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About xaio@xaionara.net

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  1. xaio@xaionara.net

    Pending Update: Build

    As others say, rather wait than getting fail update as 1.7.2 - I Don't think they want this to happen again and if something goes wrong the time for the patch will take longer (obviously, doh) Apart from the wires glitching, its actually running very fine, theres a fix trick that helps some on the glitches other gets them whatever setting they change.
  2. xaio@xaionara.net

    De 171

    I know, but i still care for the players on the server. But i tell you what, if you find a m4a1 holo (the one with the grenade launcher) i can give you some nice items for it in return!
  3. xaio@xaionara.net

    De 171

    Honesty i got more guns than I need. Not to brag, and a ural with its white sticking out of any hiding place is one of my last on the list. As someone already explained to you the graphic glitches will be fixed tomorrow. (no idea wheb, but I will update it asap, meaning when I'm awake and sees it out) And being an admin I can only kick/ban ppl, also restart the server. Not see anything besides what you seen. Yesterday night were a bit problematic as the server went down several times, hopefully fixed but I can't guarantee a 100% uptime if I ain't hosting it myself. Hope this clear some things out, and if there's some specific guns you really NEED due to the lost one I could make an exception and Trust your story and give it to you. If the post is a bit messy its because it's written on my phone and not on the computer.
  4. xaio@xaionara.net

    Trading for SVD Camo and NVG

    I need the m4a1 holo, it's the correct name of the gun with the grenade launcher. Gladly trade it for my SVD.
  5. xaio@xaionara.net

    SVD Camo Wanted In Part Exchange

    I'll make a deal if you can provide me with a m4a1 holo (grenade launcher, not to mix up with the red dot m4a1) Or the rocket launcher, but primary the m4a1,the other would just be traded for the other gun. Just to give you 2 options.
  6. xaio@xaionara.net

    De 171

    Oh well seems like i lied, its up and running now with the latest version, enjoy! (now i just need to update my dayz, doh)
  7. xaio@xaionara.net

    De 171

    To I was just thinking of doing so, expect it to be updated everything from 10 minutes to an hr.
  8. xaio@xaionara.net

    Vehicles despawning

    Well trust me, as a server admin i even restarted the server 5 or 6 times (non was online anyways at that time) and i didn't get the lost one back, it was not outside the map either. The save function is fucked, or the hive relocates it to an older save point for some reason. Because those time i find them they are yet again very well hidden AND got the same damages and weapons in them as before.
  9. xaio@xaionara.net

    De 171

    Hello everyone! I'm the server admin of server DE 171. If you got reports, complains, or improvements upon the server please post it here, theres nothing much else to say about the server really. GMT+1 Veteran (CH:OFF 3D:OFF MAXPING: 50) Settings based on lots of players who wanted a veteran server for players with low ping for best player experience as possible. Feel free to join in, I'm also available on IRC, WebIRC.GameSurge.net #dayz Xaio|DE171 for faster support in case of reports or just random questions. - Xaio
  10. xaio@xaionara.net

    Vehicles despawning

    Ive had serveral ones gone missing, someone that turns up far away. Seems to be some sort of bug, i were alone on the server, we had our SAVED Ural parked in our camp, i stopped the server to restart it, and it was gone, we found it half a week after with the exact same gear and in the same conditions (same wheels broken, made it on purpose so non could have steal it easily) I even made several restarts after this, but it never came back, my guess is that sometimes they bug out. also i got tons of bikes, and a tractor faaaaaar away from the map that haven't despawned the past week. (Its annoying as server admin, and they keep respawning on restart, with hacked gear inside, cant even get rid of them...) Good that I'm backed up with good mates that helps me patrol the server for suspicious behavior/cars/tents, but theres nothing i can do about it at all...
  11. Sorry posted in the wrong thread, this is NOT my provider.
  12. xaio@xaionara.net

    Put DE 171 on blacklist pls

    The reason you got kicked was because your corpse was standing up, died at the the same place twice. Your gun was at your old corpse and it was impossible for you to run back at the time it took for my friend to drive back and forth to the camp. It was either a hack or a bug, you even admitted it in the chat. I cant see the difference and thats why you got kicked from the game, as simple as that. I kick hackers, i cant see a difference in a bug or a hack, thats why you have to file a report to revoke a ban if it was false, in this case we might resolve this somehow but as of now i dont see how you can made it back from the coast to the NW airfield in 2 minutes.
  13. I've made 2 tickets, 1 when they said it was fixed(closed the ticket without trying it out first), and now another one saying it still doesn't work after the fix(still no response). Now it seems the entire control panel is down too...
  14. Its not that, i can connect to every other server(Some exceptions ofc), I've had several ppl trying to join but non can, i can make myself admin tho but it still wont go further than "wait for host"