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Everything posted by orion

  1. These "do not go with 'insert server host here' posts" feel like late night T.V. commercials.
  2. orion

    Hacker on US 1220

    ... are you Doug??? I want my FING GAZ back!!!
  3. orion

    Vehicles WONT SAVE!

    What server side update would that be?
  4. Im not the only one! Yea I noticed it too. I started using both the mouse and W and S keys for controlling the dive pitch.
  5. orion

    RANT because I can

    I use grenades every chance I get now. Eventually I will figure out these magic DayZ physics and use them like a pro... until then, I will enjoy the results :)
  6. According to the FBI, the most used caliber in murders during the years 2004-2010 was a .22LR. I have talked about this in many zombie forums... but the .22lr is one of the most commonly found types of ammunition across the states. If the Zombie Apocalypse was to occur, a .22lr pistol or rifle would be my weapon of choice. Being a "heavy guy", I can lug around my AR-15 with 1000 rounds for a few hours... but it would wear me out. With my GSG 522SD, I can carry 4000 rounds like it was nothing. I could probably do a back flip with the GSG... 10 fully loaded 20 round mags and 2 550 round bricks. .22LR... Zombie Killers choice IMO.
  7. I would also like to thank "John Wayne" for not combat logging while I was being a douchebag sniper. Even after being hit twice with my SVD... friend killed 50 meters from him with a grenade... and general douchbagery that I produced in game... he stuck through it and took me out like a boss.
  8. orion

    RANT because I can

    Grenades.... working as intended:
  9. I am a horrible sniper... Proof: I guess you just have to be ready to accept you will loose all of your gear.
  10. Aye! Its been awhile since I have seen/fixed/flew one... but every time I do, they disapper after server restart. This has happen prior to Since I have yet to see a chopper, on the ground or flying above. Makes me sad.
  11. orion

    Vehicles.. Lets be honest

    I feel your pain :(
  12. orion

    Vehicles.. Lets be honest

    The game would get a bit boring if people didn't raid camps. We have to pack up and move camp 3 times a week.
  13. For those to lazy to google...
  14. orion

    How not to flip an ATV

    Title says it all.
  15. orion

    How not to flip an ATV

    I swear, on our server, every day that ATV changes hands. The very next day I see someone driving through electro on it, only to see it a few hours later tipped on its side by Solinichy on the bridge. ATV's are a pain in the ass around towns... bridges... railroad tracks... uneven ground... flat ground... stationary.
  16. orion

    End game?

    Camp site - Check Ridiculous amount of guns - Check Horder status on vehicles - Check Helicopter - Check Biker Gang - In Progress
  17. Doctor cloths + Hatchet = Doctor Giggles Make it happen!
  18. orion

    In game GPS

    While looking for a spot for a camp site, I was reading off some coordinates on the map to two other members of my party. Both had GPS units. For a few minutes there was some confusion with the coordinates I was giving, when one of my party members said I was reading the coordinates off wrong. I double checked my map and read off the Latitude then Longitude. Again, the coordinates where not matching up. So we realized that the GPS spits out the coordinates Long/Lat. I know of two commercial grade GPS unites in the real world that did this too... until the manufacturers caught flack from the IMO(international maritime organization) and subsequently switched to Lat/Long(one company did, the other merged with Garmin). Anyone else have issues with this at first?
  19. orion

    The Road

    Book > Movie.
  20. After setting up a new camp, Theloneranger and I took an ATV out to Electro to mess around when we had a little mishap. The ATV was stuck, flipped over on a bridge, when fate decided to leave us a PBX 50 meters away. We hopped in and headed towards our destination. I had an urge to check out Skalisty... and this is what happened next.
  21. orion

    Look what we found on Skalisty

    Neither of us are good pilots, so after getting in the chopper we decided to fly it "till the wheels fell off" figuring it would despawn after server restart(which it did).