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Everything posted by thefreindlyoldman

  1. thefreindlyoldman

    The Zip Gun & Improvised Weapons

    These all actually sound really cool, though the chances of them implementing them are almost none.
  2. thefreindlyoldman

    Never Ending Load Screen

    Try disconnecting and trying again?
  3. thefreindlyoldman

    My story

    All I have to say: http://i.qkme.me/35bepo.jpg
  4. thefreindlyoldman

    My pc for Dayz

    There is no bacon.....
  5. I ran toward a guy with a crowbar and he had a m4, missed me each time he tried to shoot me. That day some heads were smashed.
  6. thefreindlyoldman

    hacker? us 172

    I don't know why someone would "hack" doing that as it doesn't help them at all. May be just a bug.
  7. thefreindlyoldman

    Message to the bandit group on DE #29 ( Nice Try )

    Whoa: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/007/508/watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png
  8. thefreindlyoldman

    Antibiotics and sickness bug!

    I want to blow your legs off for being a bandit...
  9. thefreindlyoldman

    Suggestion for Super Rare Weapon

    B.F.G. I rest my case http://www.toymania.com/news/images/1005_doom1_sm.jpg
  10. thefreindlyoldman

    A solution to the "bandit" problem

    This game would be boring without bandits.
  11. thefreindlyoldman

    You are running a different version of DayZ CODE

    Download an automatic DayZ updater, it will always update your DayZ to the current version.
  12. thefreindlyoldman

    3 simple questions

    1. Its called getting tired. 2. You need to abort back to player list and go back in. 3. You can only chat with people in your vicinity on most servers. Its in Alpha stage, bugs must be expected.
  13. I gathered about 15 zombies around me and took out a grenade and took them down with me in an explosion, twas quite epic.
  14. thefreindlyoldman

    Hacker caught and banned from Dallas 3

  15. thefreindlyoldman

    Pvp, Too much of it nowadays?

    People adapt.
  16. thefreindlyoldman

    Need Help w/ Install - Will Pay

    Paying someone $25 to help you install a mod? Did you even try looking up how to or such?
  17. thefreindlyoldman

    New idea for the zombies

    They should add a mix of walking zombies in cities and towns and running zombies in woods and fields.
  18. thefreindlyoldman

    Make zombies a player option

    Yea this idea isn't good.
  19. thefreindlyoldman

    CD key in use

    Probably bought it from a retailer that just cheated you out of your money... Where did you buy the game?
  20. I think the infected would be better if they ran as fast as a survivor did, its sort of dumb that they run like Olympic sprinters
  21. thefreindlyoldman

    Seattle 152 renamed to US 769

    Cool story bro. Tell it again
  22. http://macromeme.com/cat/interdasting.jpg
  23. thefreindlyoldman

    Can I play while downloading

    *100% you can't.
  24. Dead do not simply rise from thin air.
  25. thefreindlyoldman

    Can I play while downloading

    Are you joking? *facepalm*