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L0G!N (DayZ)

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Everything posted by L0G!N (DayZ)

  1. So what about Limes (hope i spell that correct) desease, that's tick born and can be realy nasty ... And I atleast won't let it be because it can add a lot of good mid-gameplay to the game to have a bit of learning by doing in the game. If you don't like that then just say so, don't make an excuse for it being hard or complicated of w/e, just say 'i don't like this i don't want it' and we can just ignore you and try to improve on it ... And nothing in dayZ seems to be about 'fun', adding in these subtle but authentic problems of survival will actually make it more fun. If i play with my friends and i am the medic, and i poke him an artery bleed because i don't know what the heck im doing, that would get him to shout and all of us to loao at the situation. It will cause him to no longer want an infusion from me perhaps, etc and so on... spoiled meat could have a different texture from good meat and if a bit more elaborate cooking is integrated you could overcook the spoiled one but it would give less HP or even foodvalue for having to cut a lot of burned stuff from it. Or if you undercook it, it can make you sick, those all cause situations can have to be dealt with that cause dynamics in the game... and as such improve the gaming experience... learning to deal with these things, identifying bad meat, and learning how to prevent things or get better at things become a secondairy goal in the game, again enriching the gaming experience. If some of those are annoying as hell (though reasonable to deal with), then adding them to the game makes the game more 'fun' ... See the chance of breaking your bones in DayZ actually increases the challenge of zombie attacking you, and it's not so much the breaking of the bones that sucks in that situation, but the binairy sollution to it. If you can set a splint and only be able to walk with crutches, or run a short while with agonizing pain, that would be perfect. It would be somewhat authentic and atleast you can now reasonably make it to that hospital, or atleast keep moving somewhat while a team goes for the hospital to grap some. I still don't call that whole situation 'fun' by a long stretch, but it surely makes for changing dynamic gameplay and a somewhat authentic survival experience from your 'armchair' ... I had a nurse poke a needle in me to draw some blood, and she had to poke a couple of times (im not fat, she may have been a bad nurse), i had a painfull arm for 4-5 days and a bad hammorage. Sure it wasn't the end of the world, but it was still heck annoying hardly being able to bend an arm without being reminded of it... about undercooking meat, it doesn't matter how well you cook the meat if you afterward cut it with the same knife... the reason that whole list is there in the link with all the warning is because at some point people didn't know about these things, and in todays society most people still don't know. Here have some numbers: http://www.rightdiag...oning/stats.htm 1 in 3 a year it says ! And get some stomach infection out in the wild and half the time you are screwed unless you have a good water source, and somebody to help you...
  2. @Quaby, if you shoot an animal in the belly and you mess up the intestines covering the whole inside with poo, then your best bet is to cut off the legs and leave the rest. The same can happen if you 'gut' the animal and instead of just opening up the belly you open up the guts, if you already removed the skin you may well have put poo on every bit. Plus your knife being soiled... Not sure if you ever heard of E-coli, but it's said to be a real nasty bugger. http://www.oocities.org/zella48/deer_meat.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escherichia_coli So it's not that the meat 'spoils' from being over aged, but that you spoil over it and it's spoiled because you better not eat it ...
  3. Having checked out some vids on engines, i must say that all of a sudden I would like DayZ to stay on the Arma engine... Don't get me wrong CE looks great, but it also looks so damned pollished and the glare, ohwmy, all the assets also give me that 'asian mmo' feel for some reason. It may sound somewhat weird but when i checked out that vid in this thread my conclusion was that the engine looked as cheesy as the music that came with it. How out of place would a bunch of zombies look in such a happy polished glared engine ?! For some reason the Arma engine has this 'real' feel to it, it feel ruggid and that compliments the game DayZ is, i don't want a 'happy cheerfull asian MMO feel' when i play DayZ, i want an end of the world rugged world that feels like it fights me every mile... Another thing about the current DayZ interface, mostly inventory and stuff, likely comming from the Arma2 engine, for a military shooter that interface shits beans, realy clunky and unintuitive... but after 2 weeks i like exactly that for DayZ, the fact that your backpack is so hard to interface with it sort of resembles how you would have to take it off your back, open it, look through the mess that is in there just to find what you are looking for, and all that while you can only keep track of the world with your ears... the whole frustration of it actually adds to the DayZ experience, esp. when you take into account that a lot of games have this easy click and shift interface that makes it so easy that you hardly notice it's there... well for DayZ that would actually reduce the experience, remember when back in school you had to open your backpack and for some reason the weight had tightened the not and you were messing with it, and then the teacher said page42 everyone and you were still trying to open that friggin bag... Thats how the interface feels for DayZ, and while sure it adds frustration in regards to what we are used to in other games (spoiled with i would almost say), but that is exactly the thing that makes it fit so well with DayZ... So yeah, what i think is that BI should look at a lot of things DayZ wants to do, and figure out how to also make that work for Arma3, things like building bases, and distroying stuff, adding tools, have all sorts of inventory upgrades etc and so on... and use that for Arma3 in an Arma3 way, so that Rocket can use that engine to use all that stuff in a DayZ way. Whether or not DayZ stays a mod or stand alone, i think it should use the Arma3 engine, i would advocate going stand alone, but publish it by BI on the Arma3 engine, why couldn't a studio release 2 totally different games released on the same engine, happen all the time with all sorts of engines. We all know that DayZ will likely attrackt 500.000 customers atleast, and if some like the game they may also buy Arma3, all will just give a bigger target audience for BI and everybody is happy...
  4. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Flint Lighter

