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Everything posted by facet

  1. Are you sure, you have all mags SD? This weapon working only with SD ammo.
  2. I played on server with bots. Weeks ago. They was equiped: one with food/drink only, another with top weapon, other with top gears. I meet also killing bots/survivors, so, nothing new ;) But sick :P
  3. facet

    Need help Broken leg

    Simple and working trap :)
  4. facet

    Best way to find NV goggles?

    He can use http://dayzdb.com/database/l85a2-aws :D BTw, I found in cheater camp AS50 TWS....
  5. facet

    Best way to find NV goggles?

    Best way. I found in game only twice. In barracks and heli crash. Once on dead player, but I found tons of nv in others tents :)
  6. facet

    pets, Pets, PETTSS!!!!

    Language nazi...
  7. You can drop pistol and put it to back pack still
  8. Nope. But you need pistol G17 and/or M4A3. Then press L when in hand. I don't know other weapon with torch/flashlight, but G17 and M4A3 working 100% http://dayzdb.com/database/m4a3-cco and http://dayzdb.com/database/g17
  9. We says, Crazy Iwan. Also 550 ammo on him ;)
  10. facet

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    Let's check, but I'm near sure, is less than 1600. I'll check it tnight
  11. facet

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    I'm not sure, but in DayZ is always same distance
  12. facet

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    Should be even not bad ;) fps. I see it is connected with server. I have on every 6h reseted servers very nice fps, but on shit servers slideshow with 15fps sometimes.
  13. Remove graphical glitches on dead soldiers frist PLEASE, wires no matter and no problem
  14. facet

    DMR or SVD Camo?

    SVD only with special and very rare ammo. You must know how to use this gun. You can't use it with NV. Is NOISY but not that much. Same as M24 etc. SVD is only good if you have ghilie and lots of ammo. For me better is M107, I like it as second weapon. DMR is more universal, but I like M107 damage. I always walking with assault in hand, and when I meet sniper or danger player, I can easy swap for sniper - M107. No problem with ammo for M107, great damage (one shot kills), range etc. With SVD you need head shot. It is always hard, when target moving. With M107 you need any body shot to kill.
  15. facet

    When do people use zeroing on the AKM?

    He is awesome. Effective range for AKM is 400m...
  16. wait for stand alone. Will be more posts like my for/against
  17. facet

    low fps

    I have same problem many times. Change server. You can back to this server later, can be better fps. Dunno why, but this is only solution I know and working for me.
  18. facet

    What Stats do you keep track of?

    Where is api for stats?
  19. facet

    Heli Crash FAQ

    Tiny cans? Trash cans? Lol maybe...
  20. facet

    Did i do the right thing?

    If you want to talk about it more, go to sancutary server next Sunday. I always killing peoples I don't know in game. Of course not noobs with axe or weapon less, but well equiped, just for my and my wingman safety.
  21. Yeah, stupid game. Not working on my ZX Spectrum too.
  22. facet

    Free Suff

    All DE servers stinks for me. Mostly local, hacked or just weird.