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Everything posted by Hungrypiemonger

  1. Hungrypiemonger

    Q. Can zombies open doors?

    It won't get fixed anytime soon, bite the bullet and raid the town. get your experience looting towns now before you get any real good gear. also don't get attached to your stuff. you will lose it eventually.
  2. Hungrypiemonger

    I have become a monster..

    Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can ever imagine.
  3. Hungrypiemonger

    When a place a marker on a map does everyone see it?

    This is one of the many problems with the mod currently for me. I think that each player should get to choose what team they are on in the server menu, also only that team should show whats on each teams map. OR each players map is personal and only they can see it.
  4. Hungrypiemonger

    People are horrible.

    The one time I did kill anyone in cold blood unprovoked I actually felt bad about it. Although whenever I've killed someone protecting myself from harm I feel perfectly vindicated. It's all in what kind of person you are and what has shaped you as a person morally speaking.
  5. Hungrypiemonger

    Why is it I always run into players weaponless

    some players are inherently evil.
  6. Hungrypiemonger

    Introduce yourselves

    I'm Hungrypiemonger (everyone just calls me Hungry), just don't call me late for Frank and Beans. nyuk nyuk. usually on the US servers although occasionally on french when its late at night. NVG sure is tough to find.
  7. Hungrypiemonger


    Well that video was at least informative. He answered a bunch of questions I wanted to ask.
  8. I agree that there should be a zombie for every character model. so yes, definitely a sniper zombie
  9. Hungrypiemonger

    Worst day in History to Start?

    Since I started 5 days ago I have asked a few of those very questions. Another thing I've noticed: Things have gone from mainly zombie concerns to pvp concerns more and more. I would love to know why Rocket did away with the Humanity stat. Now with Humanity and bandit skin gone it seems there is now NO reason, other than being with friends, to NOT shoot EVERY player you see.