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Everything posted by Aggedang

  1. Aggedang

    Clan HaF - Hybrid Assault Force

    Age:16 Location:Sweden Timezone:GMT +1 IGN:Aggedang (agg for short) IRL name:August Current gear: Preferred Role:Assault/spotter/scavenge. im a decent pilot to. Ethics (your beliefs on killing and looting etc):Personally I only kill people who are hostile or are a threat to me. I will kill a sniper sitting on a hill in Elektro even if he hasn't fired at me or anyone else, because those people are assholes.
  2. Dayz Name: Aggedang How long have you played Dayz: Since June/July - ish Time Zone:GMT +1 Age: 16 PvP experience:Lots, played with a few PvP groups using Mumble and/or TS3. Favorite Gun/Combo:L85A2, DMR/AS50. Or; M4 CCO, DMR/AS50 (this is my current setup) Team Experience:Lots as mentioned earlier, I especially prefer thermal overwatch but any role suits fine. How familiar with the map are you?:since i've been playing for almost 4 months i know the map really well, no problems finding north. Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?:Yes, I've just recently started using this and I'm getting to understand it better.
  3. I was the first to get killed by them, we got insta-killed upon logging in so getting a pic is kind of hard. I am not sure however that "MrBeau" is actually a hacker as the one who instakilled me was "......". "MrBeau" was however with him as I saw him typing in Direct Comm's.
  4. Aggedang

    Make czech pouch useful

    there is, it's called "Coyote Backpack".
  5. In Game Name: Aggedang Age: 16 Time Zone: GMT +1 Experience Level In DayZ: Average/more than average What Can You Do To Help The Group: I'm a good looter aswell as a decent marksman, I can provide medical assistence and be an "up close and personal" guy. Steam Account: Aggedang I have skype and TS3
  6. Aggedang

    Looking for people to join our small team

    I'm in if it's ok. I'm 16 and have been playing for 2-3 weeks. From: Sweden. Skype name: Aggedang (same as in-game aswell as steam)
  7. I'd love to join a group/clan, I'm 16 and I'm from Sweden (I'm fairly good at english though :)) i play almost everyday for a few hours. hit me up on skype: Aggedang