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Everything posted by facet

  1. facet

    Taviana Oil Rigs

    With triggering is half true on Taviana. I was on foot in Castle (top military) and was nothing here even, after 30 min. I was alt+tab. On platform I was by the boat. Ladders not working, but I entered platform with another glitch. Of course was nothing here. After reconnecting, my boat landed (miracle) on the roof of platform, of course stuck. I can't go back lol.... DIscouraging. Too many bugs on Taviana.
  2. facet

    Build Rolling Update

    Good work dev's. Maybe next step should be adding a battery for all electronic equipement with limited live? NVG, GPS, Rfinder, even AIMpoint weapon.
  3. facet

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    30 sec combat counter after using road flare? C'mon :)
  4. facet

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Great job. I lost my character (with everything I need) after joining new arma+dayZ version, and now I have new one, but good job on update ofc :P
  5. That's right LeYuno. Here few more places where warm clothes. Mostly military and crash sites. And when you have it on you, before disconnecting or/and server reset put it off - here is bug, you can lose it. As I see, playing day and not mountains, you not need it that much. And don't drop your civilian clothes. You will need it for transfusion. In warm clothes you can't get blood.
  6. wrong warm clothes only in few places, middle south of island, military bouildings. If you playing day and not mountains, you not need clothes that much.
  7. facet

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I like planed changes. Good work again. Btw, probably do you know, but. On bridge and undeground (Object 2) not working light like a: road flares, chemilight, torch. Will be fixed?
  8. facet

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thanks for last answer @Sumrak. I like this map very. Some problems: no food on south of map or extreem rare - lots of sodas...; matches only in one place on map, warm clothes miles away heat packs not working as should, still frozen even after 2 used after server reset I lost my warm clothes first time I died by no food in dayz...(twice) problem with harvesting wood in some areas here crash sites? Standard with UH-1N? I found one only, walking a lot I was on server where no animals, on another where loot but no zombies, on another one where was not cold... I think this is more server/hive connected here barrels you can fire like in Stary Sobor military camp? more supermarkets wolud be nice. Just one more probably you know it, but after spawn, player mostly swimming in grass I like this idea with broken NVG and GPS as I remember. Atmo is very good, locations too. Imo this is 2nd best map after Cherna in DayZ. Stay sharp!
  9. facet

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Map is very nice. Played few hours tonight but - I never meet animal??? Wtf?? My Namalsk version is 0.55, playing night on vilayer server. I need my steaks!!! :P Thanks
  10. facet

    Make the nights brighter!!!

    Why I have night, when I want watch sun 24h in real life??? so, in DayZ -> torch/flashlight, G17 with torch on, M4A3 with torch on, chemilight, road flare, NVG. What you need more????
  11. Looks very good, good progress. All very nice, but factory/workshop with lathes. I never it saw in room diagonally. Should be perpendicular to the walls - no big deal ofc. And some light - lamps on ceiling or skylights. I was in factory few times :) Plaster should be more subtle. But overall as I said - veeery nice. I can't wait standalone.
  12. facet

    Strange bloodloss

    Need food or drink. No other way. And check debug monitos - should be off. Default only. You will see red drink/food icon.
  13. Must be with sexy voice and with nice look. Mature and not stupid. Some DayZ skills welcome! My time is GMT+0 Send me pm baby! This is no joke – Thanks
  14. Sorry dude, your mom is not type of woman I'm looking for
  15. Are you sexy woman or just frustrated troll?
  16. facet

    Unique Looking Weapons and Unique Ammo

    Chernarus is not Afghanistan. You should play ARMA 2, you will see. Here was russian army and americas army, so post soviet and americas weapons. Khyber pass guns is nice idea, but here weapons from arma 2 only.
  17. Hi Another time, I was killed by tree. I think, mostly I'm killed by trees, doors etc. Whats going on??? :D I can understand - broken bone or something durning crawling near tree roots, but dead???? I lost my all equipement. I'm not looting my body mostly, but with stupid dead like this I tried. But body is not lootable, blocked by tree. Cool – I lost 700 zeds+ character, few kills, NVG, range finder, gps and all rest of equipement. AS50 and M4 SD with lots of mags, ghilie.... WTF???? My blood level was 12000, not shocked etc. This is my 3rd dead by tree. Also latrine door killed me, stairs in barn, and live stones near Skalka...
  18. I need NVG now, then maybe r finder. Catch me on priv messages.
  19. I can. Play long, but we are talking about real long. Not I played long, month, twice in a week 2 h. Play looong and you will see. Kill over 500 zombies - > broken bone guaranteed and other nice accidents. You will see. And if you playing "long" and you never found NVG or Range finder, you not playing long. Trust me :)
  20. We was lucky last days. Or now we just know how to find tents :) Again Today. I have new character after this pine tree accident... ok... so, I found in few hours DMR, M4A3 CCO, even AS50 on crash site. But I still remember my M4 SD.... then... hooah! Tent and tell me what was inside? :D After tent we found another crash site with ammo only, crates. Here was ammo even for SVD, but me making smiled 20 of STANAG SD's :)
  21. Yo! I did test squad.xml file, sample is here: http://www.numer7.com/squad/squad.xml It working in game, when checking players on server, I see my details. But, I can't see my icon. Every time is error message, something connected with loading problem. my icon file is .paa format, I can open it in TexView, should be ok. Maybe it is in wrong place in squad file? Dunno. Here my squad.*** details: http://www.numer7.com/squad/squad.xsl http://www.numer7.com/squad/squad.xml and whole directory is open now: http://www.numer7.com/squad/ Any IDea? Thank's! :D
  22. facet

    Helicopter Locations

    Yeah, but I said, this bike spawn empty and fresh just after server restart in place where pickup should be on dayzdb.
  23. facet

    Helicopter Locations

    As I see, most possible place is this island. But probably also Skalka, NAirfield. On this dayzdb I see few other locations, but this map is not good for "random" vehicles. Eg in place where pickup should be, I found moto bike just after server reseting. I found 3 times Huey on Island, here is for sure.
  24. No, with hax I had AS50 TWS, G36C-SD and British military clothes :P But no this time. And no my hax, I found cheater camp with all inside you can imagine... :D
  25. Thank you both, I know this bug. But still SICK :D As I said, I can understand broken bone, but dead??? And check gears I lost lol :)))) Btw, In partol pack I had another NVG, Range Finder and Ghilie for my friend. This all is not so common.... :P