont think you can see it through steam :/
  3. Downloaded the mod last night, and got most of the basics down. Playing by myself is proving to be chalenging, so i was hopeing to find some people to play with. If your interested shoot me a message or freind request on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/saintsn0w
  4. SaintSn0w

    New to game. Starting survival group

    Im also new to the game, looking for anyone to team up with. http://steamcommunity.com/id/saintsn0w