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About TexasJIGG

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TexasJIGG

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I like that video just practicing breast stroke nice mg too
  2. TexasJIGG

    Day Z Urban Legends

  3. TexasJIGG

    Wow, the barracks are lame--NO THEY'RE AWESOME

    I'm pretty sure but don't quote me if you spawn in a location you have to leave then come back to get any loot. I think this is a mechanic to limit server hoppers for supplies. But there is supplies 90 percent of the time, I think the trash loot etc is spawned by someone else being in the area before you recently. I've tried this theory in a deer stand on low pop servers and a out of way location. No loot on spawn just like no zombies. For best results and tactically spawn about 200 yards off. Normally gives server time to spawn loot by the time you arrive.
  4. TexasJIGG

    Name your good deed of the day.

    Bored just died so I went to fire station cherno. Cleared all the wire for people, and left some food. I then went to the roof cried out sanctuary! I killed about 40 zeds chasing some randoms with my lee then left all the loot for everyone else. I was later rewarded with a c. Backpack from someone
  5. TexasJIGG

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Way back when I first started playing I spawned in on a server in the air controller tower at nwaf. When I loaded in I realized the tower was missing walls. I then heard massive cannon fire, and peaked outside. I saw about 5 apc roving the af shooting up zombies, and actual soldiers running around as well. I then asked over side channel if anyone had seen this or knew what was going on. Several players replied they heard a few explosions but then didn't know. I called hacks and tried to leave the tower before dcing. As soon as I exit the tower I looked through iron sights one more time at the troops. I swear I hear " there's another one" then I got just mowed down by the troops. Hacked server I don't know but never have seen the like since
  6. Date/Time: 7/27/12 : 10:00 central US What happened: Up in the mountains around Skalka (Top left) when my character morphed into the rock / crevice and died Where you were: Top left of the map ruffly cordinates 60 052 Skalka Mountains What you were doing: Just walking and looking through scope at terrain *Current installed version: v1.7.2.3 Beta v95054 *Server(s) you were on: DayZ Chicago 36 hosted by TIG *Your system specs: Win7 64 bit, Raptor Hard Drive, CPU AMD Phenom II x4 965 Processor, 12 GB Ram, vid card GeForce GTX 560 Ti v296.10 *Timeline of events before/after error: Just wandering around the terrain came up from NW airfield - (error) - died respawned Just letting ya'll know about the possible issues and to let others know to stay away. Thanks for the great mod