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Everything posted by thefreindlyoldman

  1. thefreindlyoldman

    Can I play this game with non-steam users?

  2. My double barrel enjoys a good blood spatter time to time. B)
  3. thefreindlyoldman

    A helpful tip for extra food

    Lol, spreading exploits and ways to beat the system.
  4. thefreindlyoldman

    Cheaters on FI 2 server.

    Helicopters aren't cheating unless its not a huey, but that weapon sure is.
  5. thefreindlyoldman

    Vehicles? Who needs 'em

    I personally think driving around in a vehicle is asking to get shot. I remember walking out of a forest with 4 of my team mates, and we started shooting and lighting up two people in a Van that were aiming their guns at us, as they tried to get away.
  6. thefreindlyoldman

    Recommended Inventory?

    2 blood bags, 2 pain killers, 2 morphine, 4 food, 4 water or soda. Could always use more food or drink though.
  7. thefreindlyoldman

    Approaching NWAF for first time, any tips?

    Do not run on the runway like there is no care in the world, scout out the fire station and comms tower as they are places where players like to be and also check the hangers before stealthy moving in along the sides.
  8. thefreindlyoldman

    How's this for emergent gameplay

    Oh boy! Now DayZ is becoming real! <_<
  9. thefreindlyoldman

    The best suggestion ever

    I think someone is a little mad...
  10. thefreindlyoldman

    Hello DayZ Community, New here

    Oh boy! Welcome to DayZ prepare to die soon by some random person who wants your beans!
  11. thefreindlyoldman

    will this run day z if someone could let me know

    Its quite annoying when you double post like that even after I told you you could run it....
  12. thefreindlyoldman

    will this run day z jw

    It most likely will, I don't know why it shouldn't, as it looks pretty good.
  13. thefreindlyoldman

    Droves and droves of cowards

    You sir, deserve a piece of cake! Hats off to you!
  14. I could not stop laughing at how the Asian guy I believe he sounded like :lol:
  15. thefreindlyoldman

    My first Kill

    Yes I did, I never said he was bragging but he was careless in his decision, he didn't even bother to call out friendly or anything.
  16. thefreindlyoldman

    Weapon damage ?

    I can speak on true experience. 99% of the time 1 AKM shot will not be an instant kill. It may hurt them to almost death, but not a definitive kill unless a headshot.
  17. thefreindlyoldman

    My first Kill

    Wow, I sort of want to get with my posse now, find you and riddle you with bullets so you know what it feels like to have some cool stuff and just be shot and killed... Looks like another one is lost to the large group of people who shoot on sight like its sole purpose is deathmatch free-for-all.
  18. thefreindlyoldman

    Becoming a bandit

    There no longer is any bandit symbol, they got rid of that a while back.
  19. Its training us to become Olympic sprinters like the zombies!
  20. thefreindlyoldman

    Where do I find tents?

    You can find them in almost any random loot spawn point. There really is no "specific" place where tents spawn.
  21. thefreindlyoldman

    Someone Delete My Character!,

    You may be passed out from shock. Just give it time.
  22. thefreindlyoldman

    New Vehicle Idea

    I cant help but laugh at the idea of me walking along rail road tracks and this vehicle speeds by full of people.
  23. thefreindlyoldman

    Wow, Battle eye or whatever needs to be improved.

    The day you learn to not be so attached to your equipment and such you will enjoy it much better. I have a ghillie suit and a M107 with all the gear. If i was to join a server right now and die. I wouldn't be sad at all.
  24. I sense something weird about this..
  25. thefreindlyoldman

    Latest Beta Patch Fucked Everything Up?

    Son of a biscuit! :lol: