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Posts posted by Lavantas

  1. The other day I met a bandit with high tier gear and tried to talk to him several times while in cover. No response. Eventually I decided to let myself be seen and stood on an apartment balcony while he was on the road infront of the building. I was holding a crowbar. I said hi again. He shot me in the head without saying anything.

    So let me paraphrase. I met someone who is a BANDIT, instead of killing him I decided to stand infront of him so he could shoot me, and he did. He's such an asshole.

  2. I'll explain it in plain text to you, if i could simply understand what you were trying to say my friend.

    And i kill anyone who ain't part of my team on sight..


    Simple.. I enjoy makeing other people feel miserable.

    Do i ever regret doing so?

    No. I take pleasure in makeing people cry on the forum because they are getting killed in a Survival game, where it's ment to be all about survival..

    Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and be that zombie apocalupse or not.

    Are you in my way, or cross my sight's, then i will do my best to take you down, one way or the other..

    /stupid keyboardwarrior disabled

    I kill for sport..

    But i usually don't hunt down flashlight gangsters, as they pose no threat to me..

    "but it's about surviving"

    Mate, if this game was that simple, then id go into town ONCE, pick up all the water bottles i could find, fill them up, kill animals, and simply live in the forrest..

    Getting on the eladerboard for staying alive the longest is a joke, in and arround itself..

    It poses no challenge so why would anyone aim for it?

    I say mix the pvp aspect and the survival aspect, and then you get a thrilling experience.

    Just my 2 cents

    At least he's honest :)

    Some people just want to watch the world burn.
