L0G!N (DayZ)
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Everything posted by L0G!N (DayZ)
Start us off with NOTHING please
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to L0G!N (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
The reason for the Czech, i saw mentioned is that this is a sniper backpack, it doesn't stick out that much so you are easier hidden while laying in the grass ;) @Vaquxine, did i mention that these piles should be on the shore every 5m? did i mention they should spawn these items all the time every time? I don't think so :) ... so what else can spawn, styrofome, empty plastic bottles, entangled fishwire, scrap of fishnet, etc. empty cans. empty lighter (with 5 or so flames left in). So these beach spawns should adhere to the same spawn rules as any other loot location. and place them at reasonable interfalls ... Then about that driftwood, with 15 swings and say needing 5 swings to kill a zombie, it gives an entirely FALSE sense of security, while still giving that 'sigh of relieve at first for atleast having something' (and likely everytime)... AND, NO, you don't need a flashlight at all, there are flares and all sorts of chemlights as well ! ... while the bandage helps in some regard, it only works once! So finding a rag at the beach or even in a house can do the same thing... -
New player animation (Play dead) + other changes
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to jaynich's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Sounds good to me, and this is already the case for zombies, atleast in occations where your visibility is 0 or near to it (usually at night close to a building). I had attracted a zombie at one point and at the moment i saw him i went prone, but he had seen me anyways. Then he came at me, and started to act funny, i was all LMAO, then he kicked me, then he kicked me again... and then for no apparent reason he turned around and walked away! ... (note. i behaved this way as i had just spawned and already used my bandage on another agro event, so running wasn't realy an option, but i am glad i didnt!) So playing dead shouldn't change anything for zombies, if you are on the floor your visibility is already reduced, and they can already loose interest based upon that... other than that, great suggestion! -
At this issue, stress test that is currently running is trying to figure out exactly how many items and stuff the client can handle, and where it breaks if it does (so it may possibly be improved). So we may see way more stuff happening sooner than we think :)
Chernarus should have a story
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to Kommissar Pinky's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
There are a couple of ways to go about a backstory for DayZ, and one of the ones that shouldn't be told is the How or Why of the apocalypse, the not knowing this gives an extra dimension to the game of uncertainty and speculation ... That being said though.. There are a lot of other clues that can be put into the game that do give more depth to the whole world, see currently Zed's are just things to kill, but add say: picture of wife & kids to the drop list, and all of a sudden you get a glimpse of the world before the event. This was a guy that had a wife and kids, and now he is this Infected Zed. Similar things like, shopping lists, or even letters to boyfriends, girlfriends, postcards to family "Greetings from Electro". All these things can give a backstory in the form of drawing a picture of the world before the infection, without giving a clue as to what happened, but still giving the world more supstance and depth. Another angle on the story is finding bits and pieces of people that survived the innitial event, and may well have seen their family or loved ones turn into Zed's, they may have written about it, without knowing wth was happening to the world. Innitial survivors may have wandered around like we did, and finding a note like: infected everywhere, to anyone sane enough to read this, i am trying my luck in Electro ... or ... To anyone it may concern, a zombie broke my leg and i'm hiding out here, i shot it but that only drew in more, if you happen to find Maria Trasnapolski tell her, the door, they are comming in here, tell her i lo----------- ... now again these things tell nothing of what happened and they do not interupt your story at all, they basically add to your story as 'your story' is influenced by what you come across. But they do tell a grim story of how this world fell apart, and offer a context in which your story takes place. They also add to the horror in a very subtle way, pealing at the emotional wall you erected to stay sane in this game world... ;) -
Make non-enter-able buildings spawn loot too.
