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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I dislike this idea, it defeats immersion. Instead of playing in a zombie survival genre I'm now in a more Matrix-like atmosphere where I'm trying to fight people who can dial-in and dial-out of the server. (sadly, it is a bit like that now...) Players will be running "interdiction fields" like in the ship battles in Star Wars where they force other ships to be unable to jump to light speed. Run into a loot area, light a fireplace, loot, kill, and run out. Or better yet, kill the fire, and disconnect yourself. None of that feels authentic, or like an original intention, for a fireplace. The fix for ghosting needs to be passive and absolute, not active and dynamic... and definitely not controllable by other players in my opinion. If you want to create no-spawn-zones (say, for airfields, military areas) then have them ALWAYS be no-spawn-zones. That way no one can spawn in, everyone has to walk. If you spawn out in them by disconnecting, you come back in with the last place the database could save you with the 5 min unconsciousness and maybe some other penalty. I'm glad there are thoughts and discussions about this, I just disagree with this particular method, there's got to be better ways of managing "occupation."