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Everything posted by Xbgmegatron

  1. Xbgmegatron

    Game unplayable due to hacking

    And how about getting banned for picking up à weapon some people just dont know wich guns are in this game its silly hackers dont get banned but people who find gear randomly They do or yesterday à Guy finds à suit And 2 minuten later banned global this is really silly
  2. Xbgmegatron

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    Please make it happen !
  3. Xbgmegatron

    Graphical bugs

    Near north west airfield that area bugs like crazy And i died thank you for that
  4. A Guy took us OUT 3 guys with single shots this is crazy with à Silent weapon fix this Please
  5. Xbgmegatron

    Silent sniper m4 scope too overpowered

    No hè killed me on à Hill near elektro insta kill amazing shooter or hacker then 30 seconds later hè killed my 2 other friend
  6. Never saw à helicopter is it that rare?
  7. Good game yesterday i really like this group player AFCA !!
  8. Hè man mag ik aub meedoen ? I also speak english 28 years old from Amsterdam The netherlands would like to play with some adults thank you
  9. Xbgmegatron

    Any dutch teams?

    Looking for à group of adults to play this game
  10. It just wont work i cant open The file thats on battleye.com Windows 7 64 bit wont allow me And im AM just à noob with computers dont know what to do! Dayzlauncher ànd updater not working :( Any help Please thank you
  11. Xbgmegatron

    Battleye issues cant reinstall update

    After that it still gives me à red x cant join ? !
  12. Lan single player wont start at all armory 8 not loading somehow
  13. Xbgmegatron

    Could not connect to BE master

    Thanks à lot :) !!
  14. Xbgmegatron

    Could not connect to BE master

    Sorry kinda of noob questions i AM running Windows 7 64 bit it wont let me download The dll file dont know what to do Please help i AM kinda new to this thank you
  15. Xbgmegatron

    Cannot connect?

    Need help on that part i can not download The dll file Windows 7 wont allow me Please need help i AM kinda of noob with computers Any help Please
  16. Xbgmegatron


    Battleye issues dont know what to do ... Cant play this is so frustrating only pro software people know what to do Please
  17. Xbgmegatron

    missing string while updating Battleye

    Same problem dont know what to do only The people who are very good with software could play this is so frustrating. I dont know how to reinstall battleye it wont let me
  18. Xbgmegatron

    I'm getting tired of this...

    Whats up with The battleye wont let me update i cant play too much issues to launch à game And i AM no IT specialist
  19. Xbgmegatron

    Recuitng Small Fire Team

    Adult Guy 28 years old from Amsterdam The netherlands gained exp good team player following orders i have à mic steam name : Xbgmegatron
  20. Xbgmegatron

    Looking for a small group to play with

    Stuur maar een bericht steam naam Xbgmegatron
  21. Xbgmegatron

    Steam Group for all players in DayZ

    How can i join ?
  22. Xbgmegatron

    Looking for a dutch Clan

    Ja die zijn dr wel !! Stuur maar een bericht steam Xbgmegatron het liefst oudere personen !
  23. Hallo ik ben ap en ik ben 28 jaar heb team speak. Steam Id Xbgmegatron voeg me toe aub
  24. Xbgmegatron

    Mature UK player looking for group

    Please invite me i AM 28 years old from Amsterdam looking for team players steam name is Xbgmegatron
  25. Xbgmegatron

    Need more players !

    Currently we are à small group from The netherlands we would like to have more mature team players message me at steam Xbgmegatron