    I would like a gasoline lighter, which you can fill up at a gasstation. It would run out of fuel after X uses, and would need maintenance in the form of fuses and flint. Finding gas lighters (disposable) filled with various amounts of gas would also be great... not so enthusiastic about Fire Steels, as these are rather specialistic equipment, but spawning from military buildings would make some sense. One BIG thing though, they need something to catch the spark for them to work, so i think it's fair that to light a fire you would also need a bandage to catch the spark to light a fire...
  5. OK, while i do understand what you are saying, and i like various options, though some are a bit harsh, esp. the ones that reduce in effectiveness (then again some do make sense!) ... this totally negates the fact that atleast most humans would learn during their lifetime, and get better at things. If you check the OP, i also put some of these things in, for atleast hunting (spoiling meat) & engineering (chances a part breaks). So i think both these things should eventually make up the system. Quite possibly an item can spawn with certain stats, and these feed into the system which also takes the players 'skill' into account.
  6. L0G!N (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    Skipping 37pages: - You forgot an option! Get advertisement MoneyZ from the companies that make the products that you have put into the game! - Free-to-Play, model with customization options, clothing (no in game benefits please!) - If i have to, BuyToPlay, but i would be taking a good look at the game, and you would have to be a lot less fague in where this game is heading. - In regards to servers: Both 'official' as well as 'community servers', for official servers try and get worldwide coverage with atleast 4 servers on every continent, and have these set each to one of the difficulty settings (recruit, regular, veteran, expert). Have somebody in charge of them and have them check the community servers regulary, if there are a lot of veteran/expert servers on that continent, set the veteran/expert servers to recruit and regular. Making sure 'you' atleast cover every difficulty level. - Realy try and get companies to pay you advertisement money, Pepsi, Coke, Bean Manufacturers etc. look at every item in the game, find people that make them, 'brand'them and have those companies pay 'you' for it ! - development for the DayZ mod on Arma2, use the community to make assets for an eventual DayZ map, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/627-what-should-our-next-competition-be/page__st__40#entry256589 and take a good look through the ideas section, there are some realy good ideas in there! Try and get the Mod as far as you can, and leave a stable product behind (possibly a port to Arma3), you somewhat owe the Arma2 engine your success and just ditching it for some other engine will come to haunt you! (if only in your sleep) - Development for DayZ stand alone. Do some good engine research, building it all from scratch is a shit ton of work and requires a whole studio. Pick a better suited engine (with dev tools) and you can have the community pitch in, creating content, while you keep 'the say' over what makes it in. Dare i say something with good physics build in, so you can build & destroy things! - lastly think of what made this mod/game grow and become so popular, 'us' , not what may make you the most money, just look at all the games that have money as their priority, and where it took them, isn't the opposite what drove you to make this game? or atleast what made it grow so fast and become popular ;) ... (and THAT will get you alot of money anyways ;) )
  7. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Medical items in secondary ammo slots.

    It's because you have more room as 'normal' inventory and thus there needs to be presure on it from all sorts of items as well, also, if you would add: bloodbags, bandages, painkillers, morphine, antibiotics, epen all to the secondairy slot, there be no room for all and esp. no room for any ammo... And special bags for special purposes, yes please !! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29729-if-you-are-good-at-something-professions-teamwork/ ofcourse with a reduction in inventory size in general...
  8. @Zera_Grey, well i try to do both, like the 'extra' for hunting in regards to where to shoot/hit an animal. Now currently the animals are all stationary stupid things, but once they become more responsive sneaking up and good aim become realy important, but on the other hand, you may realy need that flesh, so taking a shot when the animal makes a run for it, now has a risk attached to it... As far as medicine go, well it's hard to incorperate the environment into this, and the other thing is, things that are linked to the environment shouldn't be compensated by a +1 stat on the character, atleast that is what i think. Taking that hunting again, i do not think you should have less chance on spoiling meat on a shot from behind just because you have lvl50 in hunting, you may be able to have a bigger chance to retrieve an unspoiled piece of meet from an animal you shot from behind though, as you likely know how to gut an animal and how to avoid any spoiled sections... So in that regards i pretty much always end up with things i character would learn, as things in the environment is something a player has to deal with himself, i do not think a +1 system should make that easier. like accuracy for example... But if you can give some example of what you like or don't like, that would help me better understand what you mean with 'changing the environment' instead of 'changing the player' ... :)
  9. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Crossbow, picking up steel bolt

    So they bend :P making them useless? I agree with this, and i didn't even know you could retrieve them, i tried to though, assuming they would indeed 'attach' themself to the loot list of the dead body. when they didn't i just assumed i lost the bold, and after two shots i just threw the crossbow away :o ... so all for this
  10. L0G!N (DayZ)

    A Move towards Subtle UI

    I like this idea, because i don't know i'm hungry untill i feel hungry, nor do i know the temperature untill i feel to cold or to warm ... and yes for bleeding it's somewhat hard to see in first person, atleast when alone, you can see a friend bleed fairly easily... As for 'more subtlety' i would think that more sounds would help, as well as a more elaborate physical system most noticably fatigue and running speed could help...
  11. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Medium Value Barns Animal Spawn Chance

    This crossed my mind today as i wrote my story about the barn, so it would make sense, it's not uncommen for animals to sniff out abandoned barns for food...
  12. sounds like this mod will only attrackt more zed's to gunfire, esp in cities... also sounds a bit 'over done' for some reason, but then what do i know, we have very strick gunlaws in my country so the only bangs i know come from firecrackers, these do not produce such a loud echo though! (hence the mention of 'overdone')
  13. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Which map would you like to see for dayz?

    Surely there are more than 3 maps for Arma2? All of the current ones suggested are just to small!! Requirements (in my views): - Big, atleast 100x100km as a bare minimum, the bigger the better ! - Forest, part of the game relies on getting wood, which can only be achieved in the forest... - Diverse layout : large cities, small towns, outposts, airfields, bases, etc.. (current map has this fairly decently) - More enterable building (the more the better) Revamping the current map is a whole lot of work, from an interview i saw with Rocket i noticed he said that setting up an excisting map was a reasonable amount of work (though he mentioned wanting to stick to other priorities 'now') ... i would personally realy favor a new map on or around the version. That seems like a real milestone that could be celebrated by resetting everybody to newbspawn on a new terrain, where nothing is known and everything has to be figured out again... This will also give new and possibly good feedback on 'how hard' DayZ currently is, as a lot of complaint for 'its to easy' come from people that know the current map by heart ...
  14. @Zera_Grey, the idea is not to limit somebody by an arbitrairy choice made, it's to limit everybody and give everybody a chance to grow, and while yes it does give groups a small advantage by being able to split up tasks and thus grow a bit faster, by no means does (or should this) limit a solo player from becomming Rambo/MacGiver/BearGrylz if they survive long enough to do so. The benefit of this promoting teamwork to split up tasks is exactly what can enrich this game, every interview i saw Rocket talk in he mentioned he was looking for things to enhance teamplay, well this is 'one' option to do so... not saying it's the best or the only, just that it is one option... Another thing this does is that it increases investment in a character, and thus the increase the scare of dieing, it up's the stake of the game the longer you survive, and in a game where a lot of people 'complain' they can be fully loaded in 20min, a learning by doing system will mean there is a lot of room to improve after those innitial 20min. It also ads atleast a 'mid-game' to DayZ, not so much an end-game... Yet another thing it does is add some 'authenticity' or 'believability' to the game in regards to being Rambo/MacGiver/BearGrylz from the moment you spawn, as you are not, you are mostly just you, some civilian that happens to end up on the zombie apocalypse, hoping to survive long enough to increase one's skills in order to thrive... And lastly, it's the least evil of all the suggestions popping up for classbased play, and as i said in the OP, i would not like to see classbased play in DayZ, there are other games that do that (well it's hard to even find a game that DOESN'T use classes/professions etc). So by having the least evil, while perhaps the most harsh (every new spawn starts at the same level for everything), all those suggestions can just be answered with "there is learning by doing" in DayZ, discussion largely over ;) :P And absolutely last, i also think all of these 'skills' can just be hidden from the player, there is no real need to display somewhere you are lvl100 in something, as that just introduces that RPG 'carrot on a stick' behavior, people 'farming' etc. If you hide all these things then people subtly notice they get better at some things, while never knowing exactly how good they are, how much better they can become. Which is exactly like it is in real life... (unless your ego is very large, in which case you will always over estimate your abilities)
  15. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Use weight on items

    Well as said a bit above, i do think either stamina/endurance/condition/fatigue w/e to call it system should be influenced by weight, and not so much the other way around, as the weight influences how fast you would get tired (and while the opposite is also true, a feedback loop in coding tends to just screw things up) ... i do think strength is completely different from endurance, though they do influence eachother, a stronger person will tire less quickly with a certain load than a weaker person. So instead of choosing for one or the other, i would always choose to have both, makes for a more complex system which will be more subtle and thus feel more natural ... Seeing stamina/endurance/condition/fatigue system is brought up again, i will add it to the OP, so people wont have to mention it again :) ... I will also add the following more clearly as i think it's important (in regards to people praising me personally) this OP is a remake of an entire thread that got lost, so not all the things in the OP were thought up by me, they originated by interesting contributions/feedback/questions from other people, whom i can't give credit by name since the original thread is gone ... so while i like being complemented please realize that it's not all my work ;)
  16. @Lance, well locking people out of using something is something i personally would be against, esp. in the current broken bone situation (it having no alternatives to morphine). I much rather give people a chance to 'fail' at something (f/e starting at 50/50) to then reduce this fail chance over one's lifetime to say (98% - as anyone can always make a mistake) ... and yes even trained nurses can, i know so when one took a bloodsample and left me with a painfull arm and a large hammorage on my arm for a week... So if i were to take your 'list' of medical actions i would assign a succes % to each, and if something has to option to partially succeed that can be taken into account too something like: - painkillers (100%, as you just take them :P ) - bandage 80% success, 20% chance of not stopping bleeding, over X uses of bandages goes up to 98% succes 2% failure. - epen, 60% success, 30% chance to reduce unconcious state by 50% duration (maybe sliding scale), 10% chance to fail. which over X uses increases to 90% success, 8% chance to reduce unconcious state by 80%, 2% chance to fail. - Morphine, 50% success, 30% chance to reduce broken state to fractured state, 20% chance to fail, after X uses increases to, 90% success, 8% chance to reduce to fractured state, 2% chance to fail. - Bloodbag, 30% chance to heal for 100%, 50% chance to heal for 50% of the bloodbag content, 20% chance to heal for 20% of content. After X applies, 80% chance to heal for 100%, 10% chance to heal for 50% of content, 8% chance to heal for 50% of content. - Bloodbag pain, 40% chance to succeed, 50% chance to set the 'victim' in a pain state (stopped with painkillers obviously), 10% chance to give the victim bleeding (hitting an artery instead of a vain). After X applies, 80% chance to succeed, 18% chance to induce pain, 2% chance to apply bleeding (if possible 'if applied during the night') This way nobody is cut off from applying anything and getting out of w/e medical emergency, while at the same time there is room to grow, and in case of team play, there is a real reason to assign somebody a certain 'role' as they would benefit from 'training' their skills. @Paradox, I altered the the medic 'line' a bit just above here, does this look better? (i'll change the OP at some point) ... what is it that you don't like about engineering, if you can give more specifics it's easier for others to suggest changes and improve on the innitial idea :)
  17. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Weight v. Movement Speed

    Check the other thread linked just below this fast reply box, there was already a quite extensive discussion about weight ... so that discussion was lost and i remade my OP to include most of the things that were mentioned should have an impact etc.. continue the discussion there perhaps ? atleast read it so you know things that have been mentioned in relation to weight already :)
  18. L0G!N (DayZ)

    A case against random weapons/loot

    I agree with you, and i strongly disagree with you, and i am slightly amazed this comes from a writer... I will start with the writer part, why does it amaze me? because how does a writer, 'write' that scenario without the reader putting the book away... Tommy finally saw the barn, he managed to distract the zombie by throwing the last empty can into a pile or rubble, he was glad he hung onto that can even though he ate hours ago and he can hear his stomach rubling already. While the zombies stubled towards the pile of rubble to investigate the noise, Tommy quickly made it into the barn. And it felt like christmas, food, a riffle w/ ammo, a hatched. Tommy quickly picked everything up and made his way up into the barn, the higher the better, that way he could see the zombies comming. Being relatively save Tommy started to eat, it's amazing how a cold can of beans can taste so good, if you are so hungry. Being satisfied and a bit more at ease, Tommy decides to search around the barn some more, hey another riffle with ammo, more food, more hatcheds, Tommy quickly grabs the ammo, the more the better, these riffles tend to be more trouble then they are worth at times, attrackting ever more zombie to the noise, so a lot of ammo comes in handy... Sofar so good, but then, he finds another rifle + ammo, and another and another and another, what sort of barn is this, is this even a barn? feels more like a friggin shotgun manufacturing plant, Tommy 'gathered' all the shotguns, enough for a small army! ... ok that totally didn't make sense, did it? at this moment 'as a reader' i may still read on, perhaps this farmer was a gun collector, but if Tommy comes across this in every situation, n/m i'll go read something else... So that is why i strongly disagree with you, having fixed spawns would start to become rediculous realy fast, esp. if Tommy decides to hang out in the barn for a few nights. Why do i still agree, well this has to do with the items you find 'in the barn' it would hardly make sense for Tommy to find an MP5, AK74, Buffle, etc. in the barn or even a rocket launcher. So yes, having a somewhat fixed item list per location does make a lot of sense (btw. this is how the game is set up allready)... So what would make for a compelling story, and while i do not know if Rocket meant 'Tiers' the way i am going to explain them, i think 'Tiers' for spawn locations would create good scenario's, together with randomness, and some 'limited' item list per location. So how do these tiers work, well every location starts off at a random tier, and every drop cycle the location is 'upped' one tier (or perhaps even this can be randomized, so that at server start the location rolls a 3 sided dice, and sets 1, 2 or 3 for the amount of cycles it takes to up this location 1 tier, then when the location is 'upped' a tier, it rolls that dice again, this roll also happens after a player loots that location). So if no player loots that location, it eventually spawns items from the highest tier for that location, this is still a list of random drops, but 'lowest' items are not on there and some good viable options have a high chance of spawning. So now a player comes by and he loots this location, this then drops the location's tier by 1 to 3 (can be random, and will depend on the amount of tiers etc). Which may mean that the exact same items may drop again, but now with entirely different chances, highest value items may now have a very slim chance, while the 'medium' value items get a high chance. If this player stays in this location the following happens, he slowly reduces the buildings 'tier' to tier0 at which time only empty stuff spawns with a very slim chance of finding a tin of food or drink. Torches & chemlights etc. spawn. So now back to that story for Timmy: This farmer must have been a hunter as well, two rifles, to bad tommy didn't come across a living sole yet, and he can only shoot one at a time, so better leave this for some other surviving sole to come across it, if there even IS another living sole. Tommy notices that now that he ate and drank, and night is starting to fall, he feels tired. It must be the relative safety of this barn, and the nice straw. Tommy barricades the barn doors, and piles up some garbage infront of the door to act as a makeshift alarm system. Then makes it up back high into the barn, and falls asleep. (snips out some exciting stuff) Tommy wakes up, that was hardly a nights sleep, but still he feels good non the less, still the best sleep in days, or was it weeks, time passes unnoticed and the only thing that realy matters is whether it's day or night anyways. Tommy drinks his last can of coke, realizing that yesterday afternoon when he made it into the barn he hardly even searched around, he just saw the food, the rifles and it was soon to dark to realy look, and other things took priority... Tommy removes the alarm from the barn doors, everytime he mistakenly makes a loud noise his heartrate goes up and he stops to listen carefully for a few minutes, though they seem like hours at times with a heart beating high up his throat. No sound of zombies though. Tommy opens the barn doors and the light of day shines into the barn. A quick look around outside, makes Tommy feel save enough to start to 'tear this barn appart'. Tommy quickly spots another tin of food, breakfast! And sure enough, this farmer must have been a hunter, it doesn't take long for tommy to find some more rounds, a hunting knife and a canteen. The rest seems to be rubble, or no there behind those bales of hay, more food and drinks. This will last him through the day. Tommy decides to stay in the barn for another day to rest and regain his strength a bit, sitting in the sun with the barndoors open, it almost feels like a holiday at the farm with granny, a tear roles down from Tommy's eyes quickly turning into a smile, Granny hadn't died to long ago but atleast she died before 'it' happened, there was no way she would ever be able to turn into one of 'them'... Tommy spends the rest of the day reinforcing one of the barn doors, and making his bed comfy. The other door will be less enforced but have that emptycan alarm set up again, that worked very well last night. A can of food and a coke, dinner, being fairly rested this cold can of sardines doesn't taste half as good as that cold can of beans last night, but it's food. Tommy then quickly doses off into the night, tomorrow will be the day he moves on. Tommy sits up straight in his comfy bed, A loud bang woke him up. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT, he hears the reinforced door making sounds, followed by a soft 'grrrr', then food steps around the barn. Tommy grabs his shot gun and points it at the other door, This better be no zombie, because w/e it is, it is smarter than the zombies Tommy encountered sofar, a drop of sweat drops from Tommy's forehead, his hands are sweaty. Another loud 'bang' and the reinforcements break, the tin cans fly around the barn. It takes all of Tommy's restraints not to shoot. "SHIT! it sounds in a high pitch voice", the barn door is quickly shut again, then fast footsteps inside the barn then nothing but heavy breathing. Tommy sits quiet aswell, both knowing that that sound likely allerted any zombie nearby, and in shock hearing a human voice. His heart beat slowly sinks back into his chest, but keeps pounding fast. Humans pose their own risk, as Tommy knows far to well. He is from Electro and he lost a good companion there, to a bandit non the less. Who would have thought that in something that can only be described as the Zombie Apocolypse people would kill others over a can of beans... After what must have been atleast 20minutes of silence, Tommy finally decides to call out into the dark, apparently there were no zombies near. "WHO ARE YOU! ARE YOU FRIENDLY ?! I AM ARMED!!" ... "Shh, are you crazy !! Yes i am friendly" a female voice wispers through the barn. "Who are you?!", "I'm Anna, whom are you?"... "Move into the center of the barn so i can see you, and decide if you live or die, if you have any weapons 'if only a toothpick' i would advice you to drop them infront of you" ... "Wait are you a bandit, i don't want to die?" ... "Just do as you are told, I will just start shooting and you'll die for sure, so give yourself a chance" ... Anna moves to the center of the barn, the sound of something metal hitting the floor follows shortly after. "Don't kill me please, or maybe, no wait, for some reason i'm still glad to be alive even though i am not sure why". Tommy slowly but surely makes it down from his hiding place up in the barn, never loosing aim or pulling his finger off the trigger. "Back away", Anna back away, and Tommy kicks w/e that metal is away, then slowly walk in it's direction, still keeping the gun aimed at Anna. He picks up the hunting knife. "That all you got?" ... well no anna replies, "but you said any weapons, i have some painkiller and a can of coke, but you will have to kill me to get those." Anna felt her throat choke up, she couldn't believe she just said that, she saw people killing eachother over beans in Cherno. "So are you going to shoot me? If not can you please put that gun away, i am loosing the feeling in my arms"... "are you hurt?" ... "no but having them up in the air isn't realy doing them any good" ... Tommy lowers his gun, and Anna lowers her arms. Don't worry i wont hurt you, I am Tommy, i'm from Electro, is there anything you need? I have 'some' supplies. And there are likely still some tools left in this barn. But we will have to look tomorrow, can't see a thing now... I'll hang onto this knife for now, you can sleep on the opposite side of the barn, just grab some straw and make yourself comfortable, i'll restore my zombie alarm. "you don't trust me?" Anna asks. "No ofcourse not, well not now anyways, i have seen people kill eachother over the smallest things, so if you don't mind i will be weary of you for a while" ... "well i can be on my own way tomorrow morning, i will even leave now if you want me to, i guess you can even keep the knife" ... "Well lets sleep for now, far from eachother so we can both evaluate what we want, and do so in the morning." Anna walks up the stairs and grabs a bale of straw, way up in the barn she spreads it all out and lays down. 'Auch, she thinks, i laid don't on something hard'. She feels in the straw and grabs what feels like a branch. She slowly pulls it from underneath her, it's an Axe. She quickly puts it down, what if Tommy thinks i lied, should i tell him i just found this Axe b4 he shoots me.. He didn't tell me what stuff he got on him, besides the gun ofcourse, well and he got my knife... What if i just kill him in his sleep, take his stuff and move on. Anna felt her stomach turn at that thought. That may not be a good idea, but it's nice to have this axe with me, what if this Tommy isn't so friendly and decides to cut my throat with my own knife while I am sleeping. I'll tell him about the Axe when we wake up, so he doesn't shoot me when i walk down the stairs... Anna and Tommy both ponder their new situation, and it takes quite some time for both of them to fall asleep... As Anna wakes up and sits up, she sees the barn doors open and light shining in, it's raining. As she looks around the barn she sees Tommy sit on the first floor across the barn, with the rifle in his hands. 'Have some breakfast' Tommy says, as he points at the first floor directly below her. As Anna repositions her hand to help herself get up she put her hand on the Axe, the drowsyness of waking up had not made her realise about it straight away. "I... I found this Axe yesterday evening, it was up her" ... "that's ok, put it in your bag though and enjoy your meal" ... Anna makes it down to the first floor on her side, a can of frank&beans is sitting there, with her knive pried in the wooden floor. "Tnx, don't you need this knife?". "Well this farmer used to be a hunter, i found one yesterday, and besides, it's your knife". Anna pries the can open with her knife and eats the beans, then grabs her bag. "HO, there missy, what are we planning", Tommy has raised his gun and is pointing it straight at Anna. "Relax i'm just grabbing my last can of coke, i need something to wash this down"... "ok, ok, sorry, i'm a bit itchy, you are the first human being i have seen in weeks, maybe months, since i left Electro, and humans were exactly the reason i left, they killed eachother over what ever they could find!" ... "I know what you mean, says Anna, that's why I left Cherno as well" ... a moment of silence follows as Anna drinks her coke ... "Soo, is there anything left in this barn, besides this axe, or did you strip it clean already?"... "Well i went through it yesterday, but perhaps there is some more laying around, i thought i saw another gun when i first got here, but i haven't been able to refind it, i must have been halucinating somewhat, as this barn was a good find at first" ... "Ok then, well lets both search our own side again then shall we? finders keepers.." Anna suggests. "Good plan!, but i'll keep my eyes on you" ... "is it that long since you seen a female then, should i be worried?" ... Tommy eyes up Anna, she looks pretty, with her brown hair and well he can't make out her eye color from across the barn.. "Don't you worry, i'm not like that" ... "since when are men not like that" anna replies. They eye eachother and start to laugh! ... "Ok, enough with the chit chat, lets try and find some more things and move, i just have one can of food and an empty canteen, so we can't realy stay here for another night, best we move when we can still see those 'things' from afar." Anna agrees and the both start looking around 'their side' of the barn... "I FOUND ANOTHER CAN OF FOOD!", Anna shouts. "SHHHH, are you crazy, shouting like that" ... "Ohw my, you are right, this whole situation is sort of new to me, I never had to tell anyone anything for the last few weeks." ... "its ok, just keep your voice down" ... Both are quiet for a minute or two, listening very carefully for any noice of infected ... then they start their search. Tommy finds another canteen, Anna finds a dirty first aid box, with 2 bandages in it, and some rounds of ammo. After they made sure there is absolutely nothing usefull left they both move towards the center of the barn, it's the first time they see eachother up close. Her eyes are blue and the sparkle in the light comming from outside. He is half a head talled then me, dark hair and brown eyes, and it looks like he could do with a shave... "Found anything usefull?" Anna asks... "finders keepers right?" Tommy replies... "Well i found these gunshot rounds and untill i find a gun they won't do me no good, perhaps we can trade, if you have something in return.. Tommy ponders for a moment whether to suggest just handing over the ammo, because she doesn't have a gun to use them, or just point the gun at her and take them. instead he asks: "found anything else?" ... "yes i also found two bandages, i guess i could add one, IF you have something usefull." ... Tommy grabs the second canteen he found, "it's empty, but ill trade it for the ammo and a bandage" ... "sounds fair enough" anna replies... "where shall we go now?" ok done typing, but the story obviously continues. I hope you realize that with a tier system this situation could actually happen in game. Tommy entered the barn at top tier, and reduced it 2x. Then him and Anna looted it for a 3rd time, where esp. Tommy was lucky to find that canteen. Now that the barn is reduced to tier0-1 it's fairly unlikely they will find anything realy good in there. Sure they could stick around, and wait for the barn to grow up in tier again, but there is no telling how long it takes before they get something good again. And the whole system makes sense, if you or somebody else take the 'best' stuff that is in a spawn, its very 'authentic' or 'believable' that you would find the left over scraps... and Anna and Tommy would not be in the situation that the longer they hang around, the more riffles they find, upto rediculous amounts ;) 'tnx for reading all of this, i had great fun writing it!'
  19. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Use weight on items

    you are not 'infected' are you ?
  20. Ok, i can live with that, hope i didnt come across to harsh though, some of these things were fairly good, some aspects of it not so much, i have that with my ideas all the time, you learn addapt and overcome and usually end up with a better suggestion because of it. And one of the hardest things is being critical about your own ideas, esp when you put a lot of time into them. Best is to never see them as your new love, see them more as a first date, perhaps you can call eachother again, and improve your relationship work on it improve things, etc, but sometimes you just have to part and move on, as its just not working out ;)
  21. So if my mom tells me to go to bed at 22:00h i can never play this game? or if lucky on a high ping server, having to deal with lag as well (not that i have my mom around telling me how late i should goto bed, but for a large part of the world it will apply) ... and as i see you talking about hunger and thirst, by making it harder for people to sneak around they won't even be able to access a can of beans unless they play at night ...I think sticking your foot down and holding onto your beliefs can be a positive and good thing to do, but at some point it just being stubborn, and one usually notices this when a person starts to argue with their own proposals, realy take a step back, think about what some of these things would mean for new players for longer living players and for the game as a whole... if you just play the game you will automatically learn YOURSELF how to sneak everywhere, and as you get better at the game there shouldn't be a +1 mechanic that amplifies you getting better at it, atleast not in regards to stealth which is like 40% of the game ... so please part of putting those ideas up here must have been to get feedback and if some of your ideas didn't seem to work to then adjust them or change them or just scrape them and move on to the next ... if it's just to get praises and ignore any feedback, then... well i'm not sure what to say here... And in a survival game there should not be a moment where surviving is easier, it's already damned easy when you found those 4 items (hatched, matches, huntingknife, canteen(s)) atleast for as long as animals don't run or fight back. The 'fight' for water&food is always the driving force, it still is behind everything we do in life (except for maybe passing it on). You may not notice it untill you get into a situation where you can't just go to the grocerystore to get your stuff and they lock off your water because you didn't pay the bills, but realy, everything you do is to be able to eat and drink, the rest is just luxery...
  22. Ok well i tried, going over the skills again in more detail... weapons I do not like the accuracy, as again that makes no sense, it is a player skill it should not be controlled by some arbitrairy number, this goes for all weapons basically.. the 'reload' time on weapons makes some sense though. practical these are pretty much also covered in my 'learning by doíng' thread, with the difference that people all start out at the same level... physical - endurance, i am fairly sure this will be added to the game, perma running just doesn't seem to fit in with DayZ - stealth, this is some illogical rpg skill, and while i fully understand what you try to achief, an arbitrairy number here is just bad, this is a player skill and gaining 1/3 or 30% of an advantage for playing the game is just silly... - Resistance, while i agree on the food situation, you do need to realize that food & water are two driving forces in the game, they are set up on short cycles so every player encounters them. Also, a human just needs calories and moisture, and you need a certain amount of it, you may be able to fight your hunger/thirst better than the next guy so that you might be able to find something, but you will both still die of dehydration/starvation at the same time if you both do not find something... so if this is supposed to do anything it should be at those later stages of hunger, not the early stage of needing food or water...
  23. You know i do have another suggestion that could fit in where you currently have stealth, and it would fit the 'physical' parameter nicely, that is 'Strength' in the idea to add weight to items. As i realy realy dislike stealth, sneaking through towns etc. is a player thing to learn, when to prone where you can stand up etc. it's actually such a big part of the whole game that everybody would want that as a primairy stat, esp. if it denies access to locations just based upon some arbitrairy number... realy, ditch it, the rest i good, but stealth is bad ! thread about weight including strength: http://dayzmod.com/f...eight-on-items/
  24. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Adding achiefments !

    Lol, some naughty part of me so wants to quote that /\ so you can not undo what you said, but i'm to much of a nice guy :) ... let that be a lesson though, ALWAYS read the OP before you post anything !
  25. L0G!N (DayZ)

    Use weight on items

    Yeah i know that a stamina, fatigue, endurance system of sorts would add even more dynamics to this, but i figure that Rocket is well aware of permarunning and that it's likely been suggestion a gazillion times already ;) ... so i left it out... but yeah, it would fit in nicely!