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Everything posted by thefreindlyoldman

  1. thefreindlyoldman

    How do I mark notes on a map?

    double left click then type. You throw smoke grenades by equipping them with the F button while they are in your immediate inventory, not your backpack.
  2. thefreindlyoldman

    "Illegal Copies May Degrade"

    Is $24 really that much money? All I can do is lol :lol:
  3. thefreindlyoldman

    Regenerating blood

    It would be a good Idea to slowly regain blood though, its not like its a game breaker.
  4. thefreindlyoldman

    map error

    Its alot better not being able to see yourself actually, other players can see you on the map if you are close enough to them and same for you.
  5. So....basically your a little mad that you died and are trying to blame it on hacks?
  6. thefreindlyoldman

    Will this run ArmA 2 and other HQ games?

    Could use a better processor if you are trying to run everything on max.
  7. thefreindlyoldman

    I hit the mother load...then bam

    You deserve for your session to be lost since you are a server hopper, the "gods" of fortune just falcon punched you for cheaply trying to attain it.
  8. thefreindlyoldman

    Fun things to do!

    You sir, sound like an annoying child that needs to meet a falcon punch. :) :murder:
  9. thefreindlyoldman

    [video] Probably the cutest thing you will ever see on DayZ

    It can't be but so bad if your killing a rabbit....
  10. thefreindlyoldman

    Looking for people for Bandit Group

    Mind telling me where you operate... My M4a1 CCO wants to meet your bandit face B)
  11. thefreindlyoldman

    [video] Probably the cutest thing you will ever see on DayZ

    Mmm, good ol' bunny meat. I would have hacked it to death with a hatchet and cooked it with some beans :beans: http://static.themetapicture.com/media/funny-fox-eating-bunny-rabbit.jpg
  12. thefreindlyoldman

    Atlanta 18 wherefore art thou?

    It most likely changed names, in the worst case, its gone forever.
  13. thefreindlyoldman

    MolotovZ and SplintZ

    Nice Idea
  14. thefreindlyoldman

    Mass murder on EU20

    I remember the days when I used to get mad when I had something pretty awesome such as a M4 CCO or having ALOT of gear. As the guy said above. You eventually don't care anymore.
  15. thefreindlyoldman

    Military light+Shotgun

    Cool, I might try this.
  16. thefreindlyoldman

    Backpack Disappeared

    Yeah this is a bug and sadly can happen sometimes.
  17. thefreindlyoldman

    Hostile Act timer [Hinder the friggin dcing...]

    There will always be poor sports in games. I do know that some people have tried to alt + F4 before and it didn't work.
  18. thefreindlyoldman

    Can I use soundmod with DayZ?

    Probobly but quite a few of the weapons in DayZ are custom made by the devs for the game particularly. I also think the server has to allow it so people can correct?
  19. thefreindlyoldman

    The 2 Bandits in Berezino on US305

  20. thefreindlyoldman

    No gun for new players

    It is not hard to find a weapon and ammo if you know where to look, and you need to be careful and extra cautious till you find a gun as that is why you are probably dying so fast. Go for the different kinds of barns, airfield hangers and control towers, and firestations are good key places to check.
  21. I actually like this 100% it would definetly cause less pvp deaths, but it would probably make them more prone to attack people for their ammo.
  22. thefreindlyoldman

    DayZ Montage

  23. thefreindlyoldman

    Addition of a War Cry

    This only sounds like a way to get yourself killed as people would try to then find you and shoot you once you have exposed your position through making an annoying noise.
  24. thefreindlyoldman

    What is needed to venture to Stary and NWAF?

    Make sure you have a decent amount of food and soda or water, bring blood packs, morphine, and painkillers (2 each preferably) and you should be set. Always be alert though as Stary and NW airfield are very dangerous. Also have a decent amount of ammo.