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ivor (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ivor (DayZ)

  1. I have an AKM equiped and a CZ in my pack, how can I switch them out without losing one? (I've lost one in the past by dropping it to equip the pack gun) Thanks!
  2. Is it based off a server restart or?
  3. I'm trying to use the CZ550 but the scope is bouncing around like I just ran a marathon! Yet I've been sitting prone for a good 10 minutes. Is there a trick to making this thing bounce all over, there is no way to hit anything at this point.
  4. ivor (DayZ)

    How do I switch out a weapon from pack?

    Awesome thanks for the quick replies guys!
  5. It was pretty creepy when he started dragging your lifeless body away lol
  6. ivor (DayZ)

    Most intense firefight of my life

    If this doesn't become like the next wow onyxia video (MOAR WHELPS) i'd be very surprised
  7. ivor (DayZ)

    Most intense firefight of my life

    Actually I think your bad shots killed the truck, if you look right before the truck goes up you put 1 or 2 rounds into the right side + the ones when the guys were driving off.
  8. ivor (DayZ)

    Most intense firefight of my life

    You sir are a complete retard lol