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About mipeirong

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  1. micro you skank! the ts3 pass!
  2. just wait for it nap. ull be able to join
  3. micro actually shoots on sight. be careful. jk ^_^
  4. mipeirong

    Necessary gear.

    alice pack, food, drink, hatchet, pistol if not a primary
  5. mipeirong

    Looking For Teammates!

  6. mipeirong

    This game is fucking garbage!!!!1

    this thread sucks
  7. mipeirong

    Heli Crash

    Ya i know of em. What about it?
  8. mipeirong

    Possible team?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/14-survivor-hq/ This is where you make these threads.
  9. steam name: pmcgehee