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to TeaLeaf's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
To add to this, i seen various piles of stuff laying around, that are obvious 'objects' in the engine, i would suggest using these too. Examples: - piles of rubble, of various sizes and shapes and forms - dust bins - containers - boxes -
Make the infected more 'human' and more 'zombie', adding depth and immersion
L0G!N (DayZ) posted a topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I realy miss a backstory to the world i am in, and that somewhat distances me from the game. More human I think it would be realy cool if Zed's would drop various items that give them some humanity back, humanity from a time b4 though, but still. If you shot a zombie and he carries a photo of a wife and kids, all of sudden the whole situation will become more emotional. As this guy isn't just a zed to be shot for a chance on loot, this was a person with a life and something awefull happened to him (obviously). Or perhaps a letter to a loved one, or a checklist for groceries, etc etc... The same thing could happen in regards to normal drop locations, perhaps notes of people that seen there loved one go from normal to infected and written about it. And perhaps this person knows (s)he is infected themselves, and keep writing untill loosing it... Perhaps messages from survivors like ourselves could be added as well, on infected as well as in spawnpoints. Finding a note that indicates that this infected is actually a survivor like yourself shows you something about what's likely to happen to you. All these things can give more depth to the world and inform the player both of what this world was about b4 this horrible event, basically 'normal', and how it turned into a zombie invested world... a background like this would give more immersion and connection to the world and with that stronger/easier access to emotions. More Zombie Make use of some zombie movie/book etc inspiration to add a bit more gore to the zombies. The easiest i can think off is to add 'chewed on feet', chunk of arm or legg, etc to the drops. To also makes these more usefull, perhaps one can use them as 'bait' in beartraps... I'm fairly sure there are more ways to add a more 'gruwelsome' flavor to zombies, again, adding these kinds of things in will add a subtle gore element to zombies that in turn plays with emotions. Showing what infected may do when they actually catch you... Both these will deepen the experience by giving the world more substance and more background, giving more emotional connection to the world we spawned into, both it's past and it's present... And while this tends to be something to add in for beta or even final stage, seeing it's fairly simple to add a bunch of items that accomplish this can give this depth right now. And seeing it's fairly simple it can also be a fun thing to do to mix in between the bugfixing and hard new features... -
While this is not directly a way to make them better in regards to gameplay, i think this thread can give a more complete picture of zombie improvements in regards to the gaming experience: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29633-make-the-infected-more-human-and-more-zombie-adding-depth-and-immersion/
If you are 'good' at something... professions & teamwork
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to L0G!N (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
@Fenrig, that is why i called the thread the way i did, hoping to spur some 'whats this, lets check it out' ... but it be even nicer if more people would voice their opinion on good ideas. If i see a crap idea it gets almost instantly [hot] from people calling it a bad idea. But good ideas seem to hardly get any discussion going, meaning they drop into the dark corners of the forum within hours :( -
Different spin on weapon maintenance
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to hishnik's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I like this, and seeing Rocket mentioned sustaining oneself in this world including fixing things, i think the weapon maintenance is a good thing to add, i do not think there should be just one simple kit to take care of this. In my 'if you are good at something. professions & teamwork' i included a 'gun maintenance pack' giving 3 spots to fill with: rag, gunoil, brush (can be toothbrush), spare parts, mini screwdriver; and yes i know 3 wont fit all of these, that the core of the idea in that thread, but if 'repair' and maintenance can be done to several levels and a gun can actually break, aka, brush it out and oil it, or fully repair something that broke with spare parts and screwdriver. You can have expert gunfixing and just gunmaintenance. And with a chance of stuff breaking, there would be a need to keep on the lookout for a spare, OR, finding someone that can repair your gun! -
I am realy hoping for a new map for say update 2.0.0 as i feel that a lot of the 'complaint' about the easiness of dayz come from people that have been playing so long they know the map by heart...
Tnx Captain Q, wasn't aware it excisted :)
The Four Adversaries in Zombie Survival
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to imabstract's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I agree, but for this to work there needs to be a lot added to the game. Clothing slots in inventory, fires giving off heat, the body temperature (first fixed) then influencing more things. Catching the flue. And running should generate heat, while weather temperature and humidity influence body temperature as well. Different clothes with different insulation properties. The ability to build basic shelters. etc and so on... And spring and autumn are notorious for fog, rain and storms, summer tends to be hot (and storm if it rains), and winter is cold and snowy. So each season can have it's own challenges. So yeah, great idea but it need a lot of 'side things' to make this work. -
I think this is a good idea, while it may spoil a bit of 'have i gotten the best gun there is to find' as long as spawning weapons by hack is not stopped/prevented, this list may be the only way to prevent legit players from being seen as a hacker, merely by picking up something from a hacker...
