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Everything posted by acv3gas

  1. acv3gas

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    Could we at least know someone has some idea of what's happening. I am completely OK with this being an Alpha release and all but it would be nice to be part of the test :) The Loading screen is really frustrating. FYI First day of the 1.7.2 release I got on a server fine, played for a while with some minor syncing issues Since then I've got to final 'Loading' screen on every server I've tried (which is a lot) and then the game crashes to a completely non-responsive state; Black screen with 'Loading' in the middle. I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del to close it down. I've tried some of the methods described in this thread with no luck. Details: Arma X Anniversary Edition Installed to my non-system drive (D:) Also User folder is redirected to a separate drive (E:) Win7 64-bit i7 920, 6GB Ram, Radeon HD 4870 Hope this might help as I'd really like to continue playing. Don't mind if it's a new character or my existing, just a way of playing would be good.