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Everything posted by thefreindlyoldman

  1. thefreindlyoldman

    Young bandit Tomo

    Your a bandit? May I blow your legs off?
  2. thefreindlyoldman

    US 839 Some kind of abuse/camp found

    Report the server to the devs, they shall unleash the blacklist hammer upon them.
  3. thefreindlyoldman

    stopped caring

    Im pretty sure most people stopped caring a while ago.
  4. thefreindlyoldman

    Camo Clothing Location?

    When you say farm....does that mean server hopping?
  5. thefreindlyoldman

    I would like to report myself for cheating

    Congratulations sir, here is a revolver and in front of you is a dark room. You know what to do. B)
  6. thefreindlyoldman

    Can I run it?

    It should, but the real question is....Will it blend?
  7. thefreindlyoldman

    LFM cherno raid (need achieve and 395 ilvl)

    Really? Comparing DayZ to WoW? What is wrong with you. Please refrain from playing an awesome game and go back to WoW http://memesters.com/images/items/iDontWantToLiveOnThisPlanetAnymoreLandscape.png
  8. thefreindlyoldman

    How do they find our Vehicles?

    You must expect people to stumble upon a vehicle, if it wasn't a veteran server they could have spotted it in the distance by just looking in that direction and it would show on their reticule saying ATV and how many meters away it is.
  9. thefreindlyoldman

    10 Minutes to load into game

    Try a different server.
  10. thefreindlyoldman

    Where do I find a water bottle?

  11. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4zu6iARQN1r0xl0g.jpg Seriously...what is wrong with you people.
  12. thefreindlyoldman

    The Final Shot

    Lol your character should scream this out before he does it :lol:
  13. thefreindlyoldman

    tiny question, friendly fire?

    Le hax...
  14. thefreindlyoldman

    Who wants a BJ

    What in the name of sweet baby jesus.....
  15. Forizzle? Mofoin shizzle to the hizzle! :lol:
  16. thefreindlyoldman


    My senses detect a COD player..
  17. thefreindlyoldman

    US 713 Killed in Debug Forrest

  18. thefreindlyoldman

    US 265 Hosted by Ersan 10 slots

    Blacklist assemble! http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/20047808.jpg
  19. thefreindlyoldman

    Maybe Admin abuse/Questioning

    Your first thoughts were "ADMIN ABUSE!" :lol: don't lie.
  20. thefreindlyoldman

    how do i get blood back?

    Hospitals have blood packs which give ALOT of blood back, all of it I belive. Only problem is is you need someone to give it to you via blood transfusions.
  21. thefreindlyoldman

    Did I do the right thing? :c

    No, I want to find you and shoot you in the face with a double barrel.
  22. thefreindlyoldman

    I hit the mother load...then bam

    Can you just let me shoot you in the chest with a double barrel? You are the kind people in DayZ who deserve to be kicked for a week or two. :thumbsup:
  23. thefreindlyoldman

    Why use Six Updater?

    Worrom is really good and simple for updating DayZ.
  24. thefreindlyoldman

    Why use Six Updater?

    Its not that big of a problem, but it is a little annoying that its so slow updating things such as ACEX for me...
  25. If you are that attached to your character then their may be a problem...