Ok, i'm glad you didn't mean actual werewolfs, as i was just about to insta post, they are infected please leave the whole fantasy bit ouf of DayZ (zombies, mummies, werewolfs, vampires) ... but you actually mean something that i thought of myself, infected animals that go on a killing spree, be it in town or in the forest. So yes i think this will find it's way into the game eventually, most noticably when they improve pathfinding on infected to such an extend that they can just port it over to animals... and ofcourse the models and animations for these animals are complete and working...
Make this shit hard. Less supply loot.
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to The_Monk's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
First off, use search next time, in the 2 weeks or so that i been on this forum i have seen this pass by atleast 4 times, meaning every 3days or so somebody doesn't use search... Second, you are totally forgetting about new arrivals, as a fairly new player (that doesn't want to spoil the game by going to some wiki site where all spawns are listed), i am having a hard time finding things. I have only found a makarov 3 times, i found riffles a bit more often, but they are more trouble than they are worth. And i need 30min to find just the basic things... Your 30min problem comes from knowing the map like a native, and i am fairly sure you wouldn't be here asking for this if tomorrow a new map was implemented with a limited viewable map. You wouldn't know where to go, and would have the same experience i am having now. Wondering where the heck i'm able to find things, i am currently realy happy knowing that there is atleast a decent certainty that i will find a hatched, meaning i can atleast fight off some zombies. Another thing that somewhat bothers me, is that 'make this game harder' comes down to 'make zombies more plentyful harder to kill' or 'make stuff harder to find' or 'remove military grade stuff' ... the most simple sollutions to making the game harder. Why not try and come up with more elaborate ways to make this game harder: - Spawn us with nothing - Reduce space on toolbelt - Reduce space in inventory - Add weight to items and have it influence movement speed Another way would be to introduce MORE items into the game, notes, torn maps (so just sections), body parts on zombies, different tools for different actions, etc... more items means that the chance to spawn a specific item is considderably reduced. Take a map for instance, if there are 4 quarters, 2 half maps, and one whole map. Than the chance to spawn a whole map is 1/7th instead of 1, given a map spawns. Something similar is likely to occur when magazines and ammo are seperated, say a building currently spawns magazines of 3 kinds of pistols, when the seperate magazines from bullits, you can now find, 3 sorts of empty magazines, 3 sorts of magazines in any state of 'fullness', and anything from 1 bullit to a box with 50. And now a new element is added to Risk-Reward, mainly the certainty of reward, and adding in this certainty to various degrees makes the risk-reward thing more interesting. If you are certain you are going to get a certain item, you can calculate the risk, so f/e being certain to find food or a drink in a cabin is a good thing, there is a risk and you know you be rewarded. Any other item that also has a chance to spawn there is an added bonus. And the more items on the list, the harder it will be to find the thing you are after... -
Hello Mods, I would like to request that after posting an announcement you close off the thread (if possible for anyone but mods, so you can still post updates without having to open the thread again). This because it is realy annoying that the icon lights up at every '+1 Cool, tnx bro' post being made, drawing me into the announcements thinking there is something important posted that i need/want to read. To spur direct communication in regards to the announcement (if needed/wanted) you guys can just make a post in the general forum (possibly a sticky for the time being - untill the next announcement) and add the link to this thread in the announcement post. Tnx for your understanding and quite possibly for implementing this workflow in regards to announcements.
Experimental test patch
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Announcements & Info
toow, I have my first meet up with some clanm8s planned for tomorrow, and we are all new and most took a long time to get to the meeting place, still waiting for one. So i can't realy test this one, not that i fear loosing my stuff, but it would realy be annoying if they have to wait hours for me to show up... Main reason i wanted to post here though, I realy like this approach to alpha testing an update and i think you should do this more often if you are not entirely sure on big things working. People can decide for themselves if they want to risk it or try it and any unintended bugs can be found before it enters the 'omega' testing on 'release' of the patch to everyone.. hope you will take this approach on more occations :) (also so that i can join in) -
If you are 'good' at something... professions & teamwork
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to L0G!N (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Yes i somewhat agree Twonk, but I see it this way, you have to enable and reward people somewhat for taking up a role, and if you do this by giving people a lot of tools, and these packs (as a small reward and to compensate the small toolbelt), then people will likely automatically go for the things they are interested in doing, which will likely somewhat be the things they are good at in real life (or would like to be, roleplaying that you are good at mechanics while you have 2 left hands yourself is not a bad thing to do in a game). And this system does that, only sad part sofar, i like being a support player and i like survival alot, so i will want the medpack, the knifepack and the hatched pack, which kind of leaves me with no choice but to take the canteenbuckle. Which will likely mean that i will have to memorize the map and read the stars :P and i won't be able to fix anything or remove barriers... ARGH!!! see what i mean, reduce the amount of space and people will have to make real choices, you can't do it all (just like in real life), so you will have to cooperate. and even with the packs added there will be things you can't do, while specializing will give you more of the same which is good for teamplay, a more general setup will still make you long for other people, unless you are a bandit ofcourse, in which case the choice is for survival and some extra ammo... as you are unlikely to move much other then your main hunting grounds... -
Change to ammo management/loot structure
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I like the rubber bullit thing, forgot about those :) ... seeing people asked for 'non lethal' weapons, the rubber bullit would be great for 'friendlies' in the current DayZ world, shoot first put a bandage in their backpack later :) And blanks, you would obviously use them to draw in some zombies, so you can loot them, i guess other items would work for this as well (i have used flare to great success) ... but it's also for the following situation: you are entirely out of ammo, and you enter a building, you see the ammo on the ground, and jump in joy, only to find out they are blanks as you pick them up ;) -
DayZ needs to be harder (much harder)
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to Xterminator (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Yeah i found out some stuff, though finding guns esp. near coastal area's is still a big mystery for me, well apart from barns that give you guns, but those are more dangerous than running around without one, atleast in my view. I found a makarov 3times now i think, and at some point i found a better offhand, but it came with just one clip (vs. 4 mak clips i had), and i lost my backpack due to not being able to pick up another (or i swam dont know for sure which it was), so i kept my mak... obviously then a zombie came and broke my legs, and being way out in the middle of nowhere... Still though, my argument stands, why make zombies harder, i think other things need to be tweaked a bit into the 'harder' catagory, so that the sum of the parts can be more than then whole... -
Lets just keep perks and classes out of DayZ and try to solve things with Authentic or Believable (which ever word you prefer) tools, that fit on the already there toolbelt. If the toolbelt is small and the 'tools' plentyfull, there will automatically be 'classes' in the game, but they will all be player created and you are not locked into a particular setup just because you choose class X or be locked in a certain ability because you added +1 to the medic tree...
I think this idea does the same, but give people way more freedom in how they want to play the game: shameless selfplug http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29729-if-you-are-good-at-something-professions-teamwork/
DayZ needs to be harder (much harder)
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to Xterminator (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
You should also considder spawning a new and new players entering the game. If you have nothing to defend yourself with, then 10hits (it feels like its about 25 now) would mean there is hardly a way to get out of a situation, and getting agro will mean you are dead... i can't see the fun in that tbqh. And as a new player, in my first week or so, getting agro already meant i was dead ... Making things harder doesn't have to come from harder zombies. It can also come from other gameplay options... F/e, spawn people with absolutely nothing on them, reduce toolbelt size to 4 slots, and reduce inventory space more, introduce can openers (and hunting knife, screwdriver can do likewise) to open cans of food. Poison half the water supplies & add sickness. Introduce weight to all items and have it influence movement speed. etc. and so on... Why instantly grab for harder hitting zombies?! -
If you want to know where DayZ is heading, go watch some vids where Rocket talks about more building stuff all the time :)
If you are 'good' at something... professions & teamwork
L0G!N (DayZ) replied to L0G!N (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Ok i just got to the part where Rocket talks about 'maintaining' equipment and stuff you have, which in turn led me to another 'pack' that could be introduced: - Gun Cleaning pack: uses one slot, gives 3 slots. For items: mini screwdriver, brush (can be toothbrush), gun oil, spare parts: trigger, barrel, etc. - Ohw and i also think a new item should be added: CAN OPENER ! and give the hunting knife, and screwdrivers the option to use as a canopener as wel. - And while we are at it, what about a 'sharpening stone' to sharpen one's